SOR increase 105%
所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2008-09-23 20:57

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see what happened today.
1m sor increase to 1.76654% from 0.86134% 1/9/08
3m sor increase to 1.69717% from 1.22757% same date
those who took sor package are in high interest risk now due to short term liquidity dry up of the banks locally affected by U.S.
you only know what is good and bad after it really got tested.sweet dream of SOR/SIBOR package ends....

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SOR increase 105% maxlord   (359 bytes , 528reads )
SOR and SIBOR dt   (119 bytes , 360reads )
interest rate is the price what banks lend maxlord   (28 bytes , 366reads )
thanks, dt   (131 bytes , 223reads )
1st of all,you got to raise your price to increase the supply maxlord   (71 bytes , 414reads )