所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2009-04-29 14:40

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
Lunch time楼下Maybank促销的美眉送我一包餐巾纸,上面是maybank最新的贷款利率配套

Home Loan Promotional Package – Limited Period only!
Year Promo Package 1 Promo Package 2
1 1.6% p.a. 1.6% p.a.
2 2.2% p.a. 2.6% p.a.
3 2.9% p.a. 2.9% p.a.

Promotional Package 1 is applicable for loan amount of up to 70% of purchase price or valuation, whichever is lower for new purchase and refinancing of completed properties
Promotional Package 2 is applicable for loan amount of up to 90% of purchase price or valuation, whichever is lower for new purchase of properties or up to 100% of property valuation for refinancing.
Interest rates from year 4 onwards is at Singapore Residential Financing Rate (SRFR) which is currently at 3.75% p.a.
Terms and conditions apply.


3-Year Fixed Rate Home Loan Package

1st Year Fixed Rate at 1.60% p.a.
Full legal & valuation fee subsidy for refinancing only
$888 Cashback
-cashback of $888 which you can use for your new household items
Free Fire Insurance for the First Year
-set your mind at ease with our first year free fire insurance
Free conversion
-you can reprice your Home Loan to any prevailing repricing packages at NO COST anytime after the lock-in period
Prepayment Flexibility
-flexibility to prepay a proportion of your loan without being penalized
1 year interest savings for your renovation loan for the first year
-First-year interest rebate for your Renovation Loan (up to S$10,000 loan amount)

目前在raffles搞roadshow, 有兴趣的可以去看看
Chevron House Roadshow
from 10 am - 6:30 pm on 29 & 30 April, 2009

Roadshow Special!
Apply at our roadshow and
get S$200 shopping vouchers.



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[讨论]浅谈房屋贷款配套 爱新觉罗--小宝   (2102 bytes , 3043reads )
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MAY BANK 信誉怎么样?服务是不是有问题? miny   (96 bytes , 315reads )
standard charted 的in house rate 两年没变过了 爱新觉罗--小宝   (234 bytes , 551reads )
另外 爱新觉罗--小宝   (462 bytes , 345reads )
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有经验的桐子给点意见吧。。 爱新觉罗--小宝   (0 bytes , 246reads )