所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2013-09-21 19:25  更多评分:

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路过车行看到1200/每月开走一辆轿车-”租车“ haidaoyu   (418 bytes , 1842reads )
我现在这辆2手的车也得1200左右的花销了。 sunnylau2   (33 bytes , 116reads )
1200 should be the first 6 months only...after than the leasing price could hahaha   (250 bytes , 142reads )
多谢 haidaoyu   (164 bytes , 142reads )
Car leasing is targeted at Expats whose company has allowance for them to hahaha   (330 bytes , 214reads )
COE真的太贵了,买不起。 mochapink   (31 bytes , 108reads )
每月1200可以买车了哇! Livecn   (27 bytes , 135reads )
哇 两辆,雇我当司机吧 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 89reads )
纳尼,我做带路的吧,人肉GPS! sunnylau2   (0 bytes , 121reads )
现在首付50%啊呀 haidaoyu   (113 bytes , 126reads )
能开10年的车,如果不贷款,就不是租。。。 Livecn   (19 bytes , 129reads )
听说续COE其他路税,保险费都比10年的贵 haidaoyu   (76 bytes , 258reads )
1200都包括什么费用啊? 小寒   (136 bytes , 142reads )
寒神,你想多了 haidaoyu   (54 bytes , 145reads )
是我凹凸了。 小寒   (129 bytes , 137reads )
其实现在月入一万的家庭   (76 bytes , 159reads )
什么车? On   (0 bytes , 113reads )
欧洲一个牌子 haidaoyu   (23 bytes , 119reads )
在美国这个价钱 辰星   (29 bytes , 223reads )