所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2013-09-10 11:48

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Existing Owner or Ex-Owner of a Flat

You can apply for a flat if you, your spouse or any of the essential occupiers listed in the application is an existing owner or ex-owner of a:
flat bought directly from HDB,
resale flat bought under the CPF Housing Grant Scheme,
DBSS flat bought from the developer, or
EC bought from the developer.

This is on condition that a 5-year period (excluding any period of subletting of the whole flat) has lapsed from the *date of taking possession of the flat to the date of application for a flat.

* The date of taking possession refers to:
The date of key collection, for flats that are bought directly from HDB
The date of resale completion, for purchase of resale flats from the open market bought with the CPF Housing Grant
The date of transfer at market value of the flat bought with CPF Housing Grant
The date of key collection for Executive Condominium/DBSS flats bought from the developer, whichever is applicable.



提供房产相关咨询,我的热门贴: 有关做房地产中介:http://bbs.huasing.org/sForum/bbs.php?B=146_14073397 学区房讨论大坑:http://bbs.huasing.org/sForum/ztree.php?B=172_13367610 名校清单个人总结:http://bbs.huasing.net/bbs.php?B=179_14534182
 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
请指教关于HDB-BTO的银行贷款。 jhp   (314 bytes , 3550reads )
LZ 我跟你的情况一样,刚拿到BTO的号码准备选房 saltwater   (170 bytes , 347reads )
你们买了resale不到30个月就申BTO了?会太早么?HDB的人有说什么么?求教了 WingTiger   (0 bytes , 120reads )
因为我们申请的BTO要三到四年才盖好 saltwater   (30 bytes , 224reads )
你说的那个不太清楚,我们是都超过30岁了,按照20%的downpayment准备的。 jhp   (0 bytes , 196reads )
同问有什么银行和banker可以介绍的吗 cylabc   (264 bytes , 193reads )
reply jhp   (92 bytes , 200reads )
按照MAS的规定,80%没有问题。 Martin1983   (0 bytes , 135reads )
去问MAS,跟他们拿“尚方宝剑” 凡人   (1723 bytes , 394reads )
回复 jhp   (139 bytes , 199reads )
我私信你吧 凡人   (0 bytes , 163reads )
搭车问凡人JJ lanlin   (54 bytes , 300reads )
你买的BTO的交钥匙时间必须在MOP满了之后 凡人   (1417 bytes , 629reads )
MOP 2017现在就BTO了吗? lanlin   (23 bytes , 213reads )
我也和你有同样的疑问 洋葱头   (251 bytes , 312reads )
bto也是2017年,拿到6个月之内,卖掉现在住的。 jhp   (0 bytes , 207reads )
回复 jhp   (119 bytes , 166reads )
最好问本地银行,外国的多半不靠谱 凡人   (566 bytes , 216reads )
没mop也可以bto? 月无痕   (0 bytes , 200reads )
可以,因为我们买resale的时候还是pr,没津贴拿, jhp   (0 bytes , 168reads )
为啥没有mop也可以bto? 我是双鱼座岚   (53 bytes , 155reads )
非津贴组屋可以,只要拿钥匙时间在MOP满了之后 凡人   (66 bytes , 310reads )
买房子的时候有说几时能拿到钥匙吗?万一拿到钥匙了还没满咋办? 我是双鱼座岚   (0 bytes , 212reads )
问officer...BTO归HDB直接管啊 凡人   (0 bytes , 174reads )
这个你就不用担心了,要是mop和bto的top差的太多的话,officer会提醒你的 jhp   (0 bytes , 222reads )
HDB批准你买应该就没事 lanlin   (18 bytes , 161reads )
是可以提前 lanlin   (76 bytes , 185reads )
LZ的是2017年满mop,现在就有2017的房子啦? 我是双鱼座岚   (0 bytes , 157reads )
拿到钥匙半年内卖掉HDB就可以了 妖霖霖霖霖霖   (0 bytes , 273reads )
那需要拿到钥匙半年内卖掉hdb吧。你的BTO什么时候拿到钥匙?感觉时间上[…] 妖霖霖霖霖霖   (10 bytes , 316reads )