所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2013-09-07 07:28  更多评分:

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比如窗帘,房间和厕所的门。这几样东西花了大洋5000块,不过质量顶呱呱。千万不要跟装修商拿门,他们要的是实木门的价钱,给的是ply wood doors. That is rubbish. I found a door manufacturer. The company is the first one set up in sg .they have been selling doors for more than 30 years. And the quality is good worth it's prices. I ordered 4 nyato timber wood doors to be painted white.after they are installed, I will let you see the pictures. Anyone can tell me how to upload pictures ?

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
新家装修完毕,上图!顺便骂骂contractor. ninilola   (350 bytes , 4217reads )
也求门的装修商联系方式,谢啦! 笨笨猪猪   (0 bytes , 156reads )
求门的装修商联系方式,谢啦! litchi   (0 bytes , 87reads )
楼主可以短个门的供应商的联系方式么?多谢! zip100   (0 bytes , 159reads )
门门们~ Miya1212   (35 bytes , 159reads )
怎么不更新了,等着看美图呢 小鹿小鹿   (4 bytes , 143reads )
请告诉您家门的工厂联系方式 资深民工   (26 bytes , 150reads )
请问可以给一下铺地板的装修商的联络方式吗? yaya0710   (41 bytes , 155reads )
同求。谢谢! dan2003   (0 bytes , 154reads )
美式简约风格, 花费低。 ninilola   (55 bytes , 285reads )
缘分啊 小鹿小鹿   (63 bytes , 134reads )
很好看啊,喜欢这个风格,lz再多放点图片吧 Eight   (46 bytes , 121reads )
请问这地板是哪买的,价格如何 黄豆龙   (16 bytes , 148reads )
Novalis这个牌子,来自中国。 ninilola   (176 bytes , 199reads )
这就是vinyl sheet 没有很贵吧, 多大面积你花4000? jhp   (0 bytes , 250reads )
价格都是这样的啊。 本来就是laminate flooring贵呀。可能你能买到更便宜的。 ninilola   (0 bytes , 144reads )
4000块是铺了多大面积的呀? 黄豆龙   (26 bytes , 181reads )
四房的,包括客厅,卧室和走廊。 ninilola   (0 bytes , 144reads )
板凳, 789456   (28 bytes , 119reads )
还有东西没来。 ninilola   (479 bytes , 227reads )
可以pm卖门的公司吗?谢谢 7-UP   (0 bytes , 203reads )
同求 sonata.zm   (5 bytes , 109reads )
沙发 haidaoyu   (46 bytes , 152reads )