2. Loan Ceiling:因为是有意向买EC的,只能拿Bank loan。根据HDB的网站,我们能拿贷款的上限
No outstanding loan: 80%
With 1 outstanding housing loans: 50%
You will not be subjected to the lower loan ceiling when you obtain another housing loan for the purchase of an HDB flat if you are able to provide the financial institution granting the loan a copy of the signed undertaking to HDB committing to complete the sale of your sole existing property within the period stipulated in the undertaking.
另外就是“complete the sale of your sole existing property”的时间问题,是否如以前听到的拿到EC/新HDB的钥匙之后半年卖出即可?还是有其它的规定?例如,我拿新HDB钥匙的时间在2017年3月(满足二手租屋住满5年才能卖掉的条件),我是不是2017年9月前把二手HDB卖掉即可?如果是EC呢,又有何差别?
3. 其实这个问题的核心是,我们属不属于Staggered Down payment Scheme (SDS)?而SDS是否对EC也适用?参见https://www.hdb.gov.sg/fi10/fi10321p.nsf/w/BuyingNewFlatSDSFlatLevies?OpenDocument
如果这个问题的答案是YES而我们也能拿80%的贷款,根据EC的买卖条例,我们首付是只需要准备5%+(3%-5400)+5%,即13%,另外10%在Collect Key的时候交就OK了。