所在版块:非常代购 发贴时间:2015-02-01 23:29

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
楼主您好,记了些东西。2月盛港有团可以跟吗?可否@ 我。。

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
【东京EMS直邮】日本代购(五公斤免邮) Budabuda   (15881 bytes , 22971reads )
盛港最近有团吗 微笑的鱼儿   (55 bytes , 174reads )
稍后开二月贴 Budabuda   (81 bytes , 108reads )
谢谢啦亲~ 微笑的鱼儿   (0 bytes , 130reads )
取货地点 qll   (30 bytes , 132reads )
哪一团啊?跟团请看2015年1月贴 Budabuda   (32 bytes , 132reads )
kindle可以代吗 guaguajack   (39 bytes , 167reads )
坐等被团思密达 卷卷_卷卷   (85 bytes , 178reads )
开团啦,AT你了,不造成功没 Budabuda   (24 bytes , 166reads )
露珠大人,没找到开团贴,能在这里跟吗? literaryBeetle   (48 bytes , 116reads )
妹纸要常刷华新啊 Budabuda   (75 bytes , 185reads )
不知道我可以先捎带个kose纸膜么? literaryBeetle   (59 bytes , 113reads )
谢谢!ps suqqu和资生堂睫毛夹到底哪家强? 卷卷_卷卷   (54 bytes , 166reads )
哪个好用看个人感受 Budabuda   (75 bytes , 141reads )
真是的 说神马高端不高端啊 卷卷_卷卷   (34 bytes , 118reads )
有什么美白精华推荐吗? gdk   (30 bytes , 145reads )
美白用HAKU精华啊 效果显著 无尾熊太太   (0 bytes , 206reads )
真的吗真的吗?? gdk   (92 bytes , 116reads )
请问有没有花王的头皮按摩梳和泡沫染发 圣托里尼的猫   (38 bytes , 166reads )
楼主whatsapp 或者微信号多少啊? snnh923   (0 bytes , 188reads )
lz,参加ntu团,请问大概多久到啊 childefox   (125 bytes , 139reads )
再开NTU团的时候通知你 Budabuda   (83 bytes , 143reads )
不知道楼主代购kindle么,kindle paperwhite多少钱? 寻Q人   (0 bytes , 207reads )
这个可以买吗?多少钱? tu1pig   (100 bytes , 232reads )
链接错了,是这个 tu1pig   (39 bytes , 204reads )
请看169楼 Budabuda   (22 bytes , 185reads )
看了下,这个隐形眼镜好像没有看到? tu1pig   (0 bytes , 134reads )
Seed Eye Coffret 1 day UV Budabuda   (1276 bytes , 220reads )
不好意思,謝謝~ tu1pig   (77 bytes , 118reads )
mm啥时下的单?我漏了吗? Budabuda   (200 bytes , 132reads )
需要多久啊? tu1pig   (0 bytes , 155reads )
不客气哦,楼高不好翻啊 Budabuda   (156 bytes , 155reads )
Kiribai 桐灰防蚊手环 Budabuda   (1275 bytes , 190reads )
KIRIBAI桐灰 天然红/绿豆蒸汽眼罩 Budabuda   (581 bytes , 260reads )
可以代购日本模型么… jinsomnia   (26 bytes , 219reads )
有链接的话可以 Budabuda   (32 bytes , 183reads )
Chicca老版唇膏 Budabuda   (1973 bytes , 290reads )
Jill Stuart Lip Essence Budabuda   (475 bytes , 194reads )
N2000 wj0888   (94 bytes , 228reads )
Hitachi N2000 Budabuda   (137 bytes , 148reads )
替buda回 南瓜同学   (19 bytes , 194reads )
谢谢南瓜 Budabuda   (115 bytes , 186reads )
buda亲,不是限量腮红,是常态粉状01号,咩哈哈 扯野棉花   (4 bytes , 170reads )
哇,还好多扯了下! Budabuda   (26 bytes , 150reads )
这个也爱,我是强忍住了 扯野棉花   (30 bytes , 140reads )
真的要忍住 Budabuda   (32 bytes , 143reads )
ok的 南瓜同学   (6 bytes , 180reads )
JILL STUART 花舞恋唇膏 Budabuda   (3879 bytes , 301reads )
==================杂项================== Budabuda   (6 bytes , 130reads )
资生堂尿素特润红罐护手霜 Budabuda   (809 bytes , 191reads )
KIRIBAI桐灰 天然红豆蒸汽护肩 Budabuda   (650 bytes , 160reads )
小林制药脚后跟保湿防裂滋润棒 Budabuda   (1873 bytes , 167reads )
FANCL 无添加多功能多格便携药盒 Budabuda   (248 bytes , 124reads )
小林制药安美露涂抹液(新版) Budabuda   (548 bytes , 169reads )
小林制药眼镜手机镜头除菌清洁片 Budabuda   (1296 bytes , 194reads )
资生堂自然之眉墨铅笔(六角眉笔) Budabuda   (1478 bytes , 188reads )
Panasonic EH-SE 10松下干电式睫毛卷翘器 Budabuda   (449 bytes , 158reads )
Panasonic ES-WF40 松下干电式面部除毛修眉刀 Budabuda   (1604 bytes , 199reads )
APAGARD 特效微粒子除烟渍除牙垢美白牙膏 Budabuda   (1760 bytes , 262reads )
TO BE WHITE美白去渍牙膏 Budabuda   (1855 bytes , 980reads )
小林制药速干液体创口贴 Budabuda   (708 bytes , 274reads )
小林制药毛周角化药膏 Budabuda   (685 bytes , 502reads )
小林制药RIFF腋下止汗除臭抗菌啫喱 Budabuda   (666 bytes , 309reads )
Fancl 眼部滋润修护霜 Budabuda   (489 bytes , 185reads )
Kaoru玫瑰精油香体胶囊 Budabuda   (3904 bytes , 377reads )
TOKYO LOVE SOAP 身体私处美白皂 Budabuda   (2055 bytes , 484reads )
狮王植物物语百花香型美容香皂 Budabuda   (634 bytes , 236reads )
Cow牛牌牛乳石碱牛奶香皂 Budabuda   (608 bytes , 361reads )
Cow牛牌牛乳石鹼共进社无添加保湿天然香皂 Budabuda   (607 bytes , 233reads )
薬用石鹸 ForBack Budabuda   (813 bytes , 440reads )
要一个 金城   (8 bytes , 126reads )
漏了 金城   (12 bytes , 136reads )
药用石碱 金城   (13 bytes , 163reads )
总结 金城   (102 bytes , 137reads )
好的,mm是跟这次盛港团呢?还是等二月的健康水限定团? Budabuda   (101 bytes , 106reads )
眉笔 金城   (49 bytes , 160reads )
眉笔 金城   (37 bytes , 132reads )
好的,加你盛港团 Budabuda   (1291 bytes , 123reads )
药师堂尊马油(无香料、孕妇可用) Budabuda   (3777 bytes , 214reads )
资生堂六角眉笔 Budabuda   (3520 bytes , 193reads )
Baby Foot 便利套式足膜(30分钟) Budabuda   (2135 bytes , 163reads )
Smile Cosmetique美白祛牙垢敏感牙膏 Budabuda   (1830 bytes , 1322reads )
明色胎盘美白抗皱眼霜 Budabuda   (838 bytes , 500reads )
曼秀雷敦美白防晒护手霜 Budabuda   (1304 bytes , 569reads )
曼秀雷敦AD CREAM 止痒救星 Budabuda   (883 bytes , 230reads )
嘉娜宝新版Tiffa魔法童话玫瑰柔嫩保湿护手护甲霜 Budabuda   (801 bytes , 425reads )
Turu Queen's 脱毛膏 Budabuda   (632 bytes , 579reads )
池田模范堂面包超人儿童蚊虫消炎止痒贴 Budabuda   (947 bytes , 253reads )
Makiron防蚊驱蚊贴 Budabuda   (1198 bytes , 166reads )
横山制药 驱蚊链 Budabuda   (1078 bytes , 150reads )
和光堂婴儿天然桉树精油防蚊贴 Budabuda   (1118 bytes , 160reads )
贝亲婴儿天然桉树油防蚊贴 Budabuda   (865 bytes , 162reads )
横山制药驱蚊手环 Budabuda   (1662 bytes , 225reads )
==================食品================== Budabuda   (6 bytes , 128reads )
Kanro天然草本护声糖润喉糖 Budabuda   (893 bytes , 424reads )
常陆屋本铺江户大麦茶 Budabuda   (2112 bytes , 244reads )
Amashio天盐糖 Budabuda   (771 bytes , 220reads )
Asahi抹茶樱花红豆和风牛奶糖 Budabuda   (692 bytes , 230reads )
伊藤园抹茶粉 Budabuda   (966 bytes , 268reads )
Kracie玫瑰香口糖 Budabuda   (803 bytes , 316reads )
Tokyo Banana香草牛奶双味脆皮夹心饼 Budabuda   (537 bytes , 161reads )
Tokyo Banana 东京香蕉酥 Budabuda   (678 bytes , 238reads )
Tokyo Banana 巧克力夹心饼干 Budabuda   (709 bytes , 174reads )
Tokyo Banana三色三味年轮蛋糕 Budabuda   (1150 bytes , 254reads )
Tokyo Banana 葡萄干夹心饼干 Budabuda   (1124 bytes , 166reads )
Tokyo Banana 银座香蕉蛋糕 Budabuda   (1250 bytes , 233reads )
Tokyo Banana香蕉蛋糕 Budabuda   (1490 bytes , 347reads )
==================眼药水================== Budabuda   (6 bytes , 145reads )
乐敦ROHTO 40α 维他命营养眼药水 Budabuda   (1639 bytes , 854reads )
药水 金城   (10 bytes , 131reads )
Lion 洗眼液 Budabuda   (567 bytes , 310reads )
Lycée小红花洗眼液洗眼水 Budabuda   (577 bytes , 300reads )
小林制药洗眼液 @无尾熊太太 Budabuda   (1092 bytes , 1003reads )
Sincere Vision Budabuda   (1991 bytes , 347reads )
Seed Eye Coffret 1 day UV Budabuda   (2812 bytes , 239reads )
Sante Beautéye Budabuda   (470 bytes , 328reads )
Sante FX 参天眼药水 Budabuda   (907 bytes , 645reads )
Neo(银盒),12ml,代购价两盒SGD 13 Budabuda   (4 bytes , 139reads )
ROHTO 养润水 Budabuda   (333 bytes , 347reads )
想要两瓶眼药水 gibgas   (26 bytes , 153reads )
是的还要加运费 Budabuda   (100 bytes , 286reads )
ROHTO Z! Budabuda   (333 bytes , 178reads )
Lycée眼药水 Budabuda   (554 bytes , 284reads )
Lion Cool Fresh Budabuda   (333 bytes , 220reads )
==================保健================== Budabuda   (6 bytes , 191reads )
Hisamitsu 久光制药镇痛消炎贴 Budabuda   (2802 bytes , 189reads )
大塚制药Oronine H 软膏 Budabuda   (1581 bytes , 479reads )
KAO 花王蒸汽腹部热敷贴 Budabuda   (2541 bytes , 190reads )
Fancl 纤体热控(控制卡路里) Budabuda   (1284 bytes , 242reads )
树之惠足贴 Budabuda   (1744 bytes , 225reads )
花王晚安蒸汽肩颈热敷贴 Budabuda   (866 bytes , 233reads )
皇汉堂便秘治疗剂 Budabuda   (898 bytes , 432reads )
Bufferin止痛片 @1234shu Budabuda   (346 bytes , 1185reads )
资深堂酵母减肥丸 Budabuda   (464 bytes , 226reads )
Suntory Milcolla胶原蛋白粉 Budabuda   (467 bytes , 172reads )
资生堂胶原蛋白片 Budabuda   (951 bytes , 295reads )
Meiji Amino Collagen 明治氨基胶原蛋白粉末 Budabuda   (1002 bytes , 421reads )
FANCL 美肌胶原蛋白片 Budabuda   (465 bytes , 243reads )
Reperfe神奇酵素 Budabuda   (641 bytes , 182reads )
酵素X酵母108种植物谷物浓缩精华减肥粒 Budabuda   (632 bytes , 346reads )
山本汉方大麦若葉粉末100% @ wantyousee Budabuda   (3831 bytes , 300reads )
==================美容器具================== Budabuda   (6 bytes , 129reads )
MUJI 无印良品睫毛夹 Budabuda   (305 bytes , 131reads )
Koyudo 晃佑堂 Kumamon熊本吉祥物化妆美容刷 Budabuda   (1021 bytes , 189reads )
Kose化妆水纸膜(老版) Budabuda   (1185 bytes , 109reads )
Kate Lash Maximizer 睫毛打底膏 Budabuda   (414 bytes , 174reads )
Canmake睫毛膏定型液 Budabuda   (939 bytes , 157reads )
INTEGRATE 第二代绝对有型极细眉笔 Budabuda   (2994 bytes , 123reads )
D.U.P. 深邃强力款隐形双眼皮贴(120枚) Budabuda   (1492 bytes , 132reads )
Chacott For Professionals 轻柔小蜜粉扑 Budabuda   (557 bytes , 159reads )
Chacott For Professional 绵密大蜜粉扑 Budabuda   (697 bytes , 203reads )
IPSA粉扑 Budabuda   (237 bytes , 117reads )
资生堂213睫毛夹(带替换胶垫) Budabuda   (237 bytes , 188reads )
Albion Facial Cotton – L (soft) Budabuda   (753 bytes , 181reads )
这个坡坡貌似7块一包。。 小霜儿   (0 bytes , 142reads )
是专柜7块一包吗? Ceceliaah   (0 bytes , 166reads )
应该只有一种size吧貌似metro有20%时更便宜? 小霜儿   (55 bytes , 135reads )
Nail Ribbon新型修甲器 Budabuda   (858 bytes , 198reads )
资生堂 611棉花糖海绵饼拍拍乐 Budabuda   (587 bytes , 273reads )
IPSA舒柔化妆棉 Budabuda   (759 bytes , 144reads )
资生堂纸膜 Budabuda   (443 bytes , 222reads )
Kose美肌暦水敷容纸膜 Budabuda   (443 bytes , 449reads )
Unicharm尤妮佳超吸收化妆棉 Budabuda   (1925 bytes , 415reads )
Nudy Micro Fibre超细双眼皮贴 Budabuda   (596 bytes , 666reads )
Kiss Me 染眉膏 Budabuda   (534 bytes , 354reads )
Maquillage 心机睫毛夹 Budabuda   (333 bytes , 356reads )
Suqqu 睫毛夹 Budabuda   (333 bytes , 186reads )
KOSE 绮丝碧粉底刷斜面粉刷 Budabuda   (525 bytes , 138reads )
资生堂斜头粉底刷131号 Budabuda   (331 bytes , 266reads )
Dr.Scholl QTTO睡眠袜/瘦腿袜 Budabuda   (1839 bytes , 538reads )
SHAKU小熊笔 Budabuda   (385 bytes , 307reads )
KAO花王蒸汽眼罩 @graceming Budabuda   (402 bytes , 249reads )
美伊娜多护发精华油 Budabuda   (378 bytes , 141reads )
==================护发美发================== Budabuda   (6 bytes , 131reads )
Moist Diane Moisture Bodymilk滋润身体乳 Budabuda   (684 bytes , 215reads )
Moist Diane 无硅保湿滋润修护洗发水/护发素/发膜 Budabuda   (1350 bytes , 444reads )
资生堂fino高效渗透护发膜 Budabuda   (1080 bytes , 179reads )
SANA 沙龙级净肤美背抗痘防粉刺喷雾 @无尾熊太太 Budabuda   (1305 bytes , 207reads )
药师堂尊马油毛发用 Budabuda   (1768 bytes , 290reads )
NIVEA妮维雅美白保湿身体乳啫喱 Budabuda   (2403 bytes , 285reads )
LITS WISTEA 身体保湿精华乳 Budabuda   (2473 bytes , 222reads )
花雪肌去角质保湿啫喱 Budabuda   (1924 bytes , 235reads )
House of Rose Oh! Baby玫瑰身体磨砂膏 Budabuda   (981 bytes , 307reads )
Milbon玫丽盼Elujuda免洗护发精油发油 Budabuda   (595 bytes , 234reads )
==================唇膏================== Budabuda   (6 bytes , 136reads )
Cpb rouge éclat confort 肌肤之钥细管唇膏 Budabuda   (891 bytes , 158reads )
BENEFIQUE碧丽妃2015年春季新品唇部美容液 Budabuda   (1483 bytes , 158reads )
CANMAKE糖果丰盈唇蜜 Budabuda   (1297 bytes , 123reads )
资生堂心机美容精油唇膏(2014年冬新版) Budabuda   (1119 bytes , 176reads )
资生堂心机微晶蜜口红 Budabuda   (909 bytes , 152reads )
Visee新款蕾丝哑光滋润丝绒唇膏 Budabuda   (472 bytes , 269reads )
House of Rose 维尼熊无添加蜂蜜柠檬唇用美容液 Budabuda   (1481 bytes , 311reads )
Curel Moisture Lip Care Cream Budabuda   (580 bytes , 263reads )
Giorgio Armani Lip Lacquer Budabuda   (281 bytes , 165reads )
Giorgio Armani Lip Maestro Budabuda   (980 bytes , 193reads )
Lunasol Creamy Matte Crayon Lips Budabuda   (616 bytes , 531reads )
资生堂MOILIP药用润唇膏护唇膏 Budabuda   (489 bytes , 362reads )
Suqqu CREAMY GLOW LIPSTICK MOIST Budabuda   (352 bytes , 184reads )
CPB 肌肤之钥唇膏 Budabuda   (3698 bytes , 232reads )
我很邪恶 南瓜同学   (30 bytes , 150reads )
Chicca 唇部超保湿打底精华 Budabuda   (336 bytes , 266reads )
Chicca 唇膏 Budabuda   (846 bytes , 267reads )
==================眼影================== Budabuda   (6 bytes , 184reads )
KISS ME伊势半花漾美姬梦幻睫毛膏 WP(人气款) Budabuda   (2333 bytes , 118reads )
KISS ME伊势半花漾美姬梦幻睫毛膏 (最新款) Budabuda   (1452 bytes , 151reads )
KISS ME 伊势半梦幻泪眼盈美柔滑液体眼线笔 Budabuda   (1163 bytes , 110reads )
CANMAKE睫毛增长液 Budabuda   (673 bytes , 127reads )
CANMAKE添亮眼影底膏 Budabuda   (619 bytes , 121reads )
资生堂心机美人五色眼影 Budabuda   (553 bytes , 194reads )
CANMAKE完美雕刻裸色五色眼影盘 Budabuda   (429 bytes , 291reads )
Leanani防水眼线笔 @飞天小猪82 Budabuda   (768 bytes , 239reads )
KATE 骨干重塑 3+1眼影 Budabuda   (1361 bytes , 866reads )
Visee 四色眼影 Budabuda   (332 bytes , 270reads )
Lunasol眼影盘 Budabuda   (340 bytes , 218reads )
雅莉格丝眼影 Budabuda   (338 bytes , 139reads )
Addiction单色眼影 Budabuda   (4005 bytes , 291reads )
THREE 4D立体眼影四色眼影盘 Budabuda   (460 bytes , 205reads )
Chicca 眼影 Budabuda   (118 bytes , 227reads )
Suqqu 三色眼影盘 Budabuda   (824 bytes , 166reads )
Suqqu 四色眼影盘 Budabuda   (4143 bytes , 228reads )
==================腮红================== Budabuda   (6 bytes , 172reads )
Visee 蕾丝四色修容腮红 Budabuda   (707 bytes , 206reads )
Visee腮红唇膏两用霜 @hope_du Budabuda   (504 bytes , 300reads )
Canmake 五色花瓣腮红 Budabuda   (513 bytes , 260reads )
【更新】MAKE哑光花瓣腮红 Budabuda   (780 bytes , 133reads )
【更新】CANMAKE绚丽花瓣腮红 Budabuda   (668 bytes , 92reads )
Canmake 腮红膏 Budabuda   (2569 bytes , 233reads )
Giorgio Armani Palette Yeux Budabuda   (253 bytes , 238reads )
拉杜丽浮雕肖像腮红 Budabuda   (464 bytes , 252reads )
帮buda顶,这个真的划算 南瓜同学   (32 bytes , 156reads )
拉杜丽花瓣修容腮红 Budabuda   (942 bytes , 227reads )
JILL STUART 甜心爱恋腮红 Budabuda   (462 bytes , 180reads )
THREE 自然有机植物 单色腮红 Budabuda   (460 bytes , 151reads )
雅莉格丝极致腮红膏 Budabuda   (2018 bytes , 180reads )
Chicca Flush Blush Powder Budabuda   (1739 bytes , 243reads )
==================粉底修容================== Budabuda   (6 bytes , 196reads )
Albion White Chiffon 奥尔滨美白雪肤凝润极细粉饼(牛奶粉) Budabuda   (856 bytes , 124reads )
Albion Excia Superior Cream Foundation Budabuda   (573 bytes , 135reads )
Twany Century极致粉霜 Budabuda   (799 bytes , 273reads )
花王est 保湿美容液粉底霜(2014年秋冬新款) Budabuda   (2177 bytes , 199reads )
IPSA茵芙莎2015年春季新款光反射透明肌粉底液 Budabuda   (3274 bytes , 110reads )
CANMAKE三色遮瑕膏 Budabuda   (1535 bytes , 153reads )
Chicca Ravishing Glow Solid Foundation Budabuda   (3181 bytes , 161reads )
Chicca Ravishing Glow Powder Foundation Budabuda   (3181 bytes , 242reads )
Chicca Ravishing Glow Pressed Powder Budabuda   (3176 bytes , 150reads )
资生堂REVITAL GRANAS干湿两用粉饼 Budabuda   (3473 bytes , 258reads )
白兔暗疮膏 Budabuda   (708 bytes , 197reads )
IPSA茵芙莎纯美恒久粉底液 Budabuda   (865 bytes , 166reads )
IPSA茵芙莎纯美炫色调光蜜粉饼 Budabuda   (1296 bytes , 123reads )
Chacott Plants Powder Foundation Budabuda   (982 bytes , 225reads )
Chacott Plants Collagen Makeup Base Budabuda   (665 bytes , 272reads )
Chacott For Professionals Creamy Foundation Budabuda   (1392 bytes , 144reads )
Chacott For Professional Finishing Powder Sparkle Budabuda   (916 bytes , 227reads )
Chacott for Professional Finishing Powder Budabuda   (1593 bytes , 212reads )
Suqqu Chiffon Feel Loose Powder Budabuda   (1966 bytes , 342reads )
CPB Poudre Transparente肌肤之钥蜜粉 Budabuda   (701 bytes , 253reads )
ansage山田制药毛孔护理cc霜 Budabuda   (652 bytes , 295reads )
Paul & Joe 双色搪瓷丝缎光雾蜜粉饼 @helloworld2013 Budabuda   (1313 bytes , 181reads )
资生堂Maquillage心机妆前乳 Budabuda   (572 bytes , 262reads )
IPSA三色遮瑕膏 Budabuda   (702 bytes , 155reads )
CANMAKE花瓣高光颊彩 Budabuda   (777 bytes , 234reads )
CANMAKE天然美肌棉花糖蜜粉饼 Budabuda   (1264 bytes , 207reads )
cpb遮瑕膏 @refreshing Budabuda   (472 bytes , 198reads )
cpb粉饼 @refreshing Budabuda   (3362 bytes , 634reads )
这个我有 fiver   (8 bytes , 199reads )
Albion Gel Mask Foundation玻尿酸保湿锁水粉底液 Budabuda   (3667 bytes , 1478reads )
Suqqu Frame Fix Lasting Pact Foundation N@闪电宝宝车 Budabuda   (6529 bytes , 326reads )
Mikimoto 御木本珍珠养肤蜜粉/散粉 @苹果puggy Budabuda   (365 bytes , 345reads )
IPSA 四色修容盘 Budabuda   (466 bytes , 234reads )
雅莉格丝极致欢颜蜜粉饼 Budabuda   (2204 bytes , 281reads )
Paul & Joe 搪瓷蜜粉(南瓜粉) Budabuda   (490 bytes , 262reads )
Paul & Joe 搪瓷防晒隔离霜 Budabuda   (620 bytes , 225reads )
THREE 自然植物时间分时段粉饼 Budabuda   (605 bytes , 381reads )
THREE 自然有机纯植物 素肌陶瓷粉底液 Budabuda   (359 bytes , 212reads )
THREE 有机自然植物妆前乳隔离霜 Budabuda   (373 bytes , 220reads )
黛珂AQ完美精致粉霜 Budabuda   (1217 bytes , 195reads )
CPB肌肤之钥妆前霜 Budabuda   (2807 bytes , 450reads )
==================除痘================== Budabuda   (6 bytes , 170reads )
Fancl 药用祛痘补湿精华液 Budabuda   (441 bytes , 211reads )
Lion Pair祛痘粉刺膏 Budabuda   (1580 bytes , 309reads )
FANCL ACNE CARE系列 Budabuda   (1019 bytes , 164reads )
================眼膜颈膜================= Budabuda   (6 bytes , 169reads )
Melty Wink 大眼立显眼霜 Budabuda   (1450 bytes , 129reads )
蓝紫根去颈纹淡化黑色素颈膜 Budabuda   (328 bytes , 315reads )
蓝紫根特效眼部按摩膏 Budabuda   (328 bytes , 244reads )
Kose Clear Turn 抗皱眼膜 Budabuda   (705 bytes , 377reads )
肌美精集中保湿抗皱眼膜 Budabuda   (594 bytes , 203reads )
PURU 玻尿酸泪袋修护眼膜 Budabuda   (467 bytes , 310reads )
Spa Treatment 保湿蛇毒眼膜 Budabuda   (1482 bytes , 271reads )
================面膜================= Budabuda   (6 bytes , 228reads )
IPSA泥状角质按摩霜 Budabuda   (808 bytes , 156reads )
乐敦肌研极润 3D玻尿酸高保湿面膜 Budabuda   (1036 bytes , 1017reads )
Cotton Labo碳酸面膜 Budabuda   (1113 bytes , 1306reads )
Liftarna活性炭滋润细致毛孔黑面膜 Budabuda   (1185 bytes , 5107reads )
MITOMO浮世绘紫根精华系列面膜 Budabuda   (3760 bytes , 522reads )
Kose Clear Turn 抗干燥保湿去皱六合一面膜 Budabuda   (3420 bytes , 456reads )
盛田屋豆乳面膜 Budabuda   (862 bytes , 258reads )
TRANSINO祛斑美白精华面膜 Budabuda   (3024 bytes , 414reads )
IPSA Mask/Exfoliator 泥状角质按摩霜 Budabuda   (788 bytes , 158reads )
上善如水Milk Essence Mask Budabuda   (465 bytes , 294reads )
Kose Clear Turn 浓润面膜 Budabuda   (4986 bytes , 1027reads )
【更新】Kose 高丝Clear Turn浓润面膜 Budabuda   (2700 bytes , 196reads )
盛田屋 豆乳豆腐乳酪面膜 Budabuda   (586 bytes , 309reads )
LuLuLun保湿面膜 Budabuda   (2911 bytes , 309reads )
炭酸革命面膜 Budabuda   (1441 bytes , 190reads )
凡尔赛玫瑰保湿面膜 Budabuda   (2554 bytes , 248reads )
Ghassoul摩洛哥粘土/高岭土面膜 Budabuda   (1062 bytes , 291reads )
LITS WISTEA 碳酸面膜 Budabuda   (622 bytes , 322reads )
肌美精保湿渗透面膜 Budabuda   (899 bytes , 469reads )
肌美精超渗透3D面膜 Budabuda   (673 bytes , 525reads )
蔓丹保湿面膜 Budabuda   (3726 bytes , 279reads )
Minon Amino Moist Mask Budabuda   (594 bytes , 318reads )
Fancl 修护滋养精华面膜 Budabuda   (1258 bytes , 195reads )
Fancl 祛斑亮白修护面膜 Budabuda   (1235 bytes , 151reads )
城野医生光学深层净白水凝面膜 Budabuda   (478 bytes , 195reads )
乐敦柔丝芬消炎舒敏补湿面膜 Budabuda   (756 bytes , 371reads )
==================按摩紧肤================== Budabuda   (6 bytes , 169reads )
HABA 紧致提拉精华液 Budabuda   (1432 bytes , 131reads )
Suqqu 循环弹力小脸按摩瘦脸霜 Budabuda   (543 bytes , 387reads )
城野医生紧致提升海洋胶原凝露 Budabuda   (938 bytes , 189reads )
==================美白================== Budabuda   (6 bytes , 205reads )
Rohto 乐敦渗透维他命CC美白祛斑去痘印精华美容液 Budabuda   (1902 bytes , 155reads )
HABA雪白佳丽美容精华液 Budabuda   (1805 bytes , 115reads )
IPSA自律循环美白保湿乳液 Budabuda   (1269 bytes , 183reads )
嘉娜宝馥兰皙儿 火棘深蕴雪肤晚霜 Budabuda   (438 bytes , 199reads )
Hythiol-c白兔美白丸 Budabuda   (3783 bytes , 1402reads )
Sofina美白淡斑精华美白棒 Budabuda   (339 bytes , 208reads )
HAKU第五代 CR 高机能祛斑美白精华 @阿列 Budabuda   (839 bytes , 324reads )
资生堂Pure White W美白丸 @麝微 Budabuda   (502 bytes , 733reads )
Pola White Shot美白丸 @麝微 Budabuda   (3014 bytes , 307reads )
谢谢! 麝微   (50 bytes , 147reads )
上善如水White Jelly Budabuda   (327 bytes , 374reads )
TRANSINO美白丸第二代 Budabuda   (990 bytes , 765reads )
FANCL 美白片 @麝微 Budabuda   (466 bytes , 195reads )
Fancl 祛斑亮白精华液 Budabuda   (351 bytes , 153reads )
城野医生美白海洋膠原水凝露 Budabuda   (938 bytes , 384reads )
50g SGD 65 Budabuda   (30 bytes , 155reads )
HABA美白鲨烷精华美容油 Budabuda   (1153 bytes , 509reads )
【更新】HABA 无添加鲨烷精华美白美容油 Budabuda   (1218 bytes , 151reads )
HABA 药用美白化妆水 Budabuda   (898 bytes , 329reads )
【更新】HABA VC药用美白化妆水 Budabuda   (1863 bytes , 116reads )
==================防晒================== Budabuda   (6 bytes , 163reads )
POLA WHITISSIMO UV Block Shield White Budabuda   (2308 bytes , 157reads )
资生堂Dicila Envert 防晒乳 Budabuda   (238 bytes , 151reads )
Sofina防嗮 @vert Budabuda   (7385 bytes , 360reads )
上善如水防晒Day Milk Budabuda   (227 bytes , 236reads )
妮维雅防晒啫喱 Budabuda   (360 bytes , 324reads )
ALLIE防晒 Budabuda   (3184 bytes , 593reads )
资生堂安耐晒 Budabuda   (1317 bytes , 511reads )
城野医生敏感肌防晒 Budabuda   (400 bytes , 283reads )
碧柔水活防晒保湿凝蜜 Budabuda   (884 bytes , 195reads )
==================美容精华================== Budabuda   (6 bytes , 179reads )
Albion Exage White 奥尔滨夜用美白晚安嫩肤粉 Budabuda   (1669 bytes , 256reads )
CPB肌肤之钥水磨紧肤精华液 Budabuda   (4424 bytes , 175reads )
TUNEMAKERS高浓度神经酰胺200原液 Budabuda   (3901 bytes , 176reads )
TUNEMAKERS 发酵AHA果酸原液 Budabuda   (1071 bytes , 109reads )
TUNEMAKERS 胶原蛋白原液 Budabuda   (1436 bytes , 108reads )
TUNEMAKERS 富勒烯原液 Budabuda   (841 bytes , 105reads )
TUNEMAKERS EGF原液 Budabuda   (2032 bytes , 148reads )
TUNEMAKERS大豆异黄酮豆乳精华原液 Budabuda   (1244 bytes , 130reads )
太阳社玻尿酸/透明质酸原液 Budabuda   (424 bytes , 137reads )
Dr. Ci:Labo EGF 浓缩精华液 @gdk Budabuda   (3339 bytes , 153reads )
Fancl 抗老滋养精华液 Budabuda   (689 bytes , 122reads )
Fancl 毛孔细致精华液 Budabuda   (574 bytes , 163reads )
TUNEMAKERS高浓度ceramide200原液 Budabuda   (888 bytes , 148reads )
TUNEMAKERS α熊果苷美白原液 Budabuda   (1158 bytes , 155reads )
TUNEMAKERS蜂蜜按摩原液 Budabuda   (1326 bytes , 153reads )
TUNEMAKERS 氨基酸原液 Budabuda   (1209 bytes , 322reads )
【更正】TUNEMAKERS 氨基酸粉 Budabuda   (1457 bytes , 141reads )
TUNEMAKERS溶脂性维他命A原液 Budabuda   (898 bytes , 135reads )
TUNEMAKERS进化型第4代维他命诱导VC20原液 Budabuda   (622 bytes , 160reads )
TUNEMAKERS甘草萃取原液 Budabuda   (1252 bytes , 934reads )
DHC 纯橄情焕采精华油 Budabuda   (1154 bytes , 157reads )
IPSA自律循环修护菁华液 Budabuda   (1157 bytes , 189reads )
snova最高级胎盘精华美容液 @苹果puggy Budabuda   (340 bytes , 328reads )
Fancl 盈润细致精华液 Budabuda   (806 bytes , 125reads )
上善如水精华液 Budabuda   (338 bytes , 206reads )
黛珂LIPOSOME保湿美容液 Budabuda   (412 bytes , 234reads )
长寿里100%胶原蛋白线球 Budabuda   (964 bytes , 160reads )
奥尔滨黄金凝萃草本精华油 Budabuda   (607 bytes , 149reads )
HABA鲨烷美容精油 Budabuda   (817 bytes , 216reads )
【更新】HABA Squalane 无添加鲨烷美容油 Budabuda   (3238 bytes , 131reads )
================渗透乳/肌底液================ Budabuda   (6 bytes , 283reads )
Albion Exage White Crystal Milk 奥尔滨美白渗透乳 @嘎嘣脆 Budabuda   (1312 bytes , 199reads )
ansage山田制药毛孔护理美容液 Budabuda   (753 bytes , 282reads )
Albion eclafutur 光辉未来细胞修护美容液 Budabuda   (613 bytes , 256reads )
HABA 提拉紧致精华液 Budabuda   (1212 bytes , 193reads )
HABA 雪白佳丽美容精华液 Budabuda   (1369 bytes , 242reads )
黛珂软肌牛油果天然植物乳液 Budabuda   (545 bytes , 206reads )
奥尔滨渗透乳 Budabuda   (1094 bytes , 205reads )
==================保湿================== Budabuda   (6 bytes , 165reads )
水の天使保湿美白五合一凝胶 Budabuda   (1480 bytes , 178reads )
ansage山田制药毛孔护理乳液 Budabuda   (1839 bytes , 218reads )
Steam Cream 纯天然蒸汽霜 Budabuda   (1412 bytes , 168reads )
IPSA自律循环舒缓保湿乳液(敏感肌专用) Budabuda   (757 bytes , 325reads )
IPSA自律循环保湿乳液 Budabuda   (1456 bytes , 191reads )
明色药用美白弹力保湿乳液 Budabuda   (912 bytes , 776reads )
上善如水Skin Jelly Budabuda   (213 bytes , 251reads )
药师堂尊马油 Budabuda   (949 bytes , 328reads )
Minon 氨基酸强效保湿啫喱 Budabuda   (367 bytes , 1193reads )
Minon 氨基酸强效保湿乳液 Budabuda   (624 bytes , 365reads )
明色有机玫瑰特浓美肌保湿面霜 Budabuda   (351 bytes , 201reads )
松山油脂 无添加渗透型保湿乳液 Budabuda   (391 bytes , 335reads )
Pola宝丽 黑BA 碧艾赋颜晨光乳液 Budabuda   (344 bytes , 195reads )
城野医生海洋胶原保湿水凝露 EX Budabuda   (462 bytes , 253reads )
==================化妆水================== Budabuda   (6 bytes , 224reads )
TUNEMAKERS无添加五种原液混合保湿水 Budabuda   (2333 bytes , 89reads )
Kose 高丝雪肌药用极致精美白保湿化妆水 @嘎嘣脆 Budabuda   (1740 bytes , 147reads )
这个白雪水会比蓝瓶温和很多~蓝瓶我用有点刺痛,这个完全没有~ 嘎嘣脆   (18 bytes , 139reads )
久迩香水本铺花梨抗敏保湿化妆水 Budabuda   (744 bytes , 137reads )
城野医生控油收敛化妆水 Budabuda   (2622 bytes , 201reads )
ansage山田制药毛孔护理化妆水 Budabuda   (1974 bytes , 170reads )
城野医生VC100零毛孔透肌水 Budabuda   (2055 bytes , 257reads )
松山油脂大豆保湿浸透水 Budabuda   (2201 bytes , 177reads )
明色有机玫瑰收敛水 Budabuda   (367 bytes , 706reads )
IPSA 时光重塑净白化妆液 Budabuda   (356 bytes , 181reads )
Pola宝丽黑BA全能化妆水 Budabuda   (348 bytes , 216reads )
上善如水保湿化妆水 Budabuda   (372 bytes , 206reads )
城野医生活氧草本美肌水 Budabuda   (730 bytes , 160reads )
HABA纯海润泽柔肤G Lotion @candyli Budabuda   (1876 bytes , 202reads )
【更新】HABA G-Lotion Budabuda   (380 bytes , 105reads )
黛珂薄荷紫苏高机能化妆水 Budabuda   (274 bytes , 161reads )
奥尔滨健康水 @橙子嘎嘎 Budabuda   (383 bytes , 268reads )
现在有团吗?想要一瓶这个 疯狂小肚兜   (0 bytes , 114reads )
mm坐标? Budabuda   (44 bytes , 154reads )
ntu和boonlay这边都可以 疯狂小肚兜   (0 bytes , 119reads )
NTU常有团,校内就可以散货 Budabuda   (42 bytes , 86reads )
想买Paul&Joe的粉底液,请问怎么买啊?也私我你的微信吧。 ursualr   (0 bytes , 140reads )
也想参团 三讲   (45 bytes , 121reads )
没带过焖烧罐呢 Budabuda   (119 bytes , 132reads )
好滴,我留意下:) Budabuda   (150 bytes , 122reads )
好热心的楼主 三讲   (83 bytes , 137reads )
==================洁面================== Budabuda   (6 bytes , 207reads )
黛珂AQMW白檀洁面乳 Budabuda   (2477 bytes , 120reads )
Rosette 诗留美去角质面膜 Budabuda   (2444 bytes , 163reads )
Rosette洁面膏 Budabuda   (849 bytes , 179reads )
ansage山田制药毛孔护理洁面乳 Budabuda   (611 bytes , 185reads )
Freeplus 净润氨基酸洁面 @Ceceliaah Budabuda   (2735 bytes , 251reads )
YUZE伊尤赛炭深层洁面透明皂 Budabuda   (684 bytes , 209reads )
COW牛牌牛乳石碱素材心洁面皂(抹茶) Budabuda   (1001 bytes , 235reads )
Cure活性化水素去角质凝胶 Budabuda   (1171 bytes , 458reads )
明色Detclear去角质啫喱 Budabuda   (808 bytes , 141reads )
Penélopi Moon 月光皂 Budabuda   (3889 bytes , 253reads )
上善如水洁面 Budabuda   (2253 bytes , 251reads )
嗷嗷知道了,这就去跟单 南瓜同学   (4 bytes , 202reads )
药师堂纯马油保湿洁面皂 Budabuda   (453 bytes , 150reads )
COW牛乳石鹸保湿泡沫洁面 Budabuda   (796 bytes , 181reads )
THREE 自然有机植物保湿舒缓平衡洁面乳 Budabuda   (337 bytes , 209reads )
CPB肌肤之钥泡沫洗面奶 Budabuda   (612 bytes , 266reads )
黛珂白海泥去黑头洁面乳 Budabuda   (643 bytes , 139reads )
黛珂肌耀未来洁面乳 Budabuda   (414 bytes , 155reads )
Sonia Rykiel 桑丽卡酵素焕颜面粉 Budabuda   (1627 bytes , 203reads )
Suisai酵素洁面粉 Budabuda   (653 bytes , 321reads )
FANCL 柔滑洁面粉 Budabuda   (1345 bytes , 199reads )
==================卸妆================== Budabuda   (6 bytes , 157reads )
KISS ME伊势半花漾美姬 柔肤眼部卸妆液 Budabuda   (954 bytes , 126reads )
ansage山田制药毛孔护理卸妆油 Budabuda   (5971 bytes , 234reads )
蔓丹眼唇卸妆液(无防腐剂) Budabuda   (1003 bytes , 165reads )
黑龙堂HIPITCH卸妆油 Budabuda   (1553 bytes , 139reads )
上善如水Cleansing Cream@南瓜同学 Budabuda   (465 bytes , 218reads )
亲爱的,这个好像是卸妆,洁面是这个 南瓜同学   (54 bytes , 147reads )
嗯嗯帮你找了全系列 Budabuda   (20 bytes , 131reads )
Albion Moist Cleansing Oil Budabuda   (340 bytes , 119reads )
Nursery 舒缓卸妆啫喱柚子味 Budabuda   (1701 bytes , 215reads )
Nursery 舒缓卸妆啫喱柚子味, 一个, 中部团, 91907510,什么时候到货? jen222   (0 bytes , 143reads )
要看妹纸们拼单的速度 Budabuda   (66 bytes , 206reads )
城野医生超净透卸妆凝胶EX Budabuda   (766 bytes , 171reads )
THREE 纯植物有机温和卸妆油 Budabuda   (605 bytes , 149reads )
FANCL 净化修护卸妆液 Budabuda   (373 bytes , 162reads )
==================限定品================ Budabuda   (34 bytes , 190reads )
Lululun松本清限定加量保湿面膜(一袋7+1枚) Budabuda   (1129 bytes , 235reads )
肌研极水Hello Kitty限定款 Budabuda   (1097 bytes , 381reads )
Schick Intuition Melody限量版女士专用剃毛刀 Budabuda   (885 bytes , 199reads )
Kose ESPRIQUE绮丝碧斜面粉底刷限定版 Budabuda   (493 bytes , 251reads )
Kate限定款Color Control Lip Cream Budabuda   (1581 bytes , 624reads )
DHC 纯榄护唇膏限定版 Budabuda   (778 bytes , 2236reads )
花王蒸汽眼罩 20片限定装 Budabuda   (1070 bytes , 239reads )
想买这个和一些其他的东西 celinda1985   (25 bytes , 189reads )
哈哈妹纸可以报个坐标,拼五公斤免邮团 Budabuda   (58 bytes , 118reads )
酱紫啊.... celinda1985   (66 bytes , 154reads )
没有金额的限制 Budabuda   (26 bytes , 119reads )
SOFINA苏菲娜限定玫瑰保湿泡泡洁面乳 Budabuda   (2306 bytes , 233reads )
HAKU第五代 CR 高机能祛斑美白精华 Budabuda   (1746 bytes , 167reads )
资生堂Maquillage心机美人24小时美白粉饼 @慧新辰 Budabuda   (5709 bytes , 1533reads )
Lululun夏季限定水果面膜 Budabuda   (1235 bytes , 210reads )
Nivea妮维雅润肤霜限定版 Budabuda   (803 bytes , 204reads )
House of Rose La Rose 限定版Body Cream Budabuda   (807 bytes , 250reads )
Oh!Baby身体磨砂膏La Rose 限定版350g Budabuda   (4149 bytes , 143reads )
肌美精夏季限定清凉收缩毛孔面膜 Budabuda   (1426 bytes , 200reads )
黛珂 AQMW白檀护肤系列限定5件套装 Budabuda   (6653 bytes , 551reads )
黛珂新保湿抗老 cellgenie 系列 限定套装 Budabuda   (10790 bytes , 1837reads )
Albion Infiness 赋活弹力抗压精华IA抗引力 Budabuda   (6744 bytes , 968reads )
Albion Infiness 赋活弹力抗压精华IA抗引力限定套装 Budabuda   (25 bytes , 165reads )
碧柔水活防晒保湿凝蜜(Cool 限定版) Budabuda   (1132 bytes , 197reads )
HAKU第五代 CR 高机能祛斑美白精华 限定版 @阿列 Budabuda   (1646 bytes , 1040reads )
ZOZOTOWN 2014 SUMMER SALES Budabuda   (173 bytes , 127reads )
ZOZOTOWN 2014 SUMMER SALES Budabuda   (100 bytes , 175reads )
HABA夏季限定 @candyli Budabuda   (2862 bytes , 246reads )
HABA夏季限定已经没有了 Budabuda   (36 bytes , 149reads )
日立美容仪 CM-N2000-W @南瓜同学 Budabuda   (940 bytes , 572reads )
买了 南瓜同学   (45 bytes , 160reads )
日立美容仪CM-N1000-W @南瓜同学 Budabuda   (334 bytes , 186reads )
给自己蠢哭 南瓜同学   (40 bytes , 196reads )
Hitachi美容仪 @x小猫 Budabuda   (5325 bytes , 228reads )
==================下单转账================= Budabuda   (75 bytes , 220reads )
下单,求ntu取货 Ceceliaah   (110 bytes , 136reads )
来的好及时啊,正要发NTU团 Budabuda   (711 bytes , 154reads )
那再加个这个套装吧 Ceceliaah   (29 bytes , 220reads )
再加两根六角眉笔 Ceceliaah   (10 bytes , 142reads )
跟单 婧婧   (146 bytes , 142reads )
要一个安耐晒金瓶的~ cucumber   (13 bytes , 308reads )
等凑团哈~ cucumber   (32 bytes , 105reads )
我的单子 bonbons   (221 bytes , 142reads )
订单收到,不用补订金了 Budabuda   (22 bytes , 160reads )
好的,谢谢 bonbons   (82 bytes , 153reads )
跟单,辛苦团长~ vincent09   (338 bytes , 169reads )
已转74.00到OCBC Ref. no. 2014082001716785 Cathykl   (26 bytes , 182reads )
下单 lemoncon   (312 bytes , 195reads )
NUS 凑团 Fsnowann   (39 bytes , 178reads )
跟单 Cathykl   (75 bytes , 188reads )
OCBC到dbs现在有即时到帐的cathy 南瓜同学   (5 bytes , 118reads )
我原来DBS存的账号也没有了。。。 Cathykl   (19 bytes , 151reads )
ocbc可以转给团长的呀 南瓜同学   (14 bytes , 177reads )
加单一个美容仪 南瓜同学   (36 bytes , 131reads )
没问题 Budabuda   (76 bytes , 134reads )
这才是买买买壕的节奏啊。 桃娘   (32 bytes , 176reads )
哈哈真的!南瓜旋风 Budabuda   (70 bytes , 134reads )
桃娘我可以带去clementi 南瓜同学   (20 bytes , 133reads )
么么么,你才是我VIP啊。 桃娘   (93 bytes , 161reads )
你太狠了哈哈哈 南瓜同学   (71 bytes , 251reads )
clarisonic本来是我真爱,但是我用了一次果酸把自己搞坏了 南瓜同学   (131 bytes , 163reads )
又转了90定金,ref13100547762 南瓜同学   (99 bytes , 105reads )
应该没问题,搞定日立美容仪先 Budabuda   (30 bytes , 212reads )
跟单,啦啦啦~么么buda 南瓜同学   (382 bytes , 158reads )
南瓜mm不在nus了嘛 > <。。。 lemoncon   (20 bytes , 135reads )
老了 南瓜同学   (11 bytes , 150reads )
南瓜mm lemoncon   (35 bytes , 175reads )
不要了吧 南瓜同学   (82 bytes , 141reads )
喔喔好的没问题 lemoncon   (0 bytes , 112reads )
>< 好快。。。 lemoncon   (0 bytes , 169reads )
记下啦,要凑五公斤免邮单吗? Budabuda   (16 bytes , 143reads )
我们群貌似凑不到,她们都已经买的心力交瘁 南瓜同学   (108 bytes , 170reads )
我们群貌似凑不到,她们都已经买的心力交瘁了 南瓜同学   (108 bytes , 135reads )
南瓜mm还凑单吗 vert   (42 bytes , 210reads )
不用了我已经凑到免邮了 南瓜同学   (18 bytes , 137reads )
南瓜那单我包邮了,磨砂膏570g伤不起啦 Budabuda   (8 bytes , 162reads )
转了100刀定金去你的新加坡账户,ref13100127931 南瓜同学   (17 bytes , 132reads )
贼快!订金收到 Budabuda   (58 bytes , 176reads )
为什么回复了两次 南瓜同学   (24 bytes , 119reads )
==================凑单公告================== Budabuda   (16 bytes , 180reads )
求凑西部团 stele123   (73 bytes , 140reads )
正在拼一个西部团,已经拼的七荤八素的 Budabuda   (310 bytes , 185reads )
坐等被凑单 反正不着急 卷卷_卷卷   (5 bytes , 118reads )
妹纸报个坐标,有合适的团喊你 Budabuda   (24 bytes , 134reads )
clementi bv nus 这一线 卷卷_卷卷   (6 bytes , 136reads )
哈哈,这个坐标最好用,抱团的妹纸多 Budabuda   (26 bytes , 163reads )
太好啦~ 卷卷_卷卷   (33 bytes , 167reads )
有没有妹纸们想一起凑单~ Tiya   (268 bytes , 170reads )
西部妹纸的福音:国大金文泰团 @fiver Budabuda   (327 bytes , 190reads )
nus的现在可以跟团么?? 毛毛虫小心   (159 bytes , 129reads )
好的 @wintergal @Tiya @夕微 Budabuda   (266 bytes , 153reads )
南瓜小分队货齐啦 @南瓜同学 @Cathykl @fannylu @扯野棉花 Budabuda   (592 bytes , 182reads )
转完惹,截图已经私信 南瓜同学   (8 bytes , 188reads )
已转余款53.9哈 fannylu   (0 bytes , 145reads )
想求凑单买紫水晶 mickeybubu   (24 bytes , 195reads )
NUS分赃 求凑单 Fsnowann   (56 bytes , 215reads )
妹子咱俩凑一单也可以呀 lemoncon   (21 bytes , 223reads )
你不着急的话再等等? Fsnowann   (69 bytes , 215reads )
额我的也差不多。其实凑够500g自己来一包也挺好的? lemoncon   (28 bytes , 123reads )
mm还凑单吗 vert   (12 bytes , 129reads )
Lemoncon下了一单邮费自理的,也是NUS @lemoncon Budabuda   (46 bytes , 175reads )
buda姐我可能还是和南瓜凑团哈^_^ lemoncon   (4 bytes , 145reads )
==================询价讨论================== Budabuda   (102 bytes , 245reads )
想问问有没有wakamoto 肠胃药 !!楼主 我找不到你的微信号了 给我私信一个? 毛毛虫小心   (0 bytes , 275reads )
楼主 ziyixiaoxian   (46 bytes , 142reads )
有个防蚊贴团 Budabuda   (118 bytes , 133reads )
已经跟了 ziyixiaoxian   (54 bytes , 145reads )
嗯哪,持续关注收集防蚊产品中 Budabuda   (14 bytes , 184reads )
那个,问个有点奇葩的。。。 mickeybubu   (427 bytes , 149reads )
哈哈真的要买这个吗? Budabuda   (120 bytes , 185reads )
这个看起来太好吃啦!! Stella小苏   (15 bytes , 145reads )
有没有freeplus的氨基酸洁面100ml的呀? Ceceliaah   (8 bytes , 165reads )
资生堂心机最新的圣诞限量粉饼代购多少钱? 慧新辰   (32 bytes , 138reads )
看到就通报你 Budabuda   (4 bytes , 135reads )
询价~ Can蒂丝   (614 bytes , 216reads )
哈哈可以的,好多妹纸已经瞄上服饰了 Budabuda   (122 bytes , 206reads )
好的好的 Can蒂丝   (29 bytes , 166reads )
询价 兔子西卡   (95 bytes , 199reads )
询价询价~ 青鱼姑娘   (155 bytes , 187reads )
代购询价 lori   (235 bytes , 232reads )
可以带这个吗 1234shu   (67 bytes , 182reads )
Bufferin 止痛片 Budabuda   (134 bytes , 248reads )
应该就是开价上的那个 1234shu   (122 bytes , 146reads )
我帮你看看价格 Budabuda   (58 bytes , 128reads )
好哒 谢谢妹子 1234shu   (10 bytes , 168reads )
这个不知道啊 Budabuda   (20 bytes , 169reads )
想问elegance 2014的圣诞套装买得到么 mickeybubu   (137 bytes , 345reads )
SUQQU紫水晶 Budabuda   (98 bytes , 269reads )
好哒,谢谢提醒~ mickeybubu   (20 bytes , 163reads )
ELEGANCE 圣诞套装,这个还没出,已经默默排队五个了 Budabuda   (92 bytes , 808reads )
请问有代购这两样吗? 苹果puggy   (183 bytes , 158reads )
sofina vert   (93 bytes , 133reads )
日立的N820 x小猫   (15 bytes , 276reads )