Be careful with this fruit.
所在版块:食全食美 发贴时间:2006-07-11 10:33

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
A lady in Kunming China bought 2 kilo of yang-mei (can be bought in
Singapore when in season) from a fruit vendor who informed her they are
freshly picked.

After returning home, she put a portion of the fruit in a bowl of salt

water and let it soaked while she watched TV. Some time later, she
checked the fruit and was suprised to see something wriggling in the
bowl of water.

She felt suspicious and decide to experiment by soaking the brightly red
unsoaked ones with various level of salted water.

In the least salted water, after soaking for 3 mins she discovered 7
white worms desperately wiggled its way to the rim of the bowl to avoid
the salt water.

Then she soaked the same fruit in a bowl of saltier water, and after 3
mins she discovered 5 more worms emerging from the fruit.

Finally she tried the saltiest water and no more worm emerged. And she
also noticed the fruit has turned from bright red to patches of white.

Now she realised that whenever she ate this type of fruit she'll always
ended up with tummy upset.

Thus as a precaution, always rinse in salted water thrice before
consuming this kind of fruit (probably apply to any skinless fruits).

Bon Appetite!

中国大长今 --〉
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Be careful with this fruit. 神州六号   (1187 bytes , 873reads )
桑椹也有的。 Q+Q   (113 bytes , 121reads )
刚吃过。。就是上上星期。。 嚏嚏   (27 bytes , 193reads )
新加坡今年哪里有卖杨梅的? 散步的虾米   (8 bytes , 165reads )
我不是在新加坡吃的,在无锡吃的,呵呵。 嚏嚏   (0 bytes , 41reads )
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顺便说一下,我洗都没洗,就吃了。。>.> 嚏嚏   (0 bytes , 56reads )
有无感觉到胃与肠之间有异物爬来爬去? 神州六号   (0 bytes , 50reads )
当时没有,看到这贴有感觉。。/_\ 嚏嚏   (0 bytes , 43reads )
faint,那杨梅蜜饯估计也有虫了……@_@ lifcspicer   (0 bytes , 56reads )
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是真的, 不过看你怎么想了 江南渔夫   (113 bytes , 233reads )
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我们那里很少有人拿盐水泡啊 江南渔夫   (355 bytes , 179reads )
我估计你老家那里的杨梅可能虫少,所以就没有那种习惯了。 weibxyz   (36 bytes , 115reads )
杨梅买回家都要泡盐水吗? ropin   (0 bytes , 65reads )
干脆泡烧酒里咯, 做成杨梅烧来消毒... 江南渔夫   (0 bytes , 68reads )
杨梅 过眼云烟   (28 bytes , 224reads )
那下回就做个实验吧!看看是否属实? 神州六号   (0 bytes , 52reads )