所在版块:非常代购 发贴时间:2014-07-06 16:23  更多评分:

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
Nursety舒缓卸妆柚子味200ML $32

Sofina泡沫洁面乳 120G $25

肌美精3D面膜,红盒黄盒各一 2盒x$12

Spa蛇毒眼膜 2盒x$50

Lits Wistea身体乳,紫色麝香 $25

资生堂131粉刷 $27

Shaku小熊笔 2支x$30

小红花眼药水 8ML $9


 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
日本代购七月篇 Budabuda   (1540 bytes , 16076reads )
MM你下个月还搞吗? amaibaobao   (74 bytes , 106reads )
哈哈谢谢点赞 Budabuda   (77 bytes , 149reads )
内个城野医生 kittenway1983   (58 bytes , 209reads )
城野医生BB霜 Budabuda   (154 bytes , 139reads )
谢谢楼主 kittenway1983   (53 bytes , 87reads )
请问这个还可以带么 小慧慧   (18 bytes , 127reads )
额。。。没看到价格啊?代购怎么收费的额?现在日亚上买东西 陌陌用户   (0 bytes , 396reads )
啊,楼主已经说了没有的吗? dawnhanhan   (46 bytes , 101reads )
LZ我要下面的 开水白面包   (412 bytes , 182reads )
还可以跟的 Budabuda   (12 bytes , 164reads )
代购 sunshineweina   (55 bytes , 116reads )
你好 想要一盒蛇毒眼膜 可以站短我你的账号吗 我转定金给你 疯狂小肚兜   (0 bytes , 143reads )
跟帖 sunshineweina   (404 bytes , 117reads )
楼主 jojohujojo   (48 bytes , 88reads )
跟单 nannan2013   (545 bytes , 109reads )
定金已转 nannan2013   (55 bytes , 81reads )
收到啦 Budabuda   (4 bytes , 95reads )
电话 八懿六五 三亿把五 nannan2013   (0 bytes , 121reads )
代购日本大麦青汁吗? joyce主恩   (46 bytes , 126reads )
下单: @Tyra   (98 bytes , 161reads )
看看又忍不住了 honeywhq   (80 bytes , 110reads )
THREE 自然有机植物 色腮红 @wintergal Budabuda   (589 bytes , 130reads )
对,这个 wintergal   (17 bytes , 96reads )
雅莉格丝极致腮红膏 Budabuda   (2018 bytes , 119reads )
==================食品================== Budabuda   (2 bytes , 90reads )
春华堂派系列 @bridge Budabuda   (3900 bytes , 218reads )
AGF Blendy Stick 水果茶系列 Budabuda   (2245 bytes , 215reads )
AGF MAXIM Stick拿铁系列 Budabuda   (755 bytes , 121reads )
AGF Blendy Stick 咖啡茶品系列 Budabuda   (3631 bytes , 145reads )
Tokyo Campanella 巧克力波浪三层饼干 Budabuda   (718 bytes , 145reads )
Shiroi Koibito 白色恋人 Budabuda   (604 bytes , 136reads )
这个也来一盒 Sunxiaoqin   (1 bytes , 93reads )
薯条三兄弟 Budabuda   (712 bytes , 116reads )
收一盒 leongfei   (0 bytes , 130reads )
收到了 Budabuda   (96 bytes , 136reads )
Tokyo Banana Budabuda   (901 bytes , 156reads )
收一盒12只的 leongfei   (0 bytes , 115reads )
原味12只 Sunxiaoqin   (2 bytes , 118reads )
TOKYO BANANA Budabuda   (82 bytes , 98reads )
还能跟上买?能的话跟一盒 eddilily2002   (42 bytes , 103reads )
抢这个先!!! solacui   (42 bytes , 123reads )
目测是搭了末班车 Budabuda   (32 bytes , 98reads )
哇~谢谢MM么么哒~ solacui   (30 bytes , 102reads )
先占一个12只的。。。。 柒柒会傲娇   (35 bytes , 104reads )
这是在说我吗?嘿嘿,这个太好吃了,下手必须快一点 linmeng   (0 bytes , 122reads )
原味12只的一盒 wmtqx   (18 bytes , 111reads )
原味12只一盒,占位啊! 蚂蚁奶糖   (0 bytes , 103reads )
还是来一大盒 fiver   (26 bytes , 108reads )
==================眼药水================== Budabuda   (16 bytes , 92reads )
mm还能跟吗 可以下小红花洗眼水吗 姗shan   (0 bytes , 120reads )
可以跟,眼药水不单买哦 Budabuda   (24 bytes , 93reads )
Sante Beautéye @Joeykoo Budabuda   (512 bytes , 298reads )
Sante FX 参天眼药水 Budabuda   (1011 bytes , 209reads )
MM再加一个这个金盒眼药水><谢谢啦! qqmeng719   (0 bytes , 169reads )
好的 Budabuda   (6 bytes , 113reads )
ROHTO 养润水 Budabuda   (337 bytes , 126reads )
再加一个这个养润水 Sunxiaoqin   (36 bytes , 119reads )
没关系的 Budabuda   (16 bytes , 83reads )
ROHTO Z! Budabuda   (336 bytes , 102reads )
Lycée小红花眼药水(隐形眼镜适用) Budabuda   (335 bytes , 153reads )
Lycée小红花眼药水 @eddilily2002 Budabuda   (335 bytes , 125reads )
Lion Cool Fresh Budabuda   (336 bytes , 110reads )
求代ROHTO小红花小粉花养润水 eddilily2002   (60 bytes , 111reads )
==================保健================== Budabuda   (4 bytes , 96reads )
Kiribai 防蚊手环 @dawnhanhan @Joeykoo Budabuda   (3684 bytes , 157reads )
横山制药驱蚊手环 @dawnhanhan @Joeykoo Budabuda   (1354 bytes , 134reads )
mm好快就找到了! dawnhanhan   (73 bytes , 118reads )
mm给的关键词管用 Budabuda   (38 bytes , 98reads )
爬楼收获好大! dawnhanhan   (36 bytes , 115reads )
Sincere Vision @qqmeng719 Budabuda   (2223 bytes , 98reads )
跟!Fairy 1Day Princess 粉色和绿色各两盒 都-3.25 qqmeng719   (197 bytes , 260reads )
L-Con 1 Day Pop Budabuda   (201 bytes , 112reads )
哈哈对 这个rich black再要一盒-3.25的!! qqmeng719   (158 bytes , 139reads )
好的,都记下啦 Budabuda   (4 bytes , 86reads )
Seed Eye Coffret 1 day UV @doumama Budabuda   (1048 bytes , 568reads )
跟这个 doumama   (64 bytes , 102reads )
我又来加单了 这个美瞳粉色盒子的要4盒,都要-325的就是近视325度~[…] qqmeng719   (52 bytes , 170reads )
跟三洋的加强型束腹带和盆骨带 徐小福   (23 bytes , 100reads )
Dr.Scholl QttO美腿塑身 3D提臀 连裤袜 @cheryl_J Budabuda   (1044 bytes , 809reads )
犬印产后收腹裤 @蚂蚁奶糖 Budabuda   (2383 bytes , 108reads )
在淘宝上看到有这个牌子的,带盆骨修正的束腹裤 徐小福   (30 bytes , 166reads )
dacco三洋骨盆收紧矫正收腹带骨盆带 @蚂蚁奶糖 Budabuda   (359 bytes , 130reads )
dacco三洋产妇产后束腹带骨盆带(加强型)@蚂蚁奶糖 Budabuda   (410 bytes , 210reads )
Dr.Scholl QTTO睡眠袜/瘦腿袜 Budabuda   (1450 bytes , 135reads )
请问有那种可以外穿的嘛? cheryl_J   (40 bytes , 119reads )
野口医学研野口医学研究所银杏叶精华DHA EPA胶囊 Budabuda   (567 bytes , 354reads )
酵素X酵母108种植物谷物浓缩精华减肥粒 Budabuda   (632 bytes , 130reads )
山本汉方大麦若葉粉末100% @ Tiya Budabuda   (1321 bytes , 168reads )
==================美容器具================== Budabuda   (12 bytes , 77reads )
小林制药100%天然棉卫生护垫无香 Budabuda   (768 bytes , 208reads )
资生堂纸膜 Budabuda   (455 bytes , 130reads )
Kose美肌暦水敷容纸膜 Budabuda   (451 bytes , 111reads )
跟一个 liuliu1111   (30 bytes , 109reads )
丸三Selena 五层可撕型敷面化妆棉 Budabuda   (802 bytes , 123reads )
这个跟一个 鲜橙可乐   (0 bytes , 118reads )
Unicharm尤妮佳超吸收化妆棉 Budabuda   (887 bytes , 235reads )
Nudy Micro Fibre超细双眼皮贴 Budabuda   (661 bytes , 107reads )
Kiss Me 染眉膏 Budabuda   (534 bytes , 110reads )
Maquillage 心机睫毛夹 @wintergal Budabuda   (333 bytes , 133reads )
么么哒~! wintergal   (21 bytes , 111reads )
Suqqu 睫毛夹 Budabuda   (343 bytes , 139reads )
KOSE 绮丝碧粉底刷斜面粉刷 Budabuda   (639 bytes , 294reads )
资生堂斜头粉底刷131号 Budabuda   (341 bytes , 134reads )
白凤堂6件套刷具 Budabuda   (918 bytes , 381reads )
SHAKU小熊笔 Budabuda   (385 bytes , 250reads )
KAO花王蒸汽眼罩 Budabuda   (422 bytes , 98reads )
==================护发美发================== Budabuda   (6 bytes , 85reads )
大岛椿护发油 @小招xiaozhao Budabuda   (1348 bytes , 195reads )
谢谢mm! 小招xiaozhao   (86 bytes , 104reads )
Milbon玫丽盼Elujuda免洗护发精油发油 @兔毛君 Budabuda   (249 bytes , 593reads )
Loretta基础护理营养油 @无尾熊太太 Budabuda   (589 bytes , 117reads )
柳屋杏核护发精油 Budabuda   (462 bytes , 120reads )
美伊娜多护发精华油 @柒柒会傲娇 Budabuda   (633 bytes , 233reads )
==================唇膏================== Budabuda   (6 bytes , 88reads )
资生堂MOILIP药用润唇膏护唇膏 @小卡 Budabuda   (674 bytes , 159reads )
JILL STUART 花舞恋唇膏 Budabuda   (1016 bytes , 118reads )
Suqqu CREAMY GLOW LIPSTICK MOIST Budabuda   (359 bytes , 127reads )
CPB 肌肤之钥唇膏 Budabuda   (1200 bytes , 114reads )
Chicca 唇部超保湿打底精华 Budabuda   (408 bytes , 196reads )
Chicca MESMERIC LIPSTICK @夕微 Budabuda   (2783 bytes , 217reads )
==================眼影================== Budabuda   (8 bytes , 93reads )
Elegance Eye Shadow 雅莉格丝眼影 @circlemia Budabuda   (476 bytes , 113reads )
请问能代购elegance四色眼影么? circlemia   (0 bytes , 214reads )
LUNASOL十五周年限定双色眼影 @小卡 Budabuda   (427 bytes , 239reads )
LUNASOL十五周年限定五色眼影 @扯野棉花 Budabuda   (339 bytes , 152reads )
LUNASOL十五周年限定五色眼影 @Huiting13 Budabuda   (125 bytes , 233reads )
Lunasol红宝石系列 Budabuda   (128 bytes , 119reads )
红宝石多少米啊 simila   (0 bytes , 100reads )
Lunasol红宝石 Budabuda   (11 bytes , 143reads )
MM 订一块红宝石吧 但是图片貌似是猫眼石 不是红宝石呢:) circlemia   (0 bytes , 144reads )
红宝石 Budabuda   (326 bytes , 106reads )
谢谢mm:) circlemia   (50 bytes , 129reads )
请问有代购lunasol眼影吗?多少刀? Huiting13   (0 bytes , 113reads )
Addiction单色眼影 @_Liu94 Budabuda   (1171 bytes , 267reads )
Visee 四色眼影 @solacui Budabuda   (499 bytes , 131reads )
哈哈! solacui   (76 bytes , 78reads )
THREE 自然有机纯植物素肌 4D立体眼影四色眼影盘 Budabuda   (611 bytes , 168reads )
Chicca 眼影 Budabuda   (494 bytes , 116reads )
Suqqu 四色眼影盘 @momo1748 Budabuda   (1391 bytes , 172reads )
夏牡丹一定要搞到啊 fiver   (0 bytes , 124reads )
楼主还记得我!!不过我已经买了!! momo1748   (173 bytes , 82reads )
==================腮红================== Budabuda   (4 bytes , 78reads )
拉杜丽浮雕肖像腮红 Budabuda   (499 bytes , 110reads )
拉杜丽花瓣修容腮红 Budabuda   (969 bytes , 90reads )
JILL STUART 甜心爱恋腮红 Budabuda   (1294 bytes , 111reads )
求一个这个,还可以下单么?? 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 118reads )
可以啊,17号截单 Budabuda   (32 bytes , 97reads )
我跟单了,晚上转定金 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 110reads )
好的 Budabuda   (20 bytes , 76reads )
Chicca Flush Blush Powder Budabuda   (2316 bytes , 109reads )
==================粉底修容================== Budabuda   (8 bytes , 275reads )
黛珂AQ完美精致粉霜 MELIORITY Repair Foundation @扯野棉花 Budabuda   (1293 bytes , 323reads )
THREE Renewing Powder Foundation自然植物时间分时段粉饼 Budabuda   (663 bytes , 248reads )
Paul & Joe 搪瓷蜜粉(南瓜粉) Budabuda   (489 bytes , 130reads )
还能跟吗?不知MM回国没。 爱Cheese的老鼠   (16 bytes , 107reads )
南瓜粉可以的 Budabuda   (14 bytes , 95reads )
IPSA 四色修容盘 Budabuda   (775 bytes , 199reads )
雅莉格丝极致欢颜蜜粉饼 Budabuda   (1239 bytes , 115reads )
THREE 自然有机纯植物 素肌陶瓷粉底液 Budabuda   (488 bytes , 148reads )
Paul & Joe 搪瓷防晒隔离霜 Budabuda   (748 bytes , 119reads )
THREE 有机自然植物妆前乳隔离霜 Budabuda   (494 bytes , 215reads )
RMK 绢丝隔离霜 Budabuda   (711 bytes , 100reads )
CPB肌肤之钥妆前霜 Budabuda   (627 bytes , 221reads )
==================身体保养================== Budabuda   (6 bytes , 108reads )
NIVEA妮维雅美白保湿身体乳啫喱 @小卡 Budabuda   (797 bytes , 143reads )
我也要 fiver   (21 bytes , 116reads )
LITS WISTEA 身体保湿精华乳 Budabuda   (1177 bytes , 117reads )
花雪肌去角质保湿啫喱 Budabuda   (946 bytes , 113reads )
House of Rose Oh!Baby玫瑰身体磨砂膏 Budabuda   (891 bytes , 119reads )
==================除痘================== Budabuda   (4 bytes , 108reads )
FANCL ACNE CARE系列 Budabuda   (3660 bytes , 153reads )
================颈膜================= Budabuda   (6 bytes , 290reads )
蓝紫根去颈纹淡化黑色素颈膜 @limeng1688 Budabuda   (328 bytes , 122reads )
================眼膜================= Budabuda   (4 bytes , 118reads )
Kose Clear Turn 浓润面膜 @limeng1688 Budabuda   (3061 bytes , 403reads )
补一个高浓度vc面膜 12sgd _Liu94   (129 bytes , 174reads )
哈哈Mino面膜真的是各种好,mm都很爱 Budabuda   (48 bytes , 178reads )
肌美精集中保湿抗皱眼膜 Budabuda   (606 bytes , 108reads )
PURU 玻尿酸泪袋修护眼膜 Budabuda   (468 bytes , 94reads )
蓝紫根特效眼部按摩膏 Budabuda   (328 bytes , 115reads )
Spa Treatment 保湿蛇毒眼膜 Budabuda   (520 bytes , 232reads )
你好 想要一盒蛇毒眼膜 需要转定金吗? 疯狂小肚兜   (0 bytes , 144reads )
联系方式站短了 Budabuda   (4 bytes , 96reads )
Ghassoul摩洛哥粘土/高岭土面膜 @_Liu94 Budabuda   (1072 bytes , 167reads )
棒呆了 _Liu94   (23 bytes , 78reads )
Minon Amino Moist Mask Budabuda   (594 bytes , 210reads )
================面膜================= Budabuda   (12 bytes , 102reads )
盛田屋豆乳豆腐乳酪面膜 @_Liu94 Budabuda   (452 bytes , 189reads )
LuLuLun保湿面膜 @WXL Budabuda   (1839 bytes , 211reads )
这个1样一包 小慧慧   (4 bytes , 90reads )
收到订单啦 Budabuda   (18 bytes , 100reads )
KOSE Rose of Heaven玫瑰天堂温感蜂蜜美白保湿面膜 Budabuda   (342 bytes , 144reads )
炭酸革命面膜 Budabuda   (631 bytes , 94reads )
本来想买个碳酸面膜的 _Liu94   (135 bytes , 109reads )
凡尔赛玫瑰保湿面膜 Budabuda   (3850 bytes , 136reads )
LITS WISTEA 碳酸面膜 Budabuda   (638 bytes , 206reads )
肌美精保湿渗透面膜 @WXL Budabuda   (1765 bytes , 138reads )
肌美精超渗透3D面膜 Budabuda   (2451 bytes , 110reads )
蔓丹保湿面膜 Budabuda   (1369 bytes , 117reads )
Fancl 修护滋养精华面膜 Budabuda   (1387 bytes , 207reads )
Fancl 祛斑亮白修护面膜 Budabuda   (1283 bytes , 101reads )
城野医生光学深层净白水凝面膜 Budabuda   (946 bytes , 90reads )
乐敦柔丝芬消炎舒敏补湿面膜 @大壮壮 Budabuda   (917 bytes , 124reads )
我想要kose黑色肌美精一盒 WXL   (56 bytes , 133reads )
==================按摩紧肤================== Budabuda   (12 bytes , 105reads )
Suntory 三得利Milcolla胶原蛋白粉 @Joyan Budabuda   (460 bytes , 113reads )
我只是来安利一下这个胶原蛋白粉的 柒柒会傲娇   (122 bytes , 122reads )
嗯哪这个口碑很好的 Budabuda   (38 bytes , 97reads )
资生堂胶原蛋白片 EX @Joyan Budabuda   (406 bytes , 122reads )
资生堂胶原蛋白片ENRICHED @Joyan Budabuda   (644 bytes , 187reads )
Meiji Premium明治金装氨基胶原蛋白粉末 @Joyan Budabuda   (928 bytes , 118reads )
Meiji Amino Collagen 明治氨基胶原蛋白粉末 @Joyan Budabuda   (665 bytes , 210reads )
FANCL 美肌胶原蛋白片 @Joyan Budabuda   (1107 bytes , 157reads )
Suqqu 循环弹力小脸按摩瘦脸霜 Budabuda   (691 bytes , 94reads )
House of Rose 玫瑰瘦脸面部按摩膏 Budabuda   (889 bytes , 97reads )
城野医生紧致提升海洋胶原凝露 Budabuda   (1558 bytes , 220reads )
Ayura美活沙小脸美容液 Budabuda   (1015 bytes , 116reads )
==================美白================== Budabuda   (8 bytes , 99reads )
TRANSINO美白丸第二代 @liugaga Budabuda   (1124 bytes , 178reads )
麻烦帮我代购一盒TRANSINO美白丸,谢谢 liugaga   (0 bytes , 139reads )
好的 Budabuda   (16 bytes , 86reads )
FANCL 美白片 Budabuda   (466 bytes , 97reads )
Sofina淡斑精华美白棒 Budabuda   (381 bytes , 101reads )
Fancl Whitening Essence祛斑亮白精华液 Budabuda   (351 bytes , 401reads )
城野医生美白海洋膠原水凝露 Budabuda   (1189 bytes , 108reads )
HABA美白鲨烷精华美容油 Budabuda   (1177 bytes , 93reads )
请问可以代购一包TRANSINO美白丸吗, 谢谢 liugaga   (0 bytes , 174reads )
==================防晒================== Budabuda   (6 bytes , 114reads )
HABA 药用美白化妆水 Budabuda   (918 bytes , 81reads )
妮维雅防晒啫喱 Budabuda   (603 bytes , 114reads )
Primavista Long Keep Base 防晒控油妆前乳 Budabuda   (678 bytes , 109reads )
Sofina防晒霜 @dawnhanhan Budabuda   (2531 bytes , 211reads )
我要囤防晒霜! dawnhanhan   (40 bytes , 102reads )
Budabuda   (44 bytes , 129reads )
我是7月底 dawnhanhan   (24 bytes , 112reads )
soga Budabuda   (28 bytes , 106reads )
谢谢MM dawnhanhan   (144 bytes , 111reads )
好的 Budabuda   (166 bytes , 131reads )
应该没有诶 dawnhanhan   (91 bytes , 91reads )
ALLIE防晒 Budabuda   (2444 bytes , 202reads )
资生堂安耐晒 Budabuda   (1429 bytes , 141reads )
城野医生敏感肌防晒 Budabuda   (674 bytes , 98reads )
碧柔水活防晒保湿凝蜜 Budabuda   (884 bytes , 110reads )
==================美容精华================== Budabuda   (10 bytes , 112reads )
Fancl Moisturizing Essence盈润细致精华液 Budabuda   (1150 bytes , 166reads )
上善如水精华液 Budabuda   (489 bytes , 137reads )
黛珂LIPOSOME保湿美容液 Budabuda   (436 bytes , 176reads )
长寿里100%胶原蛋白线球 @飞天小猪 Budabuda   (964 bytes , 90reads )
奥尔滨黄金凝萃草本精华油 Budabuda   (715 bytes , 137reads )
顶一下lz的这个推荐 WXL   (88 bytes , 123reads )
HABA鲨烷美容精油 Budabuda   (1338 bytes , 162reads )
蒂思岚Dicila SP Repair Serum @xiaofan Budabuda   (732 bytes , 153reads )
================渗透乳/肌底液================ Budabuda   (16 bytes , 125reads )
Albion eclafutur 光辉未来细胞修护美容液 Budabuda   (1037 bytes , 249reads )
HABA 提拉紧致精华液 Budabuda   (1212 bytes , 123reads )
HABA 雪白佳丽美容精华液 Budabuda   (1369 bytes , 93reads )
黛珂软肌牛油果天然植物乳液 Budabuda   (545 bytes , 133reads )
奥尔滨渗透乳 Budabuda   (1094 bytes , 125reads )
==================保湿================== Budabuda   (10 bytes , 112reads )
药师堂尊马油 Budabuda   (949 bytes , 187reads )
Minon 氨基酸强效保湿啫喱 Budabuda   (492 bytes , 128reads )
Minon 氨基酸强效保湿乳液 Budabuda   (624 bytes , 135reads )
明色有机玫瑰特浓美肌保湿面霜 Budabuda   (351 bytes , 132reads )
松山油脂 无添加渗透型保湿乳液 Budabuda   (381 bytes , 108reads )
蒂思岚夜用乳液Dicila SP Energy Reserve @xiaofan Budabuda   (806 bytes , 301reads )
Pola宝丽 黑BA 碧艾赋颜晨光乳液 Budabuda   (344 bytes , 97reads )
城野医生海洋胶原保湿水凝露 EX Budabuda   (1310 bytes , 168reads )
==================化妆水================== Budabuda   (8 bytes , 109reads )
明色有机玫瑰收敛水 Budabuda   (367 bytes , 154reads )
Yamano琥珀肌化妆水 Budabuda   (626 bytes , 224reads )
资生堂保湿专科化妆水 Budabuda   (721 bytes , 96reads )
SANA豆乳美肌爽肤水 Budabuda   (362 bytes , 104reads )
SANA豆乳Q10化妆水 @无尾熊太太 Budabuda   (339 bytes , 94reads )
肌研极润玻尿酸保湿化妆水 Budabuda   (765 bytes , 186reads )
IPSA 时光重塑净白化妆液 Budabuda   (833 bytes , 143reads )
Pola宝丽黑BA全能化妆水 Budabuda   (366 bytes , 138reads )
上善如水保湿化妆水 Budabuda   (522 bytes , 124reads )
高丝药用雪肌精 化妆水 Budabuda   (525 bytes , 120reads )
城野医生活氧草本美肌水 Budabuda   (902 bytes , 116reads )
HABA纯海润泽柔肤G Lotion Budabuda   (1662 bytes , 124reads )
黛珂薄荷紫苏高机能化妆水 Budabuda   (274 bytes , 100reads )
奥尔滨健康水 Budabuda   (510 bytes , 137reads )
==================洁面================== Budabuda   (12 bytes , 109reads )
SOFINA苏菲娜保湿泡泡洁面乳 @WXL Budabuda   (913 bytes , 303reads )
加一根这个 WXL   (29 bytes , 147reads )
药师堂纯马油保湿洁面皂 Budabuda   (453 bytes , 108reads )
资生堂洗颜专科柔澈泡沫洁面乳 Budabuda   (501 bytes , 108reads )
COW牛乳石鹸保湿泡沫洁面 Budabuda   (818 bytes , 144reads )
我要这个 +1。 eyes   (24 bytes , 104reads )
蒂思岚洁面摩丝Dicila SP Washing Mousse @xiaofan Budabuda   (339 bytes , 153reads )
THREE 自然有机植物保湿舒缓平衡洁面乳 Budabuda   (489 bytes , 122reads )
Impress 印象之美泡沫洗面霜 Budabuda   (741 bytes , 94reads )
CPB肌肤之钥泡沫洗面奶 Budabuda   (626 bytes , 102reads )
黛珂白海泥去黑头洁面乳 Budabuda   (679 bytes , 100reads )
黛珂肌耀未来洁面乳 @WXL Budabuda   (464 bytes , 124reads )
Sonia Rykiel 桑丽卡酵素焕颜面粉 Budabuda   (665 bytes , 255reads )
Suisai酵素洁面粉 Budabuda   (687 bytes , 119reads )
再加一个 honeywhq   (52 bytes , 80reads )
记下了 Budabuda   (22 bytes , 80reads )
FANCL 柔滑洁面粉 Budabuda   (334 bytes , 108reads )
==================卸妆================== Budabuda   (6 bytes , 119reads )
Albion Moist Cleansing Oil @Fsnowann Budabuda   (494 bytes , 205reads )
Nursery 舒缓卸妆啫喱柚子味 @Angna Budabuda   (1543 bytes , 353reads )
再加个这个吧! 蚂蚁奶糖   (111 bytes , 95reads )
楼主 加一个Nursery 舒缓卸妆啫喱柚子味 @Angna @Tyra   (28 bytes , 203reads )
SOFINA苏菲娜净透保湿卸妆油 Budabuda   (957 bytes , 135reads )
城野医生超净透卸妆凝胶EX Budabuda   (759 bytes , 120reads )
城野医生洁净卸妝水 Budabuda   (668 bytes , 109reads )
Ayura美活沙卸妆凝露 Budabuda   (897 bytes , 102reads )
House of Rose 乳清卸妆乳霜 Budabuda   (1161 bytes , 85reads )
RMK 玫瑰卸妆膏 Budabuda   (1188 bytes , 123reads )
THREE 纯植物有机温和卸妆油 Budabuda   (1029 bytes , 201reads )
曼丹眼唇卸妆液 Budabuda   (483 bytes , 183reads )
价格 angeljyh   (40 bytes , 108reads )
没有别的费用了 Budabuda   (10 bytes , 87reads )
FANCL 净化修护卸妆液 Budabuda   (604 bytes , 120reads )
==================限定品================== Budabuda   (6 bytes , 104reads )
还可以跟吗 Joeykoo   (12 bytes , 118reads )
此贴太强大了! 慧新辰   (61 bytes , 113reads )
ALLIE UV MOISTURE GEL限定装 Budabuda   (501 bytes , 137reads )
楼主,按耐晒上次没收到,我收这款也可以 wintergal   (38 bytes , 95reads )
Fancl 夏季防晒限定 Budabuda   (1033 bytes , 186reads )
Fancl2014年夏季限定美白淡斑防晒套装 Budabuda   (845 bytes , 92reads )
黛珂薄荷紫苏高机能化妆水2014年限定品 Budabuda   (597 bytes , 290reads )
==================下单转账================== Budabuda   (107 bytes , 175reads )
已转余额 $67 Ref. no. 2014072901308107 liugaga   (0 bytes , 110reads )
跟单 假装穿马甲   (209 bytes , 129reads )
太好啦 Budabuda   (52 bytes , 97reads )
辛苦啦! 假装穿马甲   (42 bytes , 112reads )
加一单~ JUJUJU   (84 bytes , 112reads )
好的 Budabuda   (6 bytes , 103reads )
跟单,麻烦团长给下账号我转账啦~跟了夏牡丹碰运气~~ 南瓜同学   (99 bytes , 119reads )
团长转了49.99定金~~ref12921067432 ,from POSB @Budabuda 南瓜同学   (4 bytes , 114reads )
跟单 Vergiss   (257 bytes , 101reads )
记下了 Budabuda   (6 bytes , 85reads )
还可以跟单吗? 先列下来啦 祖儿   (155 bytes , 117reads )
好的记下 Budabuda   (18 bytes , 90reads )
我的单 fiver   (229 bytes , 104reads )
跟单 King002   (76 bytes , 117reads )
已转,请查收 King002   (51 bytes , 100reads )
跟单~ 小妖霖霖   (212 bytes , 121reads )
再加单~~~ 小妖霖霖   (85 bytes , 92reads )
问下楼主账号是多少? 小妖霖霖   (47 bytes , 81reads )
订单收到 Budabuda   (32 bytes , 93reads )
跟单 小叶女贞   (85 bytes , 129reads )
第一个是JS腮红,晚上转定金 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 128reads )
已转定金50,如果夏牡丹没有买到就是全款 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 100reads )
收到谢谢 Budabuda   (24 bytes , 93reads )
跟单 阿pp   (200 bytes , 85reads )
已转 阿pp   (72 bytes , 106reads )
收到谢谢 Budabuda   (8 bytes , 79reads )
好的,太感谢团长啦 阿pp   (0 bytes , 136reads )
跟单~ lalakoko   (217 bytes , 102reads )
已转订金$24,Ref.12905858292 lalakoko   (17 bytes , 108reads )
收到啦 Budabuda   (18 bytes , 76reads )
已转订金$24,Ref.12905858292 lalakoko   (17 bytes , 98reads )
已转21。Transaction Reference 1407130541125172 Huiting13   (0 bytes , 87reads )
下单! Huiting13   (115 bytes , 113reads )
订单收到 Budabuda   (14 bytes , 115reads )
跟单 skymagic   (77 bytes , 109reads )
订单收到 Budabuda   (16 bytes , 96reads )
跟单 aaalei   (509 bytes , 122reads )
订单收到啦 Budabuda   (24 bytes , 78reads )
已转定金$28 Ref. no. 2014071201865249 liugaga   (0 bytes , 93reads )
下单 时间太浅SERENA   (155 bytes , 79reads )
订单收到 Budabuda   (4 bytes , 67reads )
定金已转 时间太浅SERENA   (31 bytes , 79reads )
收到啦 Budabuda   (4 bytes , 79reads )
跟单 1234shu   (314 bytes , 109reads )
订单收到记下 Budabuda   (36 bytes , 102reads )
已转定金 1234shu   (71 bytes , 82reads )
订金收到啦 Budabuda   (6 bytes , 85reads )
再加两个眼药水 1234shu   (47 bytes , 109reads )
好的,记下啦 Budabuda   (5 bytes , 91reads )
跟单 秋味   (304 bytes , 106reads )
跟单 cheryl_J   (112 bytes , 100reads )
站短你啦 Budabuda   (4 bytes , 91reads )
然后还有再加两个小红花洗眼液,不是那个眼药水是洗眼液哈~帮小伙伴带。。。 qqmeng719   (0 bytes , 117reads )
小红花洗眼液不带了 Budabuda   (79 bytes , 155reads )
哈哈哈好的 也是也是~谢谢MM! qqmeng719   (0 bytes , 92reads )
PS这个要450ml的~ qqmeng719   (0 bytes , 106reads )
MM我再加一个养润水!!谢谢啦~PS我感觉我掉坑里了。。。 qqmeng719   (0 bytes , 162reads )
下单 H2F   (267 bytes , 147reads )
订单收到 Budabuda   (24 bytes , 132reads )
加单 H2F   (215 bytes , 123reads )
认真记下啦 Budabuda   (32 bytes , 109reads )
好的,谢谢团长 H2F   (0 bytes , 106reads )
想加个单 lucaswei   (32 bytes , 105reads )
好的记下了 Budabuda   (4 bytes , 91reads )
我想加个单 Sunxiaoqin   (49 bytes , 91reads )
好的记下了 Budabuda   (4 bytes , 80reads )
嗷我要再加个眼影lunasol十五周年双色EX03! qqmeng719   (0 bytes , 181reads )
好的 Budabuda   (16 bytes , 103reads )
跟单 希望还能跟上 JUJUJU   (415 bytes , 106reads )
跟上啦 Budabuda   (12 bytes , 83reads )
mm来这里下单询问 @sunshineweina Budabuda   (40 bytes , 84reads )
跟单 (这样算对吗) sunshineweina   (602 bytes , 205reads )
终于来对地方啦 Budabuda   (277 bytes , 230reads )
转账给你 sunshineweina   (95 bytes , 107reads )
好的 Budabuda   (14 bytes , 85reads )
这个有吗 Joeykoo   (50 bytes , 109reads )
下单。 eyes   (28 bytes , 76reads )
订单收到 Budabuda   (61 bytes , 115reads )
下单这里 @sunshineweina Budabuda   (364 bytes , 83reads )
下单啦~辛苦啦~ Marjorie1128   (261 bytes , 139reads )
站短你啦 Budabuda   (16 bytes , 85reads )
下单来这里 @jojohujojo Budabuda   (88 bytes , 118reads )
订单收到 @nannan2013 Budabuda   (38 bytes , 84reads )
下单来这里 @joyce主恩 Budabuda   (28 bytes , 87reads )
添加 leongfei   (54 bytes , 86reads )
记下了 Budabuda   (18 bytes , 86reads )
跟一个蛇毒眼膜 请问团长账号?谢谢 小招xiaozhao   (26 bytes , 140reads )
站短你了 Budabuda   (5 bytes , 88reads )
我的单 fionna2012   (264 bytes , 104reads )
谢谢 Budabuda   (8 bytes , 90reads )
下单来这里 @@Tyra Budabuda   (34 bytes , 89reads )
下单来这里 @liuliu1111 Budabuda   (58 bytes , 97reads )
恩恩 liuliu1111   (60 bytes , 117reads )
下单 yianle   (104 bytes , 122reads )
收到谢谢 Budabuda   (20 bytes , 83reads )
跟单 _Liu94   (104 bytes , 111reads )
好的,卡位先 Budabuda   (12 bytes , 89reads )
最后的确认单 _Liu94   (263 bytes , 122reads )
好棒 Budabuda   (40 bytes , 102reads )
转好啦 _Liu94   (30 bytes , 102reads )
不客气! _Liu94   (158 bytes , 142reads )
收到啦谢谢 Budabuda   (12 bytes , 93reads )
才发现又开了 哈哈继续跟 米妃妃   (142 bytes , 98reads )
已转 米妃妃   (14 bytes , 133reads )
收到了谢谢 Budabuda   (14 bytes , 92reads )
还可以跟么?想要一个安耐晒金瓶两个suisai酵母洁面粉还有一个肌[…] celinda1985   (31 bytes , 99reads )
可以的,记下啦 Budabuda   (84 bytes , 112reads )
我的单子,晚上回去就转帐,多谢啦~ yukimura05   (79 bytes , 101reads )
OK Budabuda   (12 bytes , 95reads )
跟一个先 Sheepoo   (32 bytes , 97reads )
好的 Budabuda   (14 bytes , 89reads )
白菜必须不能错过啊,hoho Sheepoo   (32 bytes , 87reads )
好的 Budabuda   (10 bytes , 83reads )
刚ibank转订金$5 Sheepoo   (8 bytes , 71reads )
收到了 Budabuda   (14 bytes , 100reads )
跟单~ 慧新辰   (147 bytes , 133reads )
加单 慧新辰   (48 bytes , 86reads )
好的 Budabuda   (6 bytes , 97reads )
每种各一个吗? Budabuda   (128 bytes , 197reads )
是哒 慧新辰   (32 bytes , 118reads )
跟单,谢谢! vincent09   (128 bytes , 105reads )
收到记下 Budabuda   (16 bytes , 82reads )
下单 daydayup18   (113 bytes , 117reads )
记下了 Budabuda   (24 bytes , 100reads )
已转定金,请查收, 谢谢! daydayup18   (0 bytes , 81reads )
神速赞一个 Budabuda   (10 bytes , 104reads )
下单 cyr   (263 bytes , 122reads )
好的 Budabuda   (22 bytes , 84reads )
定金已转 cyr   (25 bytes , 81reads )
收到啦 Budabuda   (16 bytes , 74reads )
可以再加个单么 cyr   (79 bytes , 84reads )
可以加的 Budabuda   (24 bytes , 89reads )
下单 leongfei   (122 bytes , 130reads )
好的都记下了 Budabuda   (36 bytes , 121reads )
下单 熹微   (59 bytes , 113reads )
收到了 Budabuda   (36 bytes , 103reads )
忍不住又来了,也该剁手了。 zim   (364 bytes , 90reads )
能再加几个吗? zim   (50 bytes , 98reads )
总共4个COW洁面,对不? Budabuda   (10 bytes , 104reads )
总共5个COW洁面 zim   (34 bytes , 119reads )
喔五个 Budabuda   (30 bytes , 82reads )
收到记下了 Budabuda   (46 bytes , 85reads )
下单,准备剁手!!! 黄河水   (463 bytes , 112reads )
膜拜 Budabuda   (38 bytes , 94reads )
转账收到了吧?再加两个防晒哈~ 黄河水   (152 bytes , 111reads )
转账收到的 Budabuda   (12 bytes , 104reads )
再再加单! 黄河水   (43 bytes , 85reads )
好的记下了 Budabuda   (4 bytes , 90reads )
请查收! 黄河水   (60 bytes , 103reads )
下单 夕微   (109 bytes , 124reads )
记下啦 Budabuda   (14 bytes , 98reads )
A/c no在哪里啊 夕微   (14 bytes , 167reads )
下单,第一次跟单,如果有问题求纠正~ Stella小苏   (220 bytes , 184reads )
有备选,太爱你了 Budabuda   (116 bytes , 83reads )
mm~可以加一单么? Stella小苏   (99 bytes , 121reads )
可以的,帮你带上 Budabuda   (4 bytes , 80reads )
其实我最想要的是樱桦和银葡萄 Stella小苏   (66 bytes , 99reads )
下单 迷你猫猫   (70 bytes , 127reads )
我是来认真下单的。。。。 柒柒会傲娇   (263 bytes , 112reads )
我认真记下啦 Budabuda   (184 bytes , 111reads )
我来加个单~~ 柒柒会傲娇   (46 bytes , 123reads )
OKOK Budabuda   (16 bytes , 90reads )
转好了! 柒柒会傲娇   (54 bytes , 110reads )
下单 lucaswei   (176 bytes , 119reads )
收到 Budabuda   (12 bytes , 84reads )
发现之前没填对地方 honeywhq   (85 bytes , 106reads )
下单 鲜橙可乐   (38 bytes , 99reads )
好的记下了 Budabuda   (6 bytes , 101reads )
已经转了 鲜橙可乐   (32 bytes , 198reads )
是vv吗 Budabuda   (40 bytes , 315reads )
亲 我要多加一盒五层可撕化妆棉 $5 鲜橙可乐   (4 bytes , 120reads )
没问题 Budabuda   (34 bytes , 86reads )
到时 鲜橙可乐   (38 bytes , 120reads )
我来下单啦,之前已经跟lzmm联系啦 WXL   (104 bytes , 137reads )
收到 Budabuda   (93 bytes , 85reads )
我晚上回家转给你吧 WXL   (6 bytes , 100reads )
下单 wmtqx   (95 bytes , 93reads )
Tokyo Banana Budabuda   (22 bytes , 106reads )
下单 qqmeng719   (126 bytes , 95reads )
收到咯 Budabuda   (30 bytes , 93reads )
已转from OCBC 请团长查收:) qqmeng719   (0 bytes , 284reads )
收到了谢谢 Budabuda   (64 bytes , 101reads )
再加单哈 Sunxiaoqin   (138 bytes , 110reads )
下单-tokyo banana一盒 eddilily2002   (26 bytes , 92reads )
下单 蚂蚁奶糖   (331 bytes , 131reads )
拍拍身上的尘土,默默拿出小本本记下 Budabuda   (28 bytes , 99reads )
加单 蚂蚁奶糖   (46 bytes , 123reads )
这个买了么?可以取消么? 蚂蚁奶糖   (64 bytes , 96reads )
三洋的收腹带和盆骨带好么? 徐小福   (36 bytes , 326reads )
已转定金到dbs 徐小福   (153 bytes , 175reads )
我也不知道好不好用。 蚂蚁奶糖   (104 bytes , 153reads )
看这个怀孕前尺寸都是M了,呵呵 徐小福   (157 bytes , 98reads )
三洋尺寸 Budabuda   (482 bytes , 163reads )
不知道这个size怎么选 徐小福   (167 bytes , 164reads )
三洋收腹带盆骨带 @蚂蚁奶糖 Budabuda   (62 bytes , 148reads )
这个还要啊,汗。 蚂蚁奶糖   (68 bytes , 111reads )
没问题 Budabuda   (32 bytes , 111reads )
已转,请查收。^_^ 蚂蚁奶糖   (0 bytes , 126reads )
收到啦 Budabuda   (30 bytes , 96reads )
下单 想不到名字   (40 bytes , 114reads )
哈哈急赶慢赶搭高楼 Budabuda   (8 bytes , 96reads )
已转 想不到名字   (47 bytes , 115reads )
收到谢谢 Budabuda   (88 bytes , 95reads )
又来下单了 想不到名字   (11 bytes , 90reads )
成功啦 Budabuda   (199 bytes , 142reads )
不知道这个跟单成功了吗 @Budabuda 想不到名字   (0 bytes , 121reads )
下单 Can蒂丝   (229 bytes , 108reads )
黛珂洁面乳 Budabuda   (32 bytes , 102reads )
不好意思啊,刚看到~ Can蒂丝   (79 bytes , 98reads )
站短你啦 Budabuda   (4 bytes , 89reads )
再下单~ Can蒂丝   (151 bytes , 101reads )
慢慢来 Budabuda   (18 bytes , 106reads )
还没看到眼药水的列表,先下个蛋 eddilily2002   (75 bytes , 85reads )
收到记下 Budabuda   (31 bytes , 107reads )
已转定金19,包括tokyo banana的 eddilily2002   (125 bytes , 80reads )
收到谢谢 Budabuda   (14 bytes , 88reads )
多谢啦! eddilily2002   (14 bytes , 103reads )
==================询价讨论================== Budabuda   (102 bytes , 111reads )
Canmake 棉花糖 (finish powder)多少米? 黄河水   (55 bytes , 140reads )
抱歉哦,停止新品报价 Budabuda   (24 bytes , 99reads )
fancl Huiting13   (73 bytes , 76reads )
Fancl FDR干燥敏感肌系列 Budabuda   (184 bytes , 292reads )
想跟隐形眼镜,不知道楼主确定散货时间了没,24号前有木有可能哇? Wendy_TWT   (0 bytes , 123reads )
刚订了票 Budabuda   (50 bytes , 68reads )
ooops,我25号早上走。。。 Wendy_TWT   (10 bytes , 106reads )
mikihouse @飞天小猪82 Budabuda   (1009 bytes , 119reads )
询价来这里 @Joeykoo Budabuda   (66 bytes , 93reads )
新加坡有卖的吗? Joeykoo   (8 bytes , 519reads )
在坡买过类似的 Budabuda   (147 bytes , 109reads )
帮我看看吧 Joeykoo   (20 bytes , 116reads )
这个 Joeykoo   (50 bytes , 89reads )
啊,这个我也想要! dawnhanhan   (167 bytes , 98reads )
MM回错贴了是吗 Joeykoo   (20 bytes , 94reads )
驱蚊手环 @dawnhanhan Budabuda   (151 bytes , 116reads )
好的,谢谢热心的MM! dawnhanhan   (0 bytes , 103reads )
sofina洁面乳 WXL   (6 bytes , 152reads )
嘻嘻 Budabuda   (12 bytes , 116reads )
太惦记了 WXL   (71 bytes , 127reads )
三洋产后束腹带和骨盆矫正带。 蚂蚁奶糖   (148 bytes , 155reads )
查了 Budabuda   (51 bytes , 99reads )
addiction 单色眼影 询价 _Liu94   (78 bytes , 127reads )
addiction ready to wear 询价 _Liu94   (118 bytes , 111reads )
又来种草啦 Budabuda   (211 bytes , 82reads )
好哒 _Liu94   (57 bytes , 99reads )
想买美瞳的隐形眼镜可以带上吗? doumama   (154 bytes , 119reads )
美瞳隐形眼镜 Budabuda   (172 bytes , 110reads )
可以帮忙代购吗? doumama   (46 bytes , 117reads )
求问SHILLS防晒喷雾的价格 wmtqx   (12 bytes , 92reads )
SHILLS防晒喷雾 Budabuda   (72 bytes , 76reads )
图里的这个。。。性价比比较高,我也不知道是不是气压罐的 wmtqx   (63 bytes , 93reads )
气压的 Budabuda   (24 bytes , 97reads )
豆腐 盛田屋 面膜 询价 _Liu94   (138 bytes , 152reads )
盛田屋 豆乳豆腐乳酪面膜 Budabuda   (362 bytes , 111reads )
还有CPB的明颜粉饼也想了解下价格 夕微   (173 bytes , 122reads )
答案是看不见图片 Budabuda   (41 bytes , 107reads )
哈哈 好吧 iPad不懂怎么发图 夕微   (50 bytes , 125reads )
THREE Renewing Powder Foundation 自然植物时间分时段粉饼 Budabuda   (197 bytes , 248reads )
Three的分时段粉饼代购价是多少呢 夕微   (4 bytes , 113reads )
分时段粉饼 Budabuda   (32 bytes , 99reads )
看得到么 夕微   (78 bytes , 99reads )
可以代购starbucks的杯子么? 兔毛君   (112 bytes , 98reads )
这个 Budabuda   (76 bytes , 99reads )
团长mm,听说日本kindle价格不错,代购价大约多少呢? 挪威甘菊   (0 bytes , 81reads )
Kindle Paperwhite @Vanessa921 Budabuda   (97 bytes , 111reads )
Ghassoul naiad 面膜/洁面 _Liu94   (374 bytes , 160reads )
==================公告散货================== Budabuda   (28 bytes , 144reads )
大喊一声。。。截。单。啦 Budabuda   (20 bytes , 83reads )
预订7月26日(周六)起强力散货 Budabuda   (94 bytes , 105reads )
截单日7月17日(周四) Budabuda   (164 bytes , 120reads )
截单通知:Albion 健康水 330ml Budabuda   (178 bytes , 103reads )
截单通知:TOKYO BANANA(12只) Budabuda   (219 bytes , 123reads )
高楼盖好啦,添砖加瓦的靠大家啦 Budabuda   (274 bytes , 103reads )
加油哦 WXL   (8 bytes , 109reads )
默默看着树形结构,不错 Budabuda   (32 bytes , 97reads )
我貌似破坏了你的节奏 WXL   (60 bytes , 96reads )
哈哈同类 Budabuda   (32 bytes , 101reads )