津贴分很多种啊 买新房子和2手不一样啊
所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2009-02-11 21:22

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Under the CPF housing grant scheme, the government will provide eligible buyers of resale flats with a housing subsidy of:

(A) $30,000 Family Grant for married couples who are first-timer applicants

(B) $40,000 higher-tier Family Grant for married couples who are first-timer applicants and are buying a resale flat near their parents'/married child's HDB flat or owner-occupied private residential property

(C) Additional CPF Housing Grant (AHG) of between $5,000 and $30,000 [on top of (A) or (B)], if they have worked for at least one year and their average monthly household income over the last 1 year does not exceed $5,000 (NEW - effective from 6 Feb 2009)

(D) $11,000 Singles Grant for single Singapore Citizens aged 35 and above (qualifying age based on birthdate) who wish to buy a resale flat to live on their own under the Single Singapore Citizen (SSC) Scheme

Two to four Single citizens aged 35 and above who jointly buy a resale flat under the Joint Singles Scheme (JSS) can apply for a maximum of 2 Singles grant; ie. $22,000.

Singles grant is also applicable for Singapore Citizens above 21 who married a non-citizen spouse who holds a social visit pass (including work permit) of at least 6 months validity. Flat purchase under Non-Citizen Spouse Scheme.

(E) $20,000 higher-tier Singles Grant for single Singapore Citizens aged 35 years and above who buy a resale flat to live together with their parents.

Higher-tier Singles grant is also applicable for JSS flat buyers.

(F) Top-up Grant to the Family Grant amount of $30,000 or $40,000 for Singles Grant recipients who subsequently get married. Also applicable for Singles Grant recipients under the Non-Citizen Spouse Scheme whose non-citizen spouse or child subsequently obtained Singapore citizenship or permanent residence

(G) Half-Housing Grant of $15,000 or $20,000 for a first-timer citizen who married a spouse who previously has enjoyed a housing subsidy


Policies - Additional CPF Housing Grant

The Additional CPF Housing Grant (AHG) Scheme introduced in March 2006 is meant to help citizen families with a steady household income to buy their first subsidised HDB flat. The AHG can be used for the purchase of new, resale and DBSS flats. It is an additional subsidy over and above the regular market subsidy and CPF Housing Grant that new and resale flat buyers enjoy respectively. The scheme was enhanced in August 2007, with the income ceiling and the grant amount raised - to help more households own their first flat.

On 6 February 2009, the AHG Scheme was further enhanced, to make owning an HDB home easier for more citizen households - especially the lower-income families.

The enhancements are as follows:
• Maximum AHG amount is increased from $30,000 to $40,000
• Income ceiling is raised from $4,000 to $5,000
• Continuous working period preceding the flat application is reduced from two years to one year


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