a few old friends will come......
所在版块:食全食美 发贴时间:2005-09-28 16:55

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Tao's restaurant & dragen gate restaurant in the back-up list.

who'v ever been to Chijmes, any interesting thing in Chijmes?

any other recommended?

Thanks a lot

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a few old friends will come...... phyllis   (164 bytes , 418reads )
thanks a lot for all kindly information, I will make a report after trying. phyllis   (0 bytes , 61reads )
我又想起来一间 树袋猪   (132 bytes , 109reads )
Taka is a Jewellery store or not? where is marche? how about Yum Cha in chinatom phyllis   (40 bytes , 121reads )
答案 ^自由鸟^   (401 bytes , 107reads )
Chijmes很贵很贵 foxy   (413 bytes , 165reads )
才看到你说的是a few old friends foxy   (123 bytes , 122reads )
不知道是哪里来的朋友 ^自由鸟^   (392 bytes , 112reads )
可以试试西餐或者韩国或者日本餐 树袋猪   (39 bytes , 155reads )