【房】Home Improvement Programme (HIP) 对于卖房是利好消息吗?
所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2017-10-25 08:25

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 刚开始卖房,发现我的block announce HIP. 我的是4房,是不是说买家出$945 政府就把两个厕所装修好?那我要主动跟买家讲吗?


The HIP consists of Essential Improvements and Optional Improvements. The Government will fully fund the Essential Improvements for Singapore Citizen (SC) households, hence they need not pay the cost of these items. 

For the Optional Improvements, the Government subsidises a major portion of the cost of these items for SC households. The cost sharing ratios for SC households and the estimated amount payable are as follows: 

4-room 5-room
Cost-sharing ratio 7.5% 10.0%
Lessee pays $945 $1,260

该帖荣获当日十大第7,奖励楼主6分以及9华新币,时间:2017-10-25 22:00:01。

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【房】Home Improvement Programme (HIP) 对于卖房是利好消息吗? House101   (4620 bytes , 2092reads )
这个是什么时间可以申请?还是说随时都可以? justpassby   (16 bytes , 45reads )
像修电梯一样,要等政府通知 House101   (0 bytes , 30reads )
pr买家要坚决避免买这样的房子 兔兔弟弟   (10 bytes , 26reads )
如果你等HIP做好了再卖,有没有可能买高点价钱? Hydrangeajun   (0 bytes , 28reads )
请问你知道从 announce到做完要多久? House101   (12 bytes , 25reads )
据说非常非常的慢 兔兔弟弟   (121 bytes , 27reads )
确实是的 GreenDragon   (58 bytes , 24reads )
那咋办? House101   (0 bytes , 19reads )
我们掏腰包 GreenDragon   (20 bytes , 20reads )
如果原屋主是citizen 呼呼怪   (83 bytes , 27reads )
之前买房我还真没查过,好后怕啊! House101   (0 bytes , 30reads )
买的时候不知道吗? House101   (0 bytes , 26reads )
知道upgrade过 GreenDragon   (20 bytes , 20reads )
交钱呗,还能咋办 兔兔弟弟   (43 bytes , 24reads )
这么坑! House101   (0 bytes , 79reads )
pr买家买这样的房子要格外当心 兔兔弟弟   (39 bytes , 39reads )
好后怕。。。 House101   (0 bytes , 48reads )
那有点久啊 House101   (0 bytes , 20reads )
是的 兔兔弟弟   (111 bytes , 24reads )
這個是個什麼東東 小艾喜欢草莓   (8 bytes , 25reads )
PR要给10k多 asssasssinp   (22 bytes , 19reads )
Essential 的是换大水管那些吗?好像是免费的吧。 House101   (0 bytes , 23reads )
PR esential要给全部啊 asssasssinp   (47 bytes , 25reads )
$900多是做两个厕所的钱 House101   (22 bytes , 34reads )
@凡人 asssasssinp   (32 bytes , 23reads )
PR貌似上万....要问一下,绝对不是公民的价钱 凡人   (0 bytes , 34reads )
价钱是固定的吗 House101   (32 bytes , 23reads )
有很多upgrading项目,看具体做什么 凡人   (0 bytes , 21reads )
不是谁选的项目谁付钱吗? House101   (0 bytes , 31reads )
组屋本身有不同的program 凡人   (77 bytes , 25reads )
PR买房基本都特别在意这个,所以不是利好 wineywei   (0 bytes , 26reads )
如果目标买家是PR,是个不好的消息,因为PR要付二三十倍的价钱 AppleSG   (0 bytes , 29reads )
没有二三十倍那么多吧 House101   (0 bytes , 31reads )
我们block刚刚做完HIP,公民帐单500-1000, PR 15K- 25K AppleSG   (0 bytes , 17reads )
那PR应该会选opt out吧。 House101   (0 bytes , 28reads )
PR 应该不会觉得是 rama   (18 bytes , 40reads )