所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2022-01-08 08:10  更多评分:

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Tenancy/ property ownership status
Tenants must not be tenants of HDB public rental flats or owners of other HDB flats unless they are:

Divorced/ legally separated. In this case, only 1 party is eligible to rent a bedroom from a flat owner
Owners who are eligible to rent out their HDB flat. However, they must rent out their own flat within a month after they have rented an HDB flat from another flat owner
Tenants must not be owners of Executive Condominium units where the 5-year MOP has not been met.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
【学区房】租房继续求问 alisa   (2407 bytes , 1312reads )
邓老板说的对的,低调吧 qingni2   (143 bytes , 13reads )
subject to hdb approval 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 14reads )
我的理解是: DengWei   (214 bytes , 14reads )
那么如果一个单身hdb屋主 eyesonme   (106 bytes , 19reads )
婚前各买各的,之后才结婚, DengWei   (53 bytes , 22reads )
之前朋友问我 eyesonme   (67 bytes , 14reads )
不变态啊 juliana   (133 bytes , 13reads )
能单身买HDB的都35以上了 eyesonme   (172 bytes , 13reads )
要求比较多, DengWei   (138 bytes , 21reads )
你是说自己有组屋就不允许再租组屋? 陆续来新   (113 bytes , 32reads )
HDB网站原文 alisa   (506 bytes , 26reads )