public sale?
所在版块:食全食美 发贴时间:2006-02-22 11:07

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
之前听到过好几次都是private sale,这次随便谁都可以去?

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L'OREAL warehouse sale, up to 80% starry   (166 bytes , 624reads )
去完回来了,介绍一下这次的产品 今夜独自发呆   (222 bytes , 388reads )
这样啊,那还是不去了。谢谢mm分享。 熏衣草   (10 bytes , 59reads )
偶不是mm...只不过是上班离那边近 今夜独自发呆   (0 bytes , 52reads )
哦,不好意思啊。没注意 :P 熏衣草   (0 bytes , 43reads )
谁能告诉我出了地铁站怎么走啊? 风起小竹   (27 bytes , 82reads )
what kind of product? 媚灵狐   (60 bytes , 122reads )
根据以往的l'oreal warehouse sale的情况,不会有HR,lancome 694   (225 bytes , 205reads )
我也不清楚 starry   (39 bytes , 117reads )
public sale? 白天黑夜   (54 bytes , 139reads )
是open to public的 starry   (42 bytes , 126reads )