:“【房】过了Defect Liability Period ,房子的质量问题怎么办?”
所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2017-02-27 12:26

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Can try the fish ball stick Department

SINGAPORE - A new Municipal Services Office will be set up to serve residents in a more seamless way.
It will get different agencies to work more closely together especially when responsibilities are split, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said in his National Day Rally speech on Sunday night.
The new office aims to resolve the problem of residents getting frustrated when their complaints or requests bounce back and forth between several agencies.
It will be housed in the Ministry of National Development (MND) and Minister in the Prime Minister's Office Grace Fu will oversee it, Mr Lee added.

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【房】过了Defect Liability Period ,房子的质量问题怎么办? 康乐球妈   (407 bytes , 2472reads )
话说URA效率还是挺高的 康乐球妈   (105 bytes , 54reads )
刚才发展商给我打电话了 hadhas12   (175 bytes , 341reads )
你不要太激动 康乐球妈   (18 bytes , 64reads )
我就让你不要担心,给我打了电话肯定也会给你打的 康乐球妈   (0 bytes , 62reads )
马甲? 来点美图啊 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 40reads )
看来不是马甲 滚雪球   (92 bytes , 27reads )
马甲嘛假? 西东南北风   (6 bytes , 23reads )
Defects. Liability Pertiod DLP clc4   (173 bytes , 56reads )
打电话去了URA这个部门 康乐球妈   (147 bytes , 74reads )
真是被您不幸而言中 康乐球妈   (183 bytes , 66reads )
太感谢了 康乐球妈   (38 bytes , 36reads )
:“【房】过了Defect Liability Period ,房子的质量问题怎么办?” clc4   (637 bytes , 33reads )
房】过了Defect Liability Period ,房子的质量问题怎么办?” clc4   (489 bytes , 46reads )
联系了消费者协会,不管 康乐球妈   (202 bytes , 35reads )
打电话问询了BCA, 他们说也不负责 康乐球妈   (20 bytes , 36reads )
【房】过了Defect Liability Period ,房子的质量问题怎么办?” clc4   (332 bytes , 37reads )
刚才电话了strata title board 康乐球妈   (94 bytes , 40reads )
太感谢了 康乐球妈   (24 bytes , 30reads )
因为不想暴露自己的隐私,所以开个玩笑 康乐球妈   (14 bytes , 31reads )
没得争,除非出现严重质量问题, DengWei   (64 bytes , 35reads )
谢谢 康乐球妈   (0 bytes , 30reads )
没啥图。。。 康乐球妈   (22 bytes , 30reads )
哪个房子 Secure   (0 bytes , 27reads )
就不说了` 康乐球妈   (62 bytes , 65reads )
这不是让不知情况的伙伴重蹈覆辙 Secure   (0 bytes , 26reads )
来点美图说明啊 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 25reads )
谢谢帮忙回答的同学 康乐球妈   (28 bytes , 31reads )
吊顶上的部分怎么检查 华生之友   (20 bytes , 30reads )
就是啊,之前看不出来 康乐球妈   (14 bytes , 26reads )
新的可以投诉 华生之友   (16 bytes , 25reads )
没希望 南瓜同学   (19 bytes , 26reads )
过了一年的wareanty就只能自己修了吧 一米阳光   (10 bytes , 26reads )