所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2020-12-09 11:48

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This exemption will no longer apply from Oct 7, according to a circular issued by the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) on Monday.

The exemption has led to 'unintended and undesirable consequences' and 'unwittingly shifted market behaviours and negated the objective of the GFA exemptions for these building features', URA said in explaining why bay windows and planter boxes will no longer be exempted from GFA.

Explaining the impact of the new rules on residential developers, a property industry player said: 'Developers' profit margins will be reduced because they will no longer enjoy this benefit of not counting bay windows and planter boxes as part of their GFA and yet selling this space to home buyers. If the developers want to have these features, they will have to pay the full price since these will be included as GFA.'


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是啊,各种要求烦得要死 六眼飞鱼   (256 bytes , 32reads )
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yard不是出入路径 六眼飞鱼   (94 bytes , 31reads )
那么问题来了 笑天   (36 bytes , 21reads )
就只能在yard的人打开了 六眼飞鱼   (113 bytes , 33reads )
对,我们的也是,很奇葩,这是要搞那样 六眼飞鱼   (76 bytes , 29reads )
好的,可以换就行、那我去申请一下 凡人   (0 bytes , 12reads )
此盘设计师JGP Architecture (S) Pte Ltd 我不知道不知道   (64 bytes , 32reads )
无语啊 六眼飞鱼   (46 bytes , 29reads )
外表好看才能拿奖 我不知道不知道   (151 bytes , 32reads )
咱们一个公寓 singanew   (40 bytes , 15reads )
邻居你好呀 六眼飞鱼   (128 bytes , 28reads )
也有这个问题 singanew   (53 bytes , 26reads )
我家也有这个问题 一米阳光   (209 bytes , 8reads )
最后这个问题怎么解决的 六眼飞鱼   (36 bytes , 25reads )
楼主可以装个摄像头,一个真的,几个假的。 qingni2   (0 bytes , 15reads )
也可以考虑 六眼飞鱼   (24 bytes , 15reads )
除非装那种 bobo1318   (98 bytes , 17reads )
公寓可以养大型犬 格布   (18 bytes , 14reads )
我有个恶主意 vitesse   (66 bytes , 14reads )
哈哈哈,这个肯定够有威慑力了 六眼飞鱼   (29 bytes , 22reads )
晚上睡觉开空调 bobo1318   (72 bytes , 18reads )
AC ledge算在建筑面积里面吧? 甘言悦人   (0 bytes , 19reads )
是的 六眼飞鱼   (113 bytes , 25reads )
对的 vitesse   (72 bytes , 21reads )
还是要靠市场力量 笑天   (170 bytes , 15reads )
历史上不算面积时期盖出来的房子,如果也有阳台的话, 山水   (36 bytes , 19reads )
这个问中介吧 笑天   (149 bytes , 18reads )
我家房子05年交工的,阳台就特别小,但是每个房间外面却都有花台或者Aircon ledge 山水   (153 bytes , 34reads )
发展商建房有GFA限制,以前阳台和飘窗不算在GFA里面,鼓励 uranus   (1461 bytes , 35reads )
我查了这是2008年的公告,那以后阳台和飘窗就都要算在GFA里了吗? 山水   (67 bytes , 32reads )
这感觉有点 bobo1318   (16 bytes , 31reads )
跟BCA反映,让BCA管管发展商,再不行就要上媒体了吧。 uranus   (38 bytes , 26reads )
是哪个condo呢,华新有贴吗? 六眼飞鱼   (0 bytes , 15reads )
记得是Nineteen Shelford Evelyne   (12 bytes , 31reads )
好,我去看看 六眼飞鱼   (0 bytes , 25reads )
设计师的锅 rjm   (108 bytes , 13reads )
对的,完全不考虑实用性和安全性 六眼飞鱼   (91 bytes , 27reads )
我住的hdb也有类似的问题 elainesun   (127 bytes , 28reads )
+1,hdb 比较容易解决 liumama   (10 bytes , 28reads )
还是hdb人性话 六眼飞鱼   (20 bytes , 20reads )
这个也许要业主大会表决 医药法规   (12 bytes , 17reads )
业主大会是不是要1年后才能成立 六眼飞鱼   (68 bytes , 9reads )
如果很多业主都有这种看法 医药法规   (32 bytes , 12reads )
才刚刚加入业主群,有一些人有concern 六眼飞鱼   (94 bytes , 30reads )
私信你了 youlify   (8 bytes , 8reads )
这样看更直观 六眼飞鱼   (124 bytes , 19reads )
我觉得bedroom3的窗户 我爱读书   (14 bytes , 17reads )
没看懂。。。。 求释放完整户型图 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 17reads )
照片没找到好的角度,凑合看吧 六眼飞鱼   (403 bytes , 43reads )
你们家AC ledge好大啊,每台压缩机都遵守“安全距离”,呵呵。 uranus   (0 bytes , 26reads )
是的呀,压缩机住的比人都宽敞了 六眼飞鱼   (0 bytes , 13reads )
新房AC ledge都很大要么分成两个 阿啊花   (0 bytes , 15reads )
这个 bobo1318   (146 bytes , 19reads )
对的,大部分unit还在装修,工人啊,送货的来来往往很容易就能看到的 六眼飞鱼   (161 bytes , 23reads )