所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2017-08-28 12:08  评分:

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
Here is my testimonial as first time attempt success :

1.This is a four-month marathon and you don't expect to pass simply with 2 weeks' sprint, be mentally and physically prepare for the battle and express class is not recommended.
2.Must do online test after every week's class and ask questions in chat group or to teacher, and record down the key points for revision.
3.Must attend study group. With the help from Jeremy Soh (Pioneer lecturer), we're all inside a whatsapp chat group and we can ask questions and get answers very quickly. I joined study group and meet up every week for revision and all members (4/4) passed the exam one shot.
4. Must attend revision class and this will greatly help on the passing rate.
5. Lastly, I would express my appreciation to Mr. Jeremy Soh, who is the most dedicated lecturer I've seen so far. He shares his own PPT/Summary notes and even give free revision classes. He is the real gem for Pionner.

1. 这是一场四个月的马拉松比赛,而不是最后两周的冲刺。从生理和心理上准备好,不要走捷径,快捷班不推荐。
2. 每周课程结束后要做网上习题,并记录有问题的地方及时问老师并做记录,以后复习用得到。
3. 一定要参加study group,这点Pioneer的老师(Jeremy)很有远见。在他的帮助下,大家加入学员whatsapp group聊天并可自行组建学习小组每周见面讨论。本人所在学习小组核心成员4/4都一次通过考试。
4.一定要参加revison class,可以极大概率增加通过率。
5.最后要强烈推荐Jeremy Soh老师,是我至今见过最敬业的老师,无私分享自己的PPT,自己安排时间给学员免费上课。Pionner能拥有Jeremy老师乃至幸之事。

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