所在版块:食全食美 发贴时间:2003-06-10 16:58

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
1) 巧可力自助晚餐 $15.95
Morriott Hotel 万豪酒店大厅酒廊

2) 东南亚自助餐 午餐 $12.5 晚餐馆 $18.5 (六月only)
南国风味餐馆 S.E.A. Village Restaurant,Sentosa Island

3) Japanese buffet at Tanjong Pagar
near Tanjong Pagar MRT station
76A Peck seas street .Watari japnese restaurant
lunch: 11am to 3pm
dinner : 6pm to 10 pm

4) Machi ( French restaurant)
Suntec ,first floor or orchard road..(or someset?)
$10++ per person
网友推荐:nice food.

5) MK
网友推荐:u can eat steam boat..and fresh strawberry is only 2 dollars there..

谢谢提供情报的筒子们! ^_^


 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
HOT!!网友推荐--街头巷尾美食搜索记!! 生烟井   (10875 bytes , 4133reads )
日本餐(3)和(4)重复。荣寿司就是Sakae Sushi. 燕子   (0 bytes , 151reads )
but the one is on the top of paragon has the best caca   (36 bytes , 106reads )
^_^ 谢谢。 生烟井   (0 bytes , 86reads )
我也来推荐! 南岳之麓   (634 bytes , 461reads )
看晕了>.< 加菲猫   (0 bytes , 67reads )
噢,刚刚又发现了几个。 生烟井   (604 bytes , 451reads )
i guess that "Machi" in the post should be Marche eternal_flame   (152 bytes , 120reads )
版主辛苦了. 很有用啊, 应该置顶定期更新 大象   (121 bytes , 181reads )
GOOD IDEA~~ 生烟井   (0 bytes , 59reads )
有人试过Miramar Hotel的Dim Sum Brunch (Buffet)吗? theodore8   (94 bytes , 271reads )
我来加一个 eternal_flame   (737 bytes , 840reads )
上次那个鸡翅膀... 朗狼   (33 bytes , 217reads )
我第二天热了一下当饭吃,很不错 eternal_flame   (37 bytes , 177reads )