[召唤] 李云迪和Singapore Symphony Orchestra,7.24@Esplanade,有人想去吗?
所在版块:弦外之音 发贴时间:2009-05-21 23:54  评分:

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24 Jul 2009
Fri, 7.30pm

Esplanade Concert Hall

Standard - S$120, S$100, S$80, S$60, S$40, S$30
Box Seats - S$162.50
Please add to above price $3 Booking Fee per ticket for tickets above $20 and $1 Booking Fee per ticket for tickets $20 and below. Charges include GST where applicable.

Lan Shui, conductor
Li Yundi, piano

TCHAIKOVSKY Rustic Wedding Symphony, Op. 26
Piano Concerto No. 1 in B flat minor, Op. 23

Li Yundi, China’s superstar pianist and First Prize winner of the International Chopin Piano Competition, performs for the first time with the SSO in Tchaikovsky’s popular Piano Concerto No. 1. Goldmark’s first symphony, the Rustic Wedding Symphony, depicts a country wedding in five parts, showcasing the composer’s colourful and picturesque style.

Life was saved by Rock 'N' Roll
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[召唤] 李云迪和Singapore Symphony Orchestra,7.24@Esplanade,有人想去吗? linda1113   (1433 bytes , 1161reads )
可以加一句么,24早上有open rehearsal $20 for student violaQ   (466 bytes , 336reads )
我也想去,可是票怎么买呢?? mmj   (0 bytes , 158reads )
太好啦!! 抢到了!! mmj   (0 bytes , 134reads )
太感谢了~~抢了Cat 1的票,呼唤大家一起去看^_^ linda1113   (0 bytes , 163reads )
演出前聚餐,欢迎大家参与~~不管去不去看演出有没有买到票,只要是喜欢音乐的都欢迎:) linda1113   (307 bytes , 207reads )
迟去的或找不到地方的或不听音乐会但愿意聚餐的也可以联系我手机 格格巫婆   (99 bytes , 189reads )
呵呵,谢谢lindaMM尽心组织。 卷心菜   (66 bytes , 176reads )
好的 linda1113   (57 bytes , 150reads )
我想去~~~~ popostar   (0 bytes , 198reads )
唉,早就没票了 linda1113   (0 bytes , 149reads )
那么确定版聚,报名截止时间是6月14日23:59,详情见内 linda1113   (740 bytes , 291reads )
听柴二三去 舞月光   (42 bytes , 176reads )
呵呵,只是因为李云迪名气比较大,比较好组织活动~ linda1113   (121 bytes , 187reads )
不是较真哦 舞月光   (64 bytes , 158reads )
虽然不知道您所谓 其他的 是什么,不过如果您喜欢吃萝卜也不必对白菜不齿吧? 马甲甲甲   (0 bytes , 137reads )
我说的其他呢 舞月光   (209 bytes , 207reads )
原来是这个意思呀~可惜小李不是Pletnev 马甲甲甲   (784 bytes , 194reads )
现在才看到。。。 watercooler   (92 bytes , 194reads )
票卖得很快,我已经买了五张80块的,保证已经报名的各位有票。截止日期提前,见内 linda1113   (313 bytes , 213reads )
没有票了…T_T linda1113   (0 bytes , 164reads )
Sistic截图 linda1113   (39 bytes , 300reads )
没有学生价了? linmeng   (0 bytes , 142reads )
早就没了… linda1113   (0 bytes , 166reads )
偶家李云迪果然是非常的火爆啊 linmeng   (0 bytes , 174reads )
我要报名啊 linmeng   (21 bytes , 182reads )
报名,确定2张票。 卷心菜   (142 bytes , 159reads )
这样 linda1113   (100 bytes , 181reads )
好的,谢谢。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 161reads )
报名。票价我跟大队。 江山如花   (0 bytes , 206reads )
票价有变,见内 linda1113   (330 bytes , 214reads )
啊~~~李云迪~我也想去,可是那个时候我不在新加坡T.T lavender5   (16 bytes , 437reads )
good! let's go! charge! materialist   (0 bytes , 172reads )
哇!我最亲爱的李云迪,一定要去~! linmeng   (0 bytes , 179reads )
看大家乐意买什么价格的票,如果有可能弄成版聚的话,我随大家 linmeng   (0 bytes , 156reads )
我要,价钱不是问题。 江山如花   (0 bytes , 148reads )
曲目格式不对,见内 linda1113   (106 bytes , 244reads )