所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2015-11-30 23:06

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
We note that you and your wife had refunded the full principal amount used for the HDB flat and the accrued interest to your respective CPF accounts.

As you both currently do not own any property purchased with your CPF savings, you can use all the available amount in your respective Ordinary Account to purchase the private property and to service the housing loan up to the property's Valuation Limit (VL). This is if your property has a remaining lease of at least 60 years. VL is the purchase price or the value of the property at the time of purchase, whichever is lower.

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请教版上行家两个有关还房贷的问题 AsYouLike   (294 bytes , 980reads )
跟CPF确认了,可以的。 AsYouLike   (18 bytes , 39reads )
1)可以;2)不需要 逃课专家   (137 bytes , 31reads )
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好像这个和年龄有关 西东南北风   (58 bytes , 28reads )
前几天刚好看到别的贴讨论到 gltdaisy   (32 bytes , 41reads )
你的信息确认是正确的吗?呼唤版上资深中介证实一下。 AsYouLike   (647 bytes , 54reads )
我是在这个贴里看到的 gltdaisy   (61 bytes , 38reads )
你好像误解了我的意思 sunnysunnyrain   (0 bytes , 38reads )
第二个问题的答案应该是可以吗? gltdaisy   (111 bytes , 44reads )
对cpf来说,你用过cpf买房么?cpf的一套二套定义和你的一样否? sunnysunnyrain   (0 bytes , 37reads )