所在版块:非常代购 发贴时间:2015-09-29 11:20

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【budabuda东京EMS直邮】2015年9月篇:海量特价中小样若干机场免税 Budabuda   (4609 bytes , 8814reads )
跟一个 wanjin   (0 bytes , 94reads )
==================医药保健区================= Budabuda   (204 bytes , 63reads )
白兔EVE QUICK解热镇痛药(止痛去痛生理痛) Budabuda   (1846 bytes , 79reads )
大正制药口内炎贴片(口腔溃疡贴纸) Budabuda   (8489 bytes , 82reads )
跟一个 臭小孩儿   (0 bytes , 96reads )
Hisamitsu 久光制药萨隆巴斯止痛镇痛贴 Budabuda   (2716 bytes , 96reads )
ROIHI-TUSBOKO镇痛膏药贴穴位贴 Budabuda   (1449 bytes , 104reads )
大塚制药Oronine H 软膏娥罗纳英H软膏 Budabuda   (1343 bytes , 365reads )
小林制药安美露涂抹液(新版) Budabuda   (1119 bytes , 153reads )
小林制药毛周角化药膏 Budabuda   (779 bytes , 104reads )
小林制药无痕去疤痕膏透明啫喱 Budabuda   (1091 bytes , 88reads )
小林制药速干液体创口贴 Budabuda   (903 bytes , 66reads )
池田模范堂面包超人儿童创口贴 Budabuda   (1335 bytes , 114reads )
KAO 花王蒸汽腹部热敷贴 Budabuda   (3194 bytes , 75reads )
KAO 花王晚安蒸汽肩颈热敷贴 Budabuda   (1409 bytes , 50reads )
【新品】 横山制药鸡眼膏贴 Budabuda   (2299 bytes , 104reads )
==================杂项区================== Budabuda   (218 bytes , 78reads )
【新品】 AKEBONO曙产业里海酸奶发酵杯/制作盒 @匪石匪席 Budabuda   (2329 bytes , 74reads )
汉方天然贝壳水果蔬菜清洁粉 (洗菜粉) Budabuda   (2679 bytes , 75reads )
【新品】 UYEKI防螨虫贴 @Wendy_TWT Budabuda   (1429 bytes , 97reads )
这个来两盒 loveinlove   (0 bytes , 58reads )
跟一盒试试 heeeykaru   (0 bytes , 69reads )
来两盒 Wendy_TWT   (42 bytes , 74reads )
==================母婴专区================== Budabuda   (198 bytes , 103reads )
【新品】 和光堂360度旋转软毛牙刷(婴儿和儿童用) @onoecho Budabuda   (1602 bytes , 68reads )
一样一个,乳儿款儿童款一样一个 onoecho   (0 bytes , 71reads )
【新品】贝亲自然实感宽口径PPSU奶瓶 Budabuda   (1716 bytes , 57reads )
【新品】贝亲自然实感宽口径耐热玻璃奶瓶 Budabuda   (2180 bytes , 44reads )
【新品】贝亲婴幼儿宝宝第一阶段乳牙刷(6~8个月) Budabuda   (3102 bytes , 73reads )
【新品】 贝亲婴幼儿洁齿棉/擦牙纸 Budabuda   (3106 bytes , 68reads )
【新品】 贝亲婴幼儿宝宝胶状牙膏(可吞食) Budabuda   (2422 bytes , 61reads )
【新品】贝亲婴幼儿宝宝乳牙刷123阶段套装 Budabuda   (3379 bytes , 50reads )
要一套 喵喵鱼   (5 bytes , 80reads )
【新品】Miki House宝宝学步鞋 Budabuda   (1085 bytes , 123reads )
【新品】Miki House宝宝鞋(3个月至1岁) Budabuda   (1884 bytes , 114reads )
【新品】贝亲儿童练习筷 Budabuda   (3843 bytes , 81reads )
来一双粉色的 喵喵鱼   (5 bytes , 75reads )
【新品】贝亲婴幼儿立体口罩 Budabuda   (1249 bytes , 95reads )
收两盒 臭小孩儿   (0 bytes , 83reads )
==================食品专区================== Budabuda   (214 bytes , 83reads )
伊藤园元气人参茶 Budabuda   (858 bytes , 75reads )
伊藤园抹茶粉 Budabuda   (702 bytes , 74reads )
多少钱呀 雅妮开门   (8 bytes , 81reads )
又忘了贴价钱,谢谢提醒! 补价格:伊藤园抹茶粉 Budabuda   (174 bytes , 82reads )
Kracie玫瑰香口糖 Budabuda   (2730 bytes , 85reads )
红两袋,粉两袋 喵喵鱼   (5 bytes , 79reads )
Fujicco里海酸奶粉乳酸菌粉 @JUJUJU Budabuda   (3612 bytes , 126reads )
要1盒 艾嘎嘎   (4 bytes , 80reads )
要这个 JUJUJU   (4 bytes , 69reads )
=================女性护理专区================ Budabuda   (202 bytes , 103reads )
【新品/COSME大赏】 优月美人艾草暖宫温坐贴(发热子宫护垫,非姨妈巾) Budabuda   (1710 bytes , 60reads )
来一盒试试看 食色   (0 bytes , 90reads )
【新品】 Dr. Ci:Labo 城野医生Body Pink私处美白露 Budabuda   (749 bytes , 91reads )
【新品】 小林制药100%天然棉卫生护垫无香 (112枚) Budabuda   (2155 bytes , 87reads )
【新品】 小林制药女性生理内衣裤清洗剂 Budabuda   (1625 bytes , 85reads )
要一个 嘎嘣脆   (0 bytes , 61reads )
Elmie惠留美女性内裤衣物泡沫洗剂 Budabuda   (1038 bytes , 58reads )
跟一 凡士林   (16 bytes , 102reads )
================口腔护理专区================= Budabuda   (206 bytes , 91reads )
【新品】 小林制药生叶中药消炎药用牙膏(预防牙周病牙龈出血) Budabuda   (808 bytes , 196reads )
【新品】 狮王浸透杀菌预防牙周病药用牙膏 Budabuda   (1105 bytes , 79reads )
TO BE WHITE美白去渍牙膏 Budabuda   (2125 bytes , 76reads )
【新品】 SUNSTAR Do Clear 巧虎牙膏(2~8岁孩童用) Budabuda   (1091 bytes , 69reads )
【新品】 SUNSTAR G.U.M.预防齿周病紧致牙龈防蛀防过敏牙膏 Budabuda   (7000 bytes , 78reads )
Sunstar G.U.M. 全效牙膏 Budabuda   (5913 bytes , 68reads )
【GOOD DESIGN设计奖】 STB Higuchi 360度旋转牙刷超极细刷毛 Budabuda   (2570 bytes , 92reads )
想要和光堂的这种牙刷 onoecho   (0 bytes , 88reads )
【COSME大赏第一位】Smile Cosmetique美白祛牙垢敏感牙膏 Budabuda   (2531 bytes , 60reads )
【COSME大赏第一位】 KISS YOU负离子牙刷(无需牙膏)/ 替换刷头 Budabuda   (2152 bytes , 57reads )
APAGARD 特效微粒子除烟渍除牙垢美白牙膏 Budabuda   (2759 bytes , 76reads )
==================保健瘦身区================= Budabuda   (196 bytes , 85reads )
FANCL瘦身强效燃脂纤体丸(新版) Budabuda   (4115 bytes , 92reads )
FANCL无添加纤体热控片(纤美锭) Budabuda   (1654 bytes , 105reads )
Natural Healthy Standard有机青汁酵素代餐瘦身 Budabuda   (1288 bytes , 197reads )
FANCL无添加综合营养素(女性 / 男性) Budabuda   (4714 bytes , 77reads )
SVELTY 5黑燃脂丸 Budabuda   (1313 bytes , 118reads )
新谷夜间酵素 Budabuda   (2015 bytes , 117reads )
跟一个 嘎嘣脆   (0 bytes , 61reads )
【新品】 POLA MEGA BURN玫瑰精华燃脂丸 Budabuda   (1880 bytes , 110reads )
【祛毒素抗雾霾】Reperfe Slim神奇酵素 Budabuda   (1222 bytes , 84reads )
GypsohilA生酵素(222种天然植物浓缩酵素)瘦身美容粒 Budabuda   (3444 bytes , 166reads )
跟两个这个 我等等je团哈 xiaxinxin   (0 bytes , 57reads )
酵素X酵母108种植物谷物浓缩精华减肥粒(66回分) Budabuda   (1750 bytes , 91reads )
【超人气减腰腹/大象腿】 Metabolic凹纯植物瘦身减肥粒 Budabuda   (1607 bytes , 85reads )
【小S推荐瘦身12KG升级版】 MINAMI氨基酸燃脂丸 Budabuda   (1551 bytes , 163reads )
这个也来一个试试吧 食色   (0 bytes , 63reads )
这个一盒 zerokeeper   (0 bytes , 56reads )
山本汉方大麦若叶 粉末100% Budabuda   (3140 bytes , 80reads )
跟两袋 这个 stele123   (9 bytes , 63reads )
龙角散感冒粉 Budabuda   (2910 bytes , 202reads )
两盒蓝色 疯狂小肚兜   (0 bytes , 83reads )
【新品】DHC维生素C淡斑营养片120粒 @喵喵鱼 Budabuda   (1936 bytes , 70reads )
这个也来2袋 wuyuxuanwu   (0 bytes , 88reads )
帮nina订两袋,只翻华新不能登录的微信我啊,帮大家记下 Budabuda   (4 bytes , 61reads )
来两袋,谢谢 喵喵鱼   (5 bytes , 64reads )
【新品】Sato佐藤制药 NAZAL鼻炎喷剂 @喵喵鱼 Budabuda   (1005 bytes , 107reads )
这货宝店里有现货吗 honeywhq   (24 bytes , 59reads )
宝店没有,不能上药品食品眼药水这些。。。 Budabuda   (18 bytes , 89reads )
跟一个 水墨   (13 bytes , 60reads )
要一瓶这个 喵喵鱼   (5 bytes , 65reads )
要介个! 核小桃   (22 bytes , 71reads )
跟都是可以跟的,能不能成团要看大家,目前NTU有小团长了 Budabuda   (4 bytes , 64reads )
===============美瞳眼部护理专区=============== Budabuda   (220 bytes , 98reads )
【COSME大赏】明色胎盘美白抗皱眼霜 Budabuda   (1199 bytes , 111reads )
Melty Wink大眼立显眼霜 Budabuda   (1930 bytes , 116reads )
这个也来一个试试 食色   (0 bytes , 62reads )
KAO花王蒸汽眼罩 (一盒14枚) Budabuda   (1008 bytes , 63reads )
ROHTO 乐敦养润水睡眠修复眼药水 Budabuda   (1489 bytes , 103reads )
跟一瓶 Wendy_TWT   (5 bytes , 74reads )
要一瓶这个,谢谢 食色   (0 bytes , 58reads )
Santen 参天FX V+(参天金) Budabuda   (1972 bytes , 84reads )
Sante 参天FX Neo(参天银) Budabuda   (1663 bytes , 97reads )
要2瓶 Wendy_TWT   (5 bytes , 72reads )
Lycée乐敦小粉花眼药水 Budabuda   (1232 bytes , 115reads )
【新品】 狮王隐形眼镜着装液 Budabuda   (1344 bytes , 139reads )
【新品】小林制药眼镜手机镜头除菌清洁片 @开水白面包 Budabuda   (1324 bytes , 79reads )
==================美容器具区================= Budabuda   (216 bytes , 97reads )
【COSME大赏第一位】 Unicharm尤妮佳超吸收化妆棉 Budabuda   (1162 bytes , 99reads )
这个也来一盒 loveinlove   (0 bytes , 56reads )
Kose美肌暦水敷容纸膜 Budabuda   (571 bytes , 83reads )
这个来一盒试试 loveinlove   (0 bytes , 52reads )
【COSME大赏第一位】Nudy Micro Fibre超细双眼皮贴 Budabuda   (1833 bytes , 50reads )
Shiseido资生堂213睫毛夹(带替换胶垫) Budabuda   (811 bytes , 53reads )
资生堂Maquillage 心机睫毛夹(附带替换橡胶) Budabuda   (860 bytes , 53reads )
【COSME大赏】 Kose高丝Esprique绮丝碧粉底刷斜面粉刷 Budabuda   (998 bytes , 66reads )
【COSME大赏】Shiseido资生堂斜头粉底刷131号 Budabuda   (814 bytes , 62reads )
Suqqu 超级睫毛夹持续卷翘不伤睫毛 Budabuda   (1491 bytes , 134reads )
【新品】Chicca专用粉底扑/膏状腮红扑 @amanda1991 Budabuda   (1078 bytes , 73reads )
要一袋粉底的~ amanda1991   (12 bytes , 59reads )
===============美体美发专区================== Budabuda   (200 bytes , 85reads )
【C0SME大赏】资生堂fino高效渗透护发膜 @黄河水 Budabuda   (1147 bytes , 90reads )
要这个 wanjin   (5 bytes , 91reads )
我也要个这个 amanda1991   (7 bytes , 59reads )
要一个 跟NTU团 黄河水   (5 bytes , 63reads )
【COSME大赏第一位】 Utena佑天兰柚子精华无添加深层修护发油 Budabuda   (1489 bytes , 152reads )
跟一个 水墨   (4 bytes , 62reads )
跟一瓶 aaalei   (0 bytes , 103reads )
要一瓶这个 喵喵鱼   (5 bytes , 57reads )
来瓶 sue01234   (0 bytes , 64reads )
来一瓶这个 zerokeeper   (0 bytes , 95reads )
【大S推荐】YANAGIYA 柳屋本店超清凉防脱发发根营养液 @wuyuxuanwu Budabuda   (1833 bytes , 89reads )
【公告】 这款发根营养液不代购 @wuyuxuanwu Budabuda   (225 bytes , 52reads )
辛苦了 wuyuxuanwu   (0 bytes , 58reads )
跟2瓶白色无香型 wuyuxuanwu   (0 bytes , 93reads )
【新品】 Milbon玫丽盼Elujuda免洗护发精油发油/乳液 Budabuda   (3213 bytes , 75reads )
【COSME殿堂入】 House of Rose Oh! Baby玫瑰身体磨砂膏 Budabuda   (3157 bytes , 120reads )
要一个 臭小孩儿   (0 bytes , 97reads )
撸一个这个 onoecho   (0 bytes , 92reads )
【新品】 So Po Run唇周专用脱毛膏 Budabuda   (1421 bytes , 128reads )
【新品】 Cecile Maia脱毛膏 Budabuda   (756 bytes , 114reads )
Turu Queen’s脱毛膏 Budabuda   (753 bytes , 344reads )
【新品/COSME大赏】 Venus Lab 瘦身啫喱 Budabuda   (2924 bytes , 116reads )
这个没有价格呀? lucaswei   (0 bytes , 96reads )
谢谢提醒!补个价格:【新品/COSME大赏】 Venus Lab 瘦身啫喱 Budabuda   (276 bytes , 99reads )
Baby Foot 便利套式足膜(30分钟) Budabuda   (2339 bytes , 103reads )
Lion狮王休足时间腿部按摩贴 Budabuda   (1179 bytes , 127reads )
跟这个 wanjin   (5 bytes , 78reads )
一盒这个 兔毛君   (0 bytes , 79reads )
===============眉毛睫毛护理区================ Budabuda   (206 bytes , 86reads )
【COSME大赏】Kiss Me伊势半花漾美姬梦幻睫毛膏纤长浓密黑色防水 Budabuda   (1749 bytes , 80reads )
KATE凯婷极致大眼惊艳打底睫毛膏 Budabuda   (3285 bytes , 97reads )
【COSME大赏】 CANMAKE 睫毛膏定型液 Budabuda   (1357 bytes , 81reads )
【COSME大赏】 CANMAKE卷翘睫毛膏(巧克力黑) Budabuda   (1587 bytes , 81reads )
FASIO防水睫毛膏(新款) Budabuda   (2612 bytes , 77reads )
【COSME大赏】 Flow Fushi MOTEMASCARA美容液3D睫毛膏 Budabuda   (3428 bytes , 118reads )
【COSME大赏】 Majolica Majorca 恋爱魔镜纤长浓密瞬翘防水防晕睫毛膏(新款) Budabuda   (3145 bytes , 88reads )
【COSME大赏】 dejavu 防水防油魔法睫毛膏(新版) Budabuda   (5520 bytes , 76reads )
【新品】 CANMAKE三色眉粉 Budabuda   (5058 bytes , 96reads )
【COSME殿堂入】 KATE凯婷三色眉粉 Budabuda   (1475 bytes , 102reads )
资生堂自然之眉笔(六角眉笔) Budabuda   (2091 bytes , 118reads )
要2号 水晶冰凌   (0 bytes , 72reads )
要一支2号和一支3号 喵喵鱼   (5 bytes , 105reads )
【COSME殿堂入】 Kiss Me染眉膏 Budabuda   (2722 bytes , 83reads )
===============唇膏唇彩唇蜜区================ Budabuda   (198 bytes , 107reads )
【新品】 Pure Smile Choosy 高保湿改善唇纹防干燥水嫩唇膜(水蜜桃味) Budabuda   (1823 bytes , 53reads )
来个5片 喵喵鱼   (10 bytes , 92reads )
Suqqu 唇膏 Budabuda   (1650 bytes , 90reads )
【COSME大赏】 CANMAKE缤纷彩糖润色保湿唇彩 Budabuda   (1769 bytes , 51reads )
【COSME大赏】 CANMAKE高保湿变色蕾丝防晒透明唇蜜 Budabuda   (2959 bytes , 88reads )
【小蛮推荐】 Chicca超保湿唇部打底精华 Budabuda   (1852 bytes , 81reads )
【老版陆续停产】 CHICCA 超保湿水润唇膏 Budabuda   (3789 bytes , 111reads )
【新款上市】 CHICCA 新水润唇膏 Budabuda   (1706 bytes , 57reads )
【COSME大赏】资生堂Maquillage 心机润彩美容精油唇膏 Budabuda   (1885 bytes , 62reads )
【COSME殿堂入】资生堂Maquillage心机微晶蜜口红 Budabuda   (1202 bytes , 55reads )
Visee蕾丝光泽丰盈滋润唇膏 Budabuda   (1156 bytes , 61reads )
Visee新款蕾丝哑光滋润丝绒唇膏 Budabuda   (1040 bytes , 56reads )
RIMMEL芮迷魔法唇膏口红羽衣 Budabuda   (1338 bytes , 67reads )
【敏感肌孕妇适用】KISS ME Mommy! 小熊无添加保湿婴儿润唇膏 Budabuda   (989 bytes , 55reads )
【COSME大赏】 Curel珂润润浸保湿护唇膏 Budabuda   (1272 bytes , 59reads )
【吴佩慈力荐】资生堂MOILIP药用护唇膏 Budabuda   (1479 bytes , 87reads )
【COSME大赏】 DHC 药用纯榄护唇膏 Budabuda   (1511 bytes , 59reads )
==================眼影眼线区================= Budabuda   (200 bytes , 102reads )
CANMAKE完美雕刻裸色五色眼影盘 Budabuda   (1923 bytes , 106reads )
【COSME大赏】 K-Palette24小时持久防水不晕染极细眼线液笔 Budabuda   (3721 bytes , 68reads )
【新品】 CANMAKE新款啫喱彩色防水眼线笔 Budabuda   (1842 bytes , 64reads )
KATE凯婷极细持久液体眼线笔 Budabuda   (1650 bytes , 57reads )
【COSME大赏】 Love Darling Cosme极细防水眼线液笔 Budabuda   (1495 bytes , 51reads )
【COSME大赏】 Kiss Me 伊势半梦幻泪眼盈美柔滑液体眼线笔 Budabuda   (1537 bytes , 55reads )
【COSME大赏】 VISEE 眼线胶笔 Budabuda   (2312 bytes , 69reads )
【COSME大赏】 Flow Fushi MOTELINER极细眼线液笔 Budabuda   (1222 bytes , 95reads )
KATE凯婷骨干重塑 3+1眼影 Budabuda   (2399 bytes , 61reads )
【新品】VISEE 2015年秋季魅惑深眸五色眼影 Budabuda   (1382 bytes , 64reads )
五色两盒 onoecho   (16 bytes , 79reads )
VISEE双色立体眼影 Budabuda   (1616 bytes , 64reads )
VISEE 四色蕾丝眼影 Budabuda   (1589 bytes , 60reads )
两个 onoecho   (17 bytes , 91reads )
VISEE烟熏立体五色眼影 Budabuda   (1427 bytes , 58reads )
【COSME大赏】 VISEE 心形裸色雕刻五色眼影 @onoecho Budabuda   (1627 bytes , 76reads )
想撸visee全套 onoecho   (0 bytes , 68reads )
好滴,有要求我就先上VISEE,哈哈,太多东西,不造哪个优先上 Budabuda   (5 bytes , 51reads )
华新价格是包邮到新加坡吗? onoecho   (0 bytes , 87reads )
是,个人或拼单,满SGD500且三公斤以下可以考虑免邮,请看主贴 Budabuda   (5 bytes , 63reads )
==================腮红专区================== Budabuda   (196 bytes , 104reads )
Laduree拉杜丽花瓣修容腮红 Budabuda   (2340 bytes , 65reads )
Laduree 拉杜丽粉末腮红(2015年春季新品) Budabuda   (2522 bytes , 57reads )
Laduree拉杜丽浮雕肖像腮红 Budabuda   (2017 bytes , 50reads )
CANMAKE哑光花瓣腮红 Budabuda   (1258 bytes , 59reads )
【COSME大赏】 CANMAKE 水润腮红膏 Budabuda   (2675 bytes , 56reads )
【新品】CANMAKE井田双色腮红修容盘 Budabuda   (1470 bytes , 55reads )
【新品】 Visee腮红唇膏两用霜 Budabuda   (725 bytes , 62reads )
Visee 蕾丝四色修容腮红 Budabuda   (1202 bytes , 60reads )
===============妆前粉底修容区================ Budabuda   (204 bytes , 86reads )
【新品】Shiseido资生堂Dicila蒂思岚蔷薇光泽粉底霜 Budabuda   (5016 bytes , 63reads )
【魔法珍珠蜜粉】 Shiseido资生堂Dicila蒂思岚蔷薇蜜散粉(新版) Budabuda   (2048 bytes , 92reads )
【新品】 Chacott for Professions 芭蕾舞台用纯植物胶原底妆 Budabuda   (1986 bytes , 67reads )
【新品】 ansage山田制药毛孔护理CC霜 Budabuda   (1499 bytes , 75reads )
Albion奥尔滨美白雪肤凝润极细粉饼(牛奶粉) Budabuda   (2110 bytes , 58reads )
【新品】 Albion奥尔滨玻尿酸保湿锁水粉底液 Budabuda   (2433 bytes , 62reads )
【新品/女人我最大推荐】SUGAO慕斯CC霜 Budabuda   (9322 bytes , 868reads )
【COSME大赏】 IPSA 茵芙莎柔妆四色修容腮红盘 Budabuda   (1482 bytes , 53reads )
【COSME大赏 】IPSA茵芙莎纯美无瑕三色遮瑕膏 Budabuda   (1345 bytes , 73reads )
【新品】 Mikimoto 御木本珍珠养肤蜜粉/散粉(孕妇可用) Budabuda   (1388 bytes , 109reads )
【新品】 Dr. Ci:Labo城野医生完美保湿防晒遮瑕啫喱粉底 Budabuda   (3974 bytes , 120reads )
【新品】 IPSA茵芙莎光反射透明肌粉底液2015年春季新款 @Iris6777 Budabuda   (2535 bytes , 83reads )
==================战痘专区================== Budabuda   (196 bytes , 61reads )
【新品】 资生堂IHADA颜湿疹痘肌皮肤炎膏 Budabuda   (1000 bytes , 124reads )
这个也要一个啦! 青鱼   (10 bytes , 110reads )
【新品】 Lion 狮王Pair Acne祛痘粉刺暗疮洁面膏 Budabuda   (1563 bytes , 125reads )
白兔暗疮膏 Budabuda   (894 bytes , 154reads )
Lion Pair祛痘粉刺膏 @喵喵鱼 Budabuda   (1958 bytes , 80reads )
================面膜眼膜颈膜================= Budabuda   (206 bytes , 87reads )
Kose Clear Turn 抗皱保湿眼膜法令纹贴 Budabuda   (2690 bytes , 71reads )
再要一个这个~ loveinlove   (0 bytes , 49reads )
【三款可选】 Kose 高丝Clear Turn Babyish无添加婴儿肌面膜 Budabuda   (1994 bytes , 55reads )
【六款可选】 Kose 高丝Clear Turn 浓润面膜 Budabuda   (7669 bytes , 55reads )
Kracie肌美精集中保湿抗皱眼膜 Budabuda   (2146 bytes , 55reads )
【五款可选】 Kracie 肌美精保湿渗透面膜 Budabuda   (4334 bytes , 61reads )
【四款可选】 Kracie肌美精超渗透3D面膜 Budabuda   (3920 bytes , 61reads )
蓝紫根去颈纹淡化黑色素颈膜 Budabuda   (1650 bytes , 61reads )
Albion 奥尔滨健康水面膜爽肤精萃药用精华 Budabuda   (1706 bytes , 61reads )
PURU 玻尿酸高浓度眼部集中泪袋修护眼膜 Budabuda   (1755 bytes , 68reads )
来1盒试试 食色   (0 bytes , 111reads )
要两袋这个 喵喵鱼   (5 bytes , 66reads )
要一包 疯狂小肚兜   (0 bytes , 95reads )
【三款可选】 Mandom 蔓丹透明质酸面膜 Budabuda   (2113 bytes , 53reads )
【COSME大赏】 LuLuLun 超保湿面膜(三款可选) Budabuda   (1874 bytes , 75reads )
【新品】 Suqqu浓密补水高保湿滋润弹力免洗面膜玫瑰香氛 Budabuda   (1794 bytes , 97reads )
【COSME大赏第一】 Minon氨基酸高保湿面膜新版干燥肌敏感肌孕妇可用 Budabuda   (1820 bytes , 61reads )
跟一 凡士林   (0 bytes , 96reads )
【敏感肌孕妇可用】HABA无添加主义双妍滋养温热啫喱面膜 Budabuda   (1341 bytes , 52reads )
【新品】Utena佑天兰Premium Puresa黄金果冻啫喱面膜奢华人气 Budabuda   (3178 bytes , 464reads )
一盒红的一盒蓝的 兔毛君   (7 bytes , 61reads )
麻烦帮我取消这个 兔毛君   (4 bytes , 54reads )
一黄一蓝各一盒 疯狂小肚兜   (0 bytes , 69reads )
【新品】森下仁丹制药维他命A+E+Q10睡眠眼膜(去黑眼圈眼袋细纹) Budabuda   (1526 bytes , 168reads )
跟两盒 臭小孩儿   (0 bytes , 93reads )
来1盒试试 食色   (0 bytes , 101reads )
跟两盒 水墨   (5 bytes , 68reads )
一盒试试 aaalei   (0 bytes , 85reads )
要一盒 Fsnowann   (0 bytes , 70reads )
================按摩紧肤专区================= Budabuda   (222 bytes , 61reads )
【新品】 BB Laboratories胎盘原液按摩膏 Budabuda   (1588 bytes , 77reads )
跟一个 水墨   (4 bytes , 78reads )
Suqqu循环弹力小脸按摩瘦脸霜 Budabuda   (1417 bytes , 98reads )
================美容精华专区================= Budabuda   (222 bytes , 56reads )
【新品】HABA无添加主义 SQUA Q10辅酶美容油(抗氧化防衰老)@ 婧婧 Budabuda   (2426 bytes , 79reads )
【COSME殿堂入】 Albion奥尔滨黄金凝萃草本精华油 Budabuda   (1672 bytes , 92reads )
【COSME大赏】 HABA 无添加主义鲨烷美容油(孕妇可用) Budabuda   (5179 bytes , 115reads )
太阳社玻尿酸/透明质酸原液 Budabuda   (2084 bytes , 125reads )
Dr. Ci:Labo 城野医生EGF 浓缩精华液(附赠吸管) @喵喵鱼 Budabuda   (4056 bytes , 103reads )
要1瓶这个 喵喵鱼   (5 bytes , 53reads )
================渗透乳/肌底液================ Budabuda   (260 bytes , 79reads )
【抗老化】 Albion 奥尔滨INFINESSE赋活保湿美白渗透乳 Budabuda   (2530 bytes , 56reads )
【COSME殿堂级 】Albion 奥尔滨EXAGE 活润保湿渗透乳 (新版) @嘎嘣脆 Budabuda   (3455 bytes , 88reads )
考虑下还是不要了吧 嘎嘣脆   (98 bytes , 52reads )
哈哈新品先要一个110g的吧 嘎嘣脆   (17 bytes , 49reads )
Albion 奥尔滨EXAGE WHITE活润美白渗透乳 Budabuda   (2705 bytes , 53reads )
【新品】 CPB肌肤之钥焕活细胞肌底液精华液(细胞青春精质激活美容液) Budabuda   (1504 bytes , 62reads )
【新品】 Shiseido资生堂Ultimune红妍肌活露肌底精华液(红腰子) Budabuda   (2316 bytes , 110reads )
【COSME大赏第一】 Albion eclafutur 奥尔滨光辉未来唤醒细胞修复肌底液 Budabuda   (1893 bytes , 110reads )
Cosme Decorte 黛珂牛油果天然植物软肌乳液 Budabuda   (2059 bytes , 52reads )
【新品】 ansage山田制药毛孔护理美容液 Budabuda   (1490 bytes , 59reads )
【COSME殿堂入】 Cosme Decorte 黛珂保湿美容液(紫瓶) Budabuda   (2769 bytes , 65reads )
【新品】 TWANY 诱导美容液 Budabuda   (1885 bytes , 139reads )
==================保湿专区================== Budabuda   (216 bytes , 67reads )
【新品/COSME大赏】水の天使保湿美白五合一凝胶 Budabuda   (1232 bytes , 66reads )
【新品/四款可选】 IPSA自律循环液 Budabuda   (3179 bytes , 86reads )
【COSME大赏】 ansage山田制药毛孔护理乳液 Budabuda   (1546 bytes , 117reads )
【新品/敏感肌适用】Steam Cream 纯天然蒸汽霜 Budabuda   (1232 bytes , 91reads )
请问这个的盒子图案可以选不? 艾嘎嘎   (34 bytes , 56reads )
花样太多了,你可以参考下她家日本官网,很难选,柜里有啥也不知道。。。 Budabuda   (28 bytes , 56reads )
去官网看了一下 艾嘎嘎   (201 bytes , 111reads )
【医美权威】Dr. Cil:Labo城野医生海洋水凝胶原极致修护啫喱 EX Budabuda   (1875 bytes , 83reads )
【新品/小蛮推荐】Matsu Yama松山油脂M-mark无添加渗透型保湿乳液 Budabuda   (1165 bytes , 80reads )
【COSME大赏第一】 Minon氨基酸强效保湿乳液 新版(孕妇可用) Budabuda   (1712 bytes , 89reads )
【敏感肌孕妇可用】 HABA无添加主义夜间修复保湿精华啫喱 Budabuda   (2630 bytes , 87reads )
IPSA 茵芙纱时光重塑净白化妆液(流金水) Budabuda   (2168 bytes , 118reads )
【COSME殿堂入】Albion奥尔滨健康水 Budabuda   (2879 bytes , 66reads )
【新品】 TWANY高保湿清凉啫喱化妆水 Budabuda   (1742 bytes , 61reads )
药师堂尊马油 @艾嘎嘎 Budabuda   (3220 bytes , 92reads )
要一瓶 bonbons   (2 bytes , 94reads )
谢谢妹子, 要一瓶 艾嘎嘎   (22 bytes , 66reads )
==================化妆水区================== Budabuda   (358 bytes , 59reads )
【新品/敏感肌适用】 Matsu Yama 松山油脂 大豆保湿浸透水 Budabuda   (1524 bytes , 92reads )
CPB肌肤之钥保湿露/爽肤水 Budabuda   (1331 bytes , 88reads )
CPB肌肤之钥水磨紧肤精华液 Budabuda   (4245 bytes , 104reads )
Cosme Decorte黛珂天然植物薄荷紫苏高机能化妆水 Budabuda   (2601 bytes , 80reads )
【新品】久迩香水本铺 梨抗敏保湿化妆水 Budabuda   (993 bytes , 51reads )
【敏感肌孕妇可用】 HABA无添加主义 VC药用美白柔肤水 Budabuda   (3190 bytes , 65reads )
【敏感肌孕妇可用】 HABA 无添加主义纯海润泽柔肤G露 Budabuda   (3014 bytes , 63reads )
【新品】Dr. Ci:Labo 城野医生活氧草本美肌水 Budabuda   (1923 bytes , 80reads )
=================去角质黑头区================ Budabuda   (228 bytes , 82reads )
【新品】 Albion EXAGE活润黑头护理液调理角质收缩毛孔紧致肌肤 Budabuda   (1324 bytes , 85reads )
【新品/日本专柜毛穴第一奖】 Suqqu毛孔洁净精华液 Budabuda   (1654 bytes , 78reads )
【新品】Suqqu保湿按摩磨砂洗颜霜洁面去角质按摩膏 Budabuda   (1190 bytes , 85reads )
【COSME大赏】Cure活性化水素去角质凝胶(敏感肌适用) Budabuda   (1256 bytes , 75reads )
这个也要1个试试吧 食色   (0 bytes , 92reads )
明色Detclear去角质啫喱 Budabuda   (851 bytes , 87reads )
【COSME大赏】 Rosette 诗留美去角质面膜 Budabuda   (2465 bytes , 67reads )
【COSME殿堂入】 Naiad Ghassoul摩洛哥矿物清洁粘土/高岭土面膜 Budabuda   (2330 bytes , 79reads )
IPSA茵芙纱自律循环角质清理液 Budabuda   (1732 bytes , 59reads )
【新品】 Dr. Ci:Labo城野医生控油收敛果酸去角质啫喱 Budabuda   (1255 bytes , 65reads )
IPSA茵芙纱粘土去角质按摩面膜 Budabuda   (1416 bytes , 74reads )
==================洁面区================== Budabuda   (194 bytes , 72reads )
【敏感肌孕妇适用】 Minon 氨基酸保湿泡沫洁面新版 Budabuda   (1206 bytes , 68reads )
【超人气】 Albion奥尔滨浓缩薏仁健康洁面皂(升级版) Budabuda   (1889 bytes , 62reads )
SOFINA苏菲娜保湿泡泡洁面乳(附带起泡网) Budabuda   (850 bytes , 68reads )
YUZE伊尤赛炭深层洁面透明皂 Budabuda   (1024 bytes , 64reads )
【三款可选】 Penélopi Moon 月光皂(带起泡网) Budabuda   (4035 bytes , 49reads )
COW牛乳石碱抹茶洁面皂(带起泡网) Budabuda   (1022 bytes , 68reads )
【COSME大赏】COW牛乳石碱无添加保湿泡沫洁面乳 Budabuda   (976 bytes , 69reads )
收一个,跟NTU团 黄河水   (5 bytes , 54reads )
cpb肌肤之钥泡沫洁面乳 Budabuda   (1016 bytes , 69reads )
Cosme Decorte 黛珂天然植物白海泥洁面乳 Budabuda   (981 bytes , 65reads )
【小蛮推荐】 Cosme Decorte 黛珂肌耀未来洁面乳 Budabuda   (1929 bytes , 67reads )
【三款可选】 Freeplus 净润氨基酸洁面 Budabuda   (3356 bytes , 83reads )
要一个清洁款的 zerokeeper   (0 bytes , 68reads )
【孕妇可用】 THREE有机纯植物保湿舒缓平衡洁面乳 Budabuda   (1273 bytes , 86reads )
ansage山田制药毛孔护理洁面乳 Budabuda   (1595 bytes , 107reads )
【COSME大赏】 Rosette诗留美屋海泥洁面膏 Budabuda   (1322 bytes , 81reads )
【COSME殿堂入】 Fancl 无添加柔滑洁面粉(孕妇可用) Budabuda   (7258 bytes , 101reads )
【敏感肌孕妇适用】 HABA 无添加主义鲨烷保湿洁面乳 Budabuda   (1456 bytes , 54reads )
【新品】Dr. Ci:Labo城野医生LaboLabo控油祛痘洁面乳 Budabuda   (1293 bytes , 167reads )
【新品】IPSA茵芙莎清润蓝矿物皂精华洁面皂 Budabuda   (1576 bytes , 70reads )
Kanebo嘉娜宝Suisai酵素深层洁面粉(蓝色,32粒)@喵喵鱼 Budabuda   (1641 bytes , 78reads )
要1盒 喵喵鱼   (4 bytes , 59reads )
==================卸妆区================== Budabuda   (24 bytes , 67reads )
【新品/COSME大赏第一位】 Botanical Force美容卸妆油 Budabuda   (1666 bytes , 112reads )
【COSME大赏】Mandom蔓丹 Bifesta眼唇卸妆液 Budabuda   (3889 bytes , 96reads )
Dr. Ci:Labo 城野医生超净透卸妆凝胶EX Budabuda   (1319 bytes , 105reads )
Dr. Ci:Labo 城野医生紧致提升按摩深层卸妆啫喱EX Budabuda   (1780 bytes , 66reads )
THREE 纯植物有机温和卸妆油 Budabuda   (3841 bytes , 89reads )
ansage山田制药毛孔护理卸妆油 Budabuda   (1757 bytes , 88reads )
【COSME殿堂入】Fancl无添加纳米净化修护卸妆液(孕妇可用) Budabuda   (2115 bytes , 79reads )
【新品】 Dr. Ci:Labo城野医生控油收毛孔卸妆油 Budabuda   (2161 bytes , 179reads )
===============防蚊止痒止汗专区=============== Budabuda   (344 bytes , 80reads )
【新品】Wakodo和光堂婴儿玉米淀粉爽生粉 @lucaswei Budabuda   (1408 bytes , 63reads )
要一个 谢谢 lucaswei   (0 bytes , 108reads )
第一三共Makiron防蚊止痒贴 Budabuda   (1617 bytes , 128reads )
池田模範堂面包超人儿童蚊虫消炎止痒贴 Budabuda   (967 bytes , 73reads )
池田模范堂止痒液 Budabuda   (1299 bytes , 60reads )
池田模范堂面包超人宝宝止痒润肤膏 Budabuda   (1148 bytes , 54reads )
Soft Stone Deonatulle腋下止汗消臭膏 Budabuda   (956 bytes , 134reads )
一个 aaalei   (0 bytes , 63reads )
资生堂婴儿爽身粉饼 Budabuda   (1297 bytes , 67reads )
和光堂婴儿天然桉树精油防蚊贴(60枚经济装) Budabuda   (2004 bytes , 58reads )
要一包,谢谢 lucaswei   (0 bytes , 109reads )
=================美白祛斑区================ Budabuda   (278 bytes , 71reads )
【新品】 Albion 奥尔滨EXAGE WHITE活润透白扫黑无暇精华液 Budabuda   (1870 bytes , 133reads )
【夏日必备】 Albion Exage White 奥尔滨活润美白晚安嫩肤粉 Budabuda   (1638 bytes , 50reads )
Rohto 乐敦渗透维他命CC美白祛斑去痘印精华美容液 Budabuda   (1799 bytes , 78reads )
【新品】 Albion EXAGE WHITE奥尔滨活润清新美白霜 Budabuda   (1143 bytes , 109reads )
POLA局部美白祛斑精华膏(新版) Budabuda   (7482 bytes , 61reads )
POLA美白祛斑精华(新版) Budabuda   (9522 bytes , 71reads )
【女人我最大推荐】Obagi 左旋C美白淡斑精华(升级配方) Budabuda   (4216 bytes , 190reads )
【敏感肌孕妇可用】 HABA无添加主义雪白佳丽美容精华液 Budabuda   (2712 bytes , 59reads )
【敏感肌孕妇可用】 HABA无添加主义药用美白鲨烷精华美容油 Budabuda   (2825 bytes , 60reads )
黄色瓶 婧婧   (24 bytes , 66reads )
【敏感肌孕妇可用】 HABA无添加主义药用美白美容液(防色斑雀斑) Budabuda   (1072 bytes , 66reads )
【COSME殿堂入】HAKU第五代 CR 高机能祛斑美白精华 Budabuda   (1320 bytes , 60reads )
Dr. Ci:Labo 城野医生药用美白海洋胶原凝露 Budabuda   (2706 bytes , 64reads )
Dr. Ci:Labo 城野医生377绽白集中VC净斑液(第四代) Budabuda   (1820 bytes , 58reads )
=================超级防晒区================ Budabuda   (312 bytes , 82reads )
【新品】 Suqqu防晒霜 Budabuda   (1399 bytes , 89reads )
【新品】 TWANY水润玫瑰强效防晒乳SPF 50+ /PA++++ Budabuda   (1514 bytes , 111reads )
【COSME大赏】嘉娜宝ALLIE 轻盈防晒保湿啫喱(新版)SPF50+/PA++++ Budabuda   (2319 bytes , 60reads )
收两支,跟NTU团哈 黄河水   (5 bytes , 63reads )
【新品】 Nivea妮维雅清爽水感防水高倍防晒啫喱(新版)SPF 50 / PA+++ Budabuda   (4518 bytes , 56reads )
资生堂Dicila蒂思岚envert高倍防晒美容液(红管)SPF 50 / PA++++ Budabuda   (1268 bytes , 89reads )
Sofina 苏菲娜芯美颜日间UV防晒乳液(小蓝花)SPF50+ / PA++++ Budabuda   (1756 bytes , 72reads )
Sofina 透美颜jenne日间倍护保湿防晒乳(白蕾丝)SPF50+ / PA+++ Budabuda   (1565 bytes , 70reads )
【新品】 Kose高丝雪肌精美白高倍防晒保湿乳液啫喱 Budabuda   (1723 bytes , 53reads )
资生堂Dicila蒂思岚envert户外高倍防晒乳绿管 SPF 40 / PA++ Budabuda   (1385 bytes , 131reads )
【新品】 POLA宝丽WHITISSIMO维斯美白高效防晒乳 SPF 50 / PA++++ Budabuda   (3436 bytes , 78reads )
【一岁以上宝宝适用】Kiss Me Mommy! 小熊无添加温和婴儿防晒啫喱SPF 30 / PA+++ Budabuda   (2342 bytes , 52reads )
Ettusais艾杜纱草本UV防晒啫喱SPF 50+ / PA++++ Budabuda   (2109 bytes , 74reads )
CPB 抗老防晒霜SPF 50 / PA++++ Budabuda   (3653 bytes , 59reads )
资生堂新艳阳夏臻效防晒乳SPF 50+ / PA++++(2015年新版) Budabuda   (2701 bytes , 51reads )
【跟单注明款式】FASIO白金级抗 UV耐水防晒乳液:润肤水感保湿防晒啫喱 Budabuda   (4395 bytes , 62reads )
【跟单注明款式】城野医生高倍防晒啫喱乳液:敏感肌防晒乳:宝宝防晒霜 Budabuda   (5724 bytes , 60reads )
跟一瓶敏感肌的 Wendy_TWT   (5 bytes , 80reads )
【跟单注明款式】安耐晒粉瓶:安耐晒BB霜:安耐晒婴儿防晒霜 Budabuda   (9147 bytes , 64reads )
资生堂ANESSA安耐晒金瓶SPF50+ / PA++++ Budabuda   (1308 bytes , 67reads )
收一个,跟NTU团 黄河水   (5 bytes , 62reads )
【孕妇可用】HABA无添加主义保湿高倍防晒乳SPF 50 / PA++++ Budabuda   (2232 bytes , 59reads )
跟一 凡士林   (30 bytes , 108reads )
IPSA茵芙莎水润高倍防晒乳SPF 50+ / PA++++ Budabuda   (1674 bytes , 66reads )
跟一个这个 兔毛君   (0 bytes , 65reads )
Fancl 无添加物理防晒霜新版SPF50+ / PA++++(孕妇可用) Budabuda   (2141 bytes , 60reads )
收1 sue01234   (0 bytes , 65reads )
【新品】Dr. Ci:Labo城野医生无暇透明紧致提升防晒蜜粉 @JUJUJU Budabuda   (1505 bytes , 58reads )
要一盒 喵喵鱼   (6 bytes , 104reads )
这个取消,不好意思 喵喵鱼   (22 bytes , 70reads )
一个这个 JUJUJU   (6 bytes , 73reads )
================绝版限定区=============== Budabuda   (897 bytes , 75reads )
【VIP限定/仅两套】 Dr. Ci:Labo 城野医生活氧草本美肌水面膜(32枚抽取式) Budabuda   (3905 bytes , 87reads )
还有的话要一盒 Fsnowann   (0 bytes , 55reads )
收一盒 喵喵鱼   (8 bytes , 68reads )
要一个这个 JUJUJU   (4 bytes , 76reads )
帮nina订一套,只剩一套啦! Budabuda   (4 bytes , 61reads )
【两支超值限定装】Dejavu 黛佳碧防水防油魔法睫毛膏(进化新版) Budabuda   (3061 bytes , 83reads )
【美少女战士限定】Creer Beaute20周年美少女战士限定眼线笔 @amanda1991 Budabuda   (1354 bytes , 81reads )
要权杖! sue01234   (0 bytes , 65reads )
我要星月棒哒 amanda1991   (8 bytes , 78reads )
【秋季限定/仅两支】Nivea妮维雅润肤霜50克管装 Budabuda   (1473 bytes , 99reads )
这个也要1个 食色   (0 bytes , 80reads )
【秋季限定/仅六罐】Nivea妮维雅润肤霜169克蓝罐限定版 Budabuda   (1560 bytes , 145reads )
要1罐! 食色   (0 bytes , 66reads )
要1罐 艾嘎嘎   (4 bytes , 61reads )
这个不要了 艾嘎嘎   (14 bytes , 48reads )
【限定组合/仅一套】嘉娜宝ALLIE 轻盈防晒保湿啫喱(新版)SPF50+/PA++++ Budabuda   (2794 bytes , 63reads )
收这个 喵喵鱼   (8 bytes , 59reads )
【Cinderella限定/仅两支】Kose 高丝药用雪肌精雪水30周年限定 Budabuda   (1597 bytes , 86reads )
【My Melody限定/仅六支】STB Higuchi 360度旋转牙刷超极细刷毛(儿童款) Budabuda   (2230 bytes , 93reads )
收两个。谢谢。 臭小孩儿   (0 bytes , 64reads )
【绝版限定/仅三套】资生堂心机美人Snow Beauty 24小时美白护肤粉饼 @素心 Budabuda   (2965 bytes , 99reads )
【日航免税特价/仅一盒】Jill Stuart完美无瑕雪纺恒采粉饼 @素心 Budabuda   (1583 bytes , 70reads )
排后面~~ 舒然99   (0 bytes , 53reads )
先cancel这个排队吧 哈哈估计排了也没用 再蹲蹲别的货 舒然99   (0 bytes , 56reads )
【日航限定/仅一套】Jill Stuart 花漾香氛护手霜五支套装日航限定 Budabuda   (2341 bytes , 263reads )
收这个 臭小孩儿   (0 bytes , 74reads )
【日航限定/仅一套】JILL STUART甜心爱恋梦幻四色腮红日航限定色109 @lucaswei Budabuda   (1962 bytes , 370reads )
我要我要。给我留着 谢谢 lucaswei   (0 bytes , 55reads )
【绝版限定/仅一套】Lunasol日月晶采2015年秋魅惑净化巧克力眼影唇膏限定 @circlemia Budabuda   (1669 bytes , 116reads )
嗯这个是我要的,谢团长! circlemia   (0 bytes , 82reads )
【绝版限定/仅一套】Lunasol 2015年夏季眼影腮红唇膏睫毛膏限定套装 Budabuda   (1652 bytes , 58reads )
【夏季清凉芦荟限定版/仅三瓶】Dr. Ci:Labo城野医生水凝胶原海洋芦荟清凉保湿凝露 Budabuda   (2299 bytes , 96reads )
【夏季清凉芦荟限定版/仅两瓶】Dr. Ci:Labo城野医生完美清凉芦荟洁面身体皂液 Budabuda   (870 bytes , 111reads )
收一瓶,谢谢 喵喵鱼   (5 bytes , 66reads )
================中小样特价专区=============== Budabuda   (354 bytes , 90reads )
【中样礼包/仅一套】IPSA茵芙莎清润蓝矿物皂精华洁面皂+流金水 Budabuda   (3758 bytes , 79reads )
要了 bonbons   (2 bytes , 65reads )
【仅一个】Dr. Ci:Labo城野医生颜/身体用按摩棒 Budabuda   (772 bytes , 109reads )
【明星产品中样套装/仅两套】Dr. Ci:Labo城野医生超值中样礼盒 Budabuda   (9025 bytes , 114reads )
要一套 picaqiu   (0 bytes , 59reads )
要1 bonbons   (2 bytes , 110reads )
【两支中样/仅一组】 HABA无添加主义雪白佳丽美容精华液+VC药用美白柔肤水 Budabuda   (5440 bytes , 84reads )
【中样礼盒/仅一套】 CPB肌肤之钥洁肤保湿套装(滋润型) Budabuda   (2557 bytes , 74reads )
这个 sue01234   (0 bytes , 73reads )
【30毫升中样/仅一瓶】IPSA自律循环保湿乳液2号+专用化妆棉 Budabuda   (1525 bytes , 88reads )
排一下 Fsnowann   (0 bytes , 102reads )
要这个 bonbons   (2 bytes , 94reads )
【3.5克中样/仅三支】 Dr. Ci:Labo 城野医生377绽白集中VC净斑液(第四代) Budabuda   (2159 bytes , 74reads )
【13克中样/仅四组】Dr. Ci:Labo 城野医生超净透洁颜乳EX Budabuda   (2259 bytes , 76reads )
【25克中样仅一个】Dr. Ci:Labo城野医生紧致提升海洋胶原凝露 Budabuda   (2205 bytes , 98reads )
picaqiu   (0 bytes , 72reads )
收这个,谢谢 喵喵鱼   (5 bytes , 58reads )
【20克中样仅一个】Dr. Ci:Labo 城野医生海洋胶原水凝露(敏感型) Budabuda   (1911 bytes , 90reads )
收一个 暗霓   (0 bytes , 76reads )
=================特价限购区================ Budabuda   (594 bytes , 103reads )
【每月特价】参天Beautéye 玫瑰眼药水 Budabuda   (1122 bytes , 97reads )
收一个 臭小孩儿   (0 bytes , 94reads )
要1瓶 艾嘎嘎   (0 bytes , 54reads )
【日航免税价/仅一支】JILL STUART 花舞恋拇指公主魔镜唇膏 Budabuda   (1298 bytes , 124reads )
【官网限购/仅五盒】长寿の里100%胶原蛋白线球 Budabuda   (2947 bytes , 88reads )
要一盒 疯狂小肚兜   (19 bytes , 63reads )
【每月特价/仅六片】Cotton Labo 碳酸面膜(单片装) Budabuda   (1392 bytes , 92reads )
加单,一共要4片 喵喵鱼   (8 bytes , 57reads )
来2片,谢谢 喵喵鱼   (12 bytes , 82reads )
这个要两片 疯狂小肚兜   (6 bytes , 84reads )
【每月特价】豆腐の盛田屋豆乳面膜(新版) Budabuda   (3026 bytes , 122reads )
要一个 嘎嘣脆   (0 bytes , 58reads )
要两瓶 喵喵鱼   (8 bytes , 73reads )
【每月特价】城野医生控油毛孔收敛化妆水 Budabuda   (3812 bytes , 97reads )
要一个这个 amaibaobao   (0 bytes , 107reads )
Sorry才留意到这个是九月的 还能跟吗?NTU取货 amaibaobao   (0 bytes , 53reads )
要一个 继续蹲 Fsnowann   (0 bytes , 60reads )
【每月特价/仅五瓶】城野医生VC100零毛孔透肌美白化妆水(新版) Budabuda   (7128 bytes , 87reads )
【每月特价/仅十枚】Dr. Ci:Labo 城野医生光学深层净白水凝面膜超值单片装 Budabuda   (1805 bytes , 86reads )
要五片这个。 stele123   (10 bytes , 82reads )
抱歉 先不要这个了 stele123   (31 bytes , 45reads )
要两片,谢谢 喵喵鱼   (19 bytes , 58reads )
【每月特价/仅两盒】TRANSINO传皙娜祛斑美白精华面膜 Budabuda   (1704 bytes , 85reads )
还有吗 喵喵鱼   (12 bytes , 66reads )
【冲绳机场免税价/仅两支】安娜苏唇蜜 Budabuda   (1277 bytes , 91reads )
【冲绳机场免税价/仅四支】安娜苏魔法心愿星星唇膏 Budabuda   (4789 bytes , 148reads )
要一支最右边的颜色 喵喵鱼   (18 bytes , 68reads )
【冲绳机场免税价/仅三支】植村秀冰激淋唇颊两用丝滑胭脂/哑光液体口红腮红霜 Budabuda   (2145 bytes , 123reads )
【冲绳机场免税价/仅三支】植村秀 2015春laque supreme時尚漆光唇釉 Budabuda   (5698 bytes , 109reads )
【冲绳机场免税价/仅一套】 Paul & Joe 2015年新款水凝透亮啫喱粉饼 Budabuda   (5171 bytes , 94reads )
【冲绳机场免税价/仅一套】 Paul & Joe 双色搪瓷丝缎光雾蜜粉饼/双色压缩南瓜粉 Budabuda   (1414 bytes , 106reads )
【东京机场免税价/仅一支】 Sofina苏菲娜Primavista长效防晒控油妆前乳 Budabuda   (2072 bytes , 99reads )
【东京机场免税价/仅三瓶】 Sofina苏菲娜芯美颜日间美白保湿防护乳(小白花) Budabuda   (2781 bytes , 90reads )
【东京机场免税价/仅一支】Shiseido资生堂Bio-Performance百优优效眼霜 Budabuda   (882 bytes , 89reads )
【东京机场免税价/仅一套】RMK保湿洁面护肤四件套装 Budabuda   (4832 bytes , 127reads )
【东京机场免税价/仅四盒】RMK 水嫩防晒啫喱 Budabuda   (1706 bytes , 91reads )
【东京机场免税价/仅一盒】RMK 绢丝隔离霜 Budabuda   (1622 bytes , 86reads )
【东京机场免税价/仅两盒】RMK 玫瑰卸妆膏 Budabuda   (2789 bytes , 92reads )
【东京机场免税价/仅一盒】 THREE有机纯植物双色高光阴影修容膏修容盘 Budabuda   (1635 bytes , 239reads )
【东京机场免税价/仅三支】THREE有机纯植物防晒润唇膏唇部打底COSME大赏第一 Budabuda   (2220 bytes , 77reads )
【东京机场免税价/仅一瓶】THREE有机纯植物平衡卸妆乳 Budabuda   (1619 bytes , 73reads )
【日航免税价/仅一盒】Lunasol 日月晶采光透美肌BGBG四色眼影 Budabuda   (961 bytes , 111reads )
【缺货王仅两盒】 树之惠足贴(艾草、薰衣草各一盒) Budabuda   (1700 bytes , 98reads )
艾草一盒 picaqiu   (0 bytes , 72reads )
艾草还有的话 sue01234   (0 bytes , 66reads )
排艾草。。。 艾嘎嘎   (0 bytes , 69reads )
收一盒艾草 谢谢哦 lucaswei   (0 bytes , 63reads )
【缺货王仅三支】贝亲婴幼儿高倍防晒乳SPF 50 / PA+++(敏感肌适用) Budabuda   (2933 bytes , 89reads )
跟一个 水墨   (5 bytes , 73reads )
收两个。 臭小孩儿   (0 bytes , 59reads )
【超特价仅一支】Dicila蒂思岚Predomina顶级眼霜 Budabuda   (1399 bytes , 113reads )
【官网特价仅五瓶】 TAKAMI 软化角质美容液 Budabuda   (2011 bytes , 102reads )
【官网特价仅一瓶】 ansage山田制药毛孔护理化妆水 Budabuda   (1943 bytes , 91reads )
【超值限定装仅一套】黛珂CLAY BLANC天然植物白海泥洁面限定套装 Budabuda   (2551 bytes , 94reads )
收一套这个,跟ntu团 青鱼   (32 bytes , 112reads )
【超值限定装仅一支】 Cosme Decorte 黛珂天然植物薄荷紫苏高机能化妆水300毫升限定装 Budabuda   (4280 bytes , 125reads )
【地域限定仅两套】 Lululun 冲绳限定面膜 Budabuda   (3764 bytes , 114reads )
跟一个 疯狂小肚兜   (0 bytes , 64reads )
跟一个 嘎嘣脆   (0 bytes , 96reads )
【夏季限定仅一支】 Bioré花王碧柔清爽水活防晒霜(清凉限定版):COSME大赏 Budabuda   (1928 bytes , 89reads )
【夏季限定仅六支】 Bioré花王碧柔清爽水活防晒霜(玫瑰限定版):COSME大赏 Budabuda   (2104 bytes , 104reads )
【夏季限定仅四套】Fancl UV 高倍防晒粉(2015年春夏限定版,孕妇可用) Budabuda   (1893 bytes , 114reads )
【夏季商品仅三盒】Kiribai桐灰儿童用防蚊手环 Budabuda   (1323 bytes , 77reads )
【夏季商品仅两套】和光堂婴儿天然植物精油防蚊驱蚊可挂式驱蚊盒 Budabuda   (1562 bytes , 78reads )
【夏季商品仅一套】贝亲婴儿天然药草精油驱蚊防蚊便携式挂件 Budabuda   (1720 bytes , 85reads )
【夏季商品仅两支】贝亲婴儿天然药草精油驱蚊防蚊喷雾 Budabuda   (1082 bytes , 87reads )
【临期特价仅一支】Fancl芳珂无添加美白保湿化妆液II(孕妇可用) Budabuda   (3388 bytes , 109reads )
【临期特价仅一组】Fancl芳珂无添加祛痘补湿化妆液+啫喱(孕妇可用) Budabuda   (9724 bytes , 84reads )
=================下单转账区================== Budabuda   (240 bytes , 65reads )
休假才回来 开水白面包   (547 bytes , 68reads )
好滴,记下啦 Budabuda   (4 bytes , 45reads )
245对吧?我跟哪个的团?靓靓回国休假了,凑不到500了 开水白面包   (0 bytes , 64reads )
=================拼单召唤区================== Budabuda   (487 bytes , 77reads )
【小团伙直邮】各类朋友同事团/开团建议 Budabuda   (463 bytes , 91reads )
@circlemia Budabuda   (59 bytes , 67reads )
JE好啦,谢谢:) circlemia   (0 bytes , 115reads )
好滴,加你到J团,你直接转账吧,转好通知我 Budabuda   (6 bytes , 60reads )
转了118到你DBS :) circlemia   (0 bytes , 70reads )
@picaqiu @核x小桃 Budabuda   (64 bytes , 52reads )
请核对订单 @喵喵鱼 Budabuda   (1074 bytes , 71reads )
对的,这就去转账 喵喵鱼   (10 bytes , 61reads )
邮啦!包邮单随时发!!!谢啦! Budabuda   (5 bytes , 49reads )
请核对订单 @onoecho Budabuda   (332 bytes , 47reads )
好的,谢谢 onoecho   (0 bytes , 58reads )
已发货,不拼团直邮单随时短我,谢啦 Budabuda   (5 bytes , 48reads )
【跟团/求小团长】中部团 Budabuda   (585 bytes , 68reads )
【跟团/求小团长】盛港榜鹅实龙岗团 Budabuda   (441 bytes , 82reads )
盛港团已经邮啦,谢谢小团长 @臭小孩儿 还有各位小伙伴们 Budabuda   (5 bytes , 58reads )
盛港榜鹅实龙岗已经成团 @食色 @臭小孩儿 @凡士林 @水晶冰凌 Budabuda   (48 bytes , 57reads )
我可以 某个周日中午可以sengkang分 水晶冰凌   (0 bytes , 60reads )
谢啦,臭小孩儿可以做小团长,她东西多 Budabuda   (30 bytes , 65reads )
请核对订单 @凡士林 Budabuda   (149 bytes , 49reads )
请核对订单 @臭小孩儿 Budabuda   (408 bytes , 48reads )
全款已转。 臭小孩儿   (0 bytes , 68reads )
没错。辛苦啦~~ 臭小孩儿   (0 bytes , 66reads )
请核对订单 @食色 Budabuda   (208 bytes , 56reads )
对的,谢谢! 食色   (0 bytes , 59reads )
有人开么? 少于5个人的话我可以开哈 水晶冰凌   (30 bytes , 99reads )
【跟团/求小团长】西海岸团 Budabuda   (429 bytes , 70reads )
【跟团/求小团长】NUS团 Budabuda   (456 bytes , 90reads )
我的单 坐等小团长召唤 Fsnowann   (161 bytes , 68reads )
【跟团/求小团长】兀兰义顺团 Budabuda   (431 bytes , 93reads )
跟单 123Berry   (90 bytes , 64reads )
好滴,站短你联系方式,加你北部团,谢啦 Budabuda   (5 bytes , 79reads )
已求到 123Berry   (34 bytes , 69reads )
北部团召唤中,小团长 @wuyuxuanwu @sue01234 Budabuda   (83 bytes , 54reads )
跟北部团 wanjin   (5 bytes , 84reads )
好滴,站短你联系方式,加你北部群 Budabuda   (4 bytes , 58reads )
如果实在凑不够就跟下月团,不急用。谢啦。 sue01234   (0 bytes , 66reads )
请核对订单 @sue01234 Budabuda   (221 bytes , 55reads )
请核对订单 @wuyuxuanwu Budabuda   (113 bytes , 57reads )
【跟团/求小团长】JE /CCK团 Budabuda   (573 bytes , 93reads )
@lucaswei @smileclove @Iris6777 @Wendy_TWT @xiaxinxin @暗霓 Budabuda   (139 bytes , 61reads )
我的在JE取就好,待会就转账 zerokeeper   (0 bytes , 52reads )
好滴,加你JE团,xiela Budabuda   (5 bytes , 68reads )
请核对订单 @Fsnowann Budabuda   (205 bytes , 59reads )
没错 已转全款 Fsnowann   (43 bytes , 64reads )
请核对订单 @zerokeeper Budabuda   (235 bytes , 52reads )
请核对订单 @xiaxinxin @暗霓 Budabuda   (189 bytes , 50reads )
不好意思 我这个暂时先取消 要回国半个月 等我回坡再跟团~~麻烦啦 xiaxinxin   (0 bytes , 67reads )
没问题,谢啦 Budabuda   (5 bytes , 69reads )
请核对订单 @Wendy_TWT Budabuda   (171 bytes , 54reads )
请核对订单 @smileclove Budabuda   (151 bytes , 54reads )
请核对订单 @lucaswei Budabuda   (310 bytes , 51reads )
等JE团 Iris6777   (238 bytes , 107reads )
订单对的,JE成团了,小团长lucaswei Budabuda   (26 bytes , 53reads )
【跟团/求小团长】NTU团 Budabuda   (611 bytes , 110reads )
请核对订单 @黄河水 Budabuda   (208 bytes , 49reads )
请核对订单 @兔毛君 @青鱼 @stele123 Budabuda   (449 bytes , 67reads )
抱歉没有及时回复。。。。。 兔毛君   (34 bytes , 49reads )
好滴,谢啦 Budabuda   (5 bytes , 64reads )
看好啦!乐敦眼药水! 青鱼   (32 bytes , 83reads )
好滴,记下了,站短你账号和联系方式了 Budabuda   (4 bytes , 54reads )
订单没错! 青鱼   (85 bytes , 93reads )
请核对订单 @水墨 Budabuda   (247 bytes , 51reads )
已转131,请查收 水墨   (9 bytes , 71reads )
请核对订单 @艾嘎嘎 Budabuda   (190 bytes , 70reads )
数目对的,跟NTU分队 艾嘎嘎   (126 bytes , 62reads )
站短你联系方式啦,谢谢 Budabuda   (5 bytes , 52reads )
paylah!已转118 艾嘎嘎   (38 bytes , 55reads )
请核对订单 @疯狂小肚兜 Budabuda   (311 bytes , 48reads )
都没问题 疯狂小肚兜   (25 bytes , 72reads )
请核对订单 @嘎嘣脆 Budabuda   (206 bytes , 47reads )
收到 嘎嘣脆   (0 bytes , 52reads )
请核对订单 @amanda1991 Budabuda   (154 bytes , 47reads )
对的! amanda1991   (26 bytes , 68reads )
好滴,谢啦 Budabuda   (5 bytes , 57reads )
请核对订单 @JUJUJU Budabuda   (139 bytes , 51reads )
请核对订单 @solacui Budabuda   (150 bytes , 45reads )
上个月欠你SGD 45 @solacui Budabuda   (30 bytes , 66reads )
爬来报到……Pioneer和BoonLay愿意配合我时间也可带~ solacui   (44 bytes , 77reads )
boonlay mrt求抱大腿! 黄河水   (38 bytes , 80reads )
嗯 到时候分货报名NTU 然后说明一下要带到Jp就好 solacui   (50 bytes , 57reads )
没问题! 黄河水   (10 bytes , 78reads )
最近吃得多大腿粗 都能抱上… solacui   (30 bytes , 89reads )
嘤嘤嘤嘤带我飞~~ 兔毛君   (0 bytes , 65reads )
求带~ 艾嘎嘎   (8 bytes , 61reads )
嗷!小天使! 青鱼   (27 bytes , 87reads )
谢sola,八月还欠着你几吊铜板,九月来还债:) Budabuda   (5 bytes , 48reads )
哇噻~~钱包吃瘪的时候最喜欢这样的消息! solacui   (14 bytes , 67reads )
抱你大腿 amanda1991   (14 bytes , 72reads )
=================询价公告区================== Budabuda   (516 bytes , 50reads )
fino发膜可以带吗? 黄河水   (5 bytes , 61reads )
====2015年9月篇上新到此结束,稍后整理订单,公告开团情况==== Budabuda   (90 bytes , 51reads )
=================2015年9月26日上新到此=============== Budabuda   (66 bytes , 56reads )
===================2015年9月24日上新到此=================== Budabuda   (26 bytes , 64reads )
==================2015年9月23日上新到此=================== Budabuda   (26 bytes , 88reads )
================2015年9月22日上新到此=================== Budabuda   (26 bytes , 61reads )
大家需要什么就跟单,偶不一一回复,最后一并总结,怕楼太高哈:) Budabuda   (4 bytes , 58reads )
===============2015年9月21日上新到此================ Budabuda   (26 bytes , 53reads )
请问代购尊马油和植村秀的自动武士刀眉笔吗? 艾嘎嘎   (23 bytes , 58reads )
尊马油代购过,稍后报价,植村秀眉笔没买过,求图,有空帮你查下价格 Budabuda   (4 bytes , 43reads )
请进 艾嘎嘎   (86 bytes , 73reads )
查了日本官网一支YEN 4080,定价跟坡价格一样,还是在坡买吧 Budabuda   (4 bytes , 80reads )
好的 艾嘎嘎   (10 bytes , 58reads )
=================常见问答区================= Budabuda   (8091 bytes , 69reads )
请问现在还能跟这个9月团吗? Kyria   (20 bytes , 60reads )
哦好的谢谢 Kyria   (24 bytes , 86reads )
如果不拼团的话,随时可以订,货齐就发 Budabuda   (82 bytes , 52reads )
多少才能成地区团啊 水晶冰凌   (0 bytes , 89reads )
通常总价SGD500以上且三公斤以下,可以考虑包邮,主楼有说明,谢啦 Budabuda   (5 bytes , 88reads )
好滴 水晶冰凌   (0 bytes , 104reads )
=================跟团注意事项============== Budabuda   (12039 bytes , 55reads )
第一次跟团不太懂 艾嘎嘎   (123 bytes , 84reads )
淘宝店价格是不包邮的,拍下后付邮费,东京直邮给你,不用拼团 Budabuda   (76 bytes , 52reads )
噢 明白了 艾嘎嘎   (28 bytes , 57reads )