所在版块:非常代购 发贴时间:2013-01-05 15:33

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usps 不是不容易中GST 么?纯粹好奇啊。。。

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
应求再开个Kate Spade特价区额外25%off的团购,国大分赃 fannylu   (393 bytes , 1450reads )
===分赃报名二:周一7~8PM NUS Engi E1或者麦当劳或者canteen=== fannylu   (0 bytes , 122reads )
===分赃报名一:周六4~5PM NUS Engi E1或者麦当劳或者canteen=== fannylu   (0 bytes , 105reads )
报名 - 周六4~5pm Engin取货 |ENZYME|   (0 bytes , 138reads )
HOW TO GO TO NUS Engi E1或者麦当劳或者canteen fannylu   (272 bytes , 142reads )
已转余款S$20.74,请查收。 pukaki   (19 bytes , 185reads )
包到了,账单结算如下,周末联系分货 fannylu   (88 bytes , 131reads )
团长,可以快递给我么?懒得过去拿。。。主要是时间不合适 走走   (75 bytes , 120reads )
你是说有妹纸发的贴子6块钱的快递? fannylu   (35 bytes , 112reads )
对的!麻烦啦! 走走   (71 bytes , 145reads )
你先PM我个地址电话吧 fannylu   (0 bytes , 143reads )
余款S$1.34 已转到dbs, 请查收 谢谢 Biostar   (0 bytes , 160reads )
ship出来了,和coach团+另外一个妹纸要求带的Hollister的衣服分两个包裹一起寄的 fannylu   (149 bytes , 128reads )
包裹到坡了,刚刚然后打电话和邮局check,不出意外周一可以送 fannylu   (49 bytes , 141reads )
跟单 |ENZYME|   (200 bytes , 143reads )
是不是没有10%off了? cucumber   (0 bytes , 145reads )
没有了= = fannylu   (0 bytes , 129reads )
请教美团,repack之后为啥不寄usps,而要走vpost呢? 三宝妈妈   (41 bytes , 143reads )
突然想起来上次不知道哪个团长不是好多包包USPS都中了GST么 fannylu   (136 bytes , 179reads )
我还是prefer vpost fannylu   (134 bytes , 170reads )
-------------分赃区------------------------ fannylu   (0 bytes , 132reads )
-------------------结算区------------------- fannylu   (0 bytes , 128reads )
-------------定金转账区----------------- fannylu   (0 bytes , 132reads )
已转$120。Transaction Reference 1301080319206676 走走   (72 bytes , 121reads )
没事的,麻烦妹子了~ fannylu   (0 bytes , 143reads )
===以下都收到=== fannylu   (0 bytes , 151reads )
已转167.63,请查收,谢谢~ winniepooh   (0 bytes , 153reads )
定金已转到DBS 请查收 谢谢 Biostar   (0 bytes , 143reads )
定金以转 |ENZYME|   (48 bytes , 158reads )
已转111.38, ref no 10465446609 蒂芙   (0 bytes , 138reads )
---------------跟单区------------------------ fannylu   (63 bytes , 136reads )
=======这个截团了======== fannylu   (12 bytes , 122reads )
跟单,不好意思,刚才填错地方了 盐阜人民商场   (200 bytes , 175reads )
Ok了,下完单了~这个额外25%off的SALE到明天中午就截止了~还要跟的请抓紧时间~ fannylu   (53 bytes , 141reads )
跟单 走走   (238 bytes , 156reads )
带上了,欢迎继续跟团~~ fannylu   (53 bytes , 144reads )
跟单 winniepooh   (240 bytes , 200reads )
跟个 Biostar   (219 bytes , 148reads )
跟单 蒂芙   (236 bytes , 155reads )
fanny美团终于开kate团了解火速跟 元吧头   (71 bytes , 157reads )
以上四只包包以下单,欢迎继续跟单。这个sale到1月6号就截止了。 fannylu   (53 bytes , 129reads )
PS 这个价格是25%off后不含税的价格,还有7%的州税 fannylu   (0 bytes , 134reads )
囧。。。自己回错帖子了。。。T-T fannylu   (51 bytes , 127reads )