所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2012-04-23 20:34

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
S/N DESCRIPTION AMOUNT\n(A)Demolition work $ 2,300.00\n1 Hack Living,Dining ,balcony,3 bedrooms & masterbath flooring.\n2 Hack sink,stove support.\n3 Dismantle & disposal kitchen top cabinet,2 nos sit wc & 2 nos wash hand.\n4 Haulage materials to premises.\n5 Clear debris till completion. \n\n(B)Renovation work\n6 Replace L-shape kitchen floor tile with matching tile along sink,stove area. $ 250.00\n7 Construct L-shape cabinet base. $ 200.00\n8 Construct 1 no shower kerb at masterbath. $ 80.00\n9 Supply & lay waterproofing compound to masterbath floor. $ 200.00\n10 Supply & lay masterbath floor tile.Cost of tile not exceed S$3.00/FT2. $ 480.00\n11 Construct fridge & washing machine base at service balcony. $ 180.00\n12 Supply & lay 600x600mm homogeneous polished floor tile to living,dining, balcony & 3 bedrooms with\nskirting tile.Cost of tile not exceed S$3.50/FT2. $ 6,400.00\n13 Seal up 1 no aircon opening with hollow block wall & plaster at masterbedroom. $ 150.00\n14 Plumbing work:-\na Supply & install stainless steel cold water supply piping work. $ 650.00\nb Labour to install 2 nos sit wc,2 nos wash hand basin,2 nos instant heater, spray taps,toilet accessories\n& sink tap. $ 530.00\n15 Whole house ICI/Nippon painting work include walls,ceiling,door frame,pipes etc. $ 1,500.00\n16 Supply & install 2 nos bifold door with pvc panel at bathroom. $ 400.00\n17 Wrought iron main gate-4'L x 7'H in 2 panel. $ 530.00\n18 Custom-made half hour fire rated nyatoh ply main door (plain design) c/o pressed lockset & door stopper $ 1,250.00\nOptional: Nyatoh door with trimming nailed on door=$1450\n19 Varnish & lacqure 3 nos existing nyatoh bedroom door. $ 150.00\n20 Custom-made 1 no 5' L x 6' H -10mm thick clear tempered glass shower screen at masterbath c/o\n1 no swing door & 1 no fixed glass panel. $ 450.00\n21 Custom-made 12.5 foot long laminate finish kitchen bottom cabinet c/o 1 chest of drawer,abs trimming. $ 1,400.00\nSubject to final measurement.\n22 Custom-made 12.5 foot long 20mm thick granite kitchen work top c/o backsplash & 40mm thick front\nsquare profile. $ 1,440.00\n23 Construct cornice false ceiling at living,dining & passage way. $ 650.00\n24 Construct cornice L-box at rectangular living. $ 380.00\n25 Electrical work :-\na Supply & install 2 nos fan point include fix fans.Fan provide by owner. $ 180.00\nb Supply & install 16 nos downlight point for false ceiling & L-box.Lights supply by owner. $ 650.00\nOptional work;-\n1 Hack kitchen floor tile & replace new floor tile=$1400\nRemark;-\n1 Whole house acid washing.\n\n我们家面积是121平的。做下来大概2万。希望对你有帮助。\n

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
求助:怎么投诉严重不靠谱的承包商。 3c   (750 bytes , 1559reads )
我就是过来虎摸熊抱一下你啊~太不容易了太操心了! 星星雨   (79 bytes , 183reads )
急求靠谱水电工,贴壁纸的,磨地面的师傅。哪位好心人有联系方式,欢迎投条。叩谢。 3c   (0 bytes , 233reads )
没经验,只能安慰一下了 sunnysunnyrain   (118 bytes , 185reads )
谢谢。 3c   (433 bytes , 266reads )
不给钱就可以了,这个装修确实是费心 啊 FruitTree   (206 bytes , 217reads )
谢谢。恩不给钱。已经被坑了不少了。其实我的也很基本。这次的教训一箩筐啊。 3c   (0 bytes , 220reads )
case投诉先。协调不成,上小额。 偶然冒泡   (0 bytes , 285reads )
不给钱…… 香陵居士   (0 bytes , 173reads )
补充一下 3c   (227 bytes , 338reads )
我给你介绍一个我家装的装修商,你可以和他沟通一下, FruitTree   (290 bytes , 318reads )
给个联系方式? fengyun2   (29 bytes , 154reads )
ong@loongchern.com.sg FruitTree   (36 bytes , 262reads )
不知道更小点活,这家接不接啊 今天注册   (38 bytes , 164reads )
你的好便宜啊,装修商如何?我们也想装差不多的。介绍给我啊,感激不尽。 游弋天翼   (68 bytes , 157reads )
太感激了。多谢。我家也装4个星期了。。 3c   (262 bytes , 255reads )
我 第二周就是做这些水电,差不多一周就可以了 FruitTree   (158 bytes , 275reads )
你去Ikea 量一下尺寸,这个壁橱还挺麻烦呢,我们家地漏当不当正不正, FruitTree   (110 bytes , 282reads )
报价单 FruitTree   (2626 bytes , 467reads )
室内的房门锁?保用10年的,也就是卖12元而已。我家刚自己买了换过。 偶然冒泡   (0 bytes , 348reads )
为什么要换锁亚? 是必需的么? sunnysunnyrain   (0 bytes , 171reads )
因为主卧的已经坏了,其他2个也换掉是免了后患。人工比锁贵很多呢! 偶然冒泡   (121 bytes , 352reads )
我拿着卸下来的锁去金文泰,说80. 去geylang,还要60.。。难道不一样的锁子? 3c   (0 bytes , 230reads )
我家内门上就是普通的大圆头锁。你的可能是有长把的,我家大门上,就是这种。 偶然冒泡   (0 bytes , 339reads )
哪个黑承包商啊? ks641   (0 bytes , 190reads )