strongly agree..
所在版块:弦外之音 发贴时间:2009-06-30 23:44

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At least, I think he is outstanding, really. he is impressive, imaginative. he is simple though he still has maybe some kinds of "bad" characters for people to criticize. But i think he never pretends...
If I had a chance, I would go for his concert.

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Michael Jackson -- You Are Not Alone Sam_Fisher   (62 bytes , 490reads )
忍不住在发一个Michael清唱who is it的片断 wafer   (225 bytes , 227reads )
真不知道他哪里出众了 。。。。 毒鼠强   (357 bytes , 179reads )
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cohen.... 毒鼠强   (0 bytes , 112reads )
i think he is the best singer in human history. materialist   (0 bytes , 140reads )
看了youtube上n多的live片断后 wafer   (213 bytes , 150reads )
同意~ linda1113   (56 bytes , 128reads )
昨天看了pplive上的在罗马尼亚的dangerous live wafer   (124 bytes , 127reads )
你还别说,他的MTV都拍得很好 马甲甲甲   (0 bytes , 135reads )
strongly agree.. watercooler   (250 bytes , 119reads )
觉得很有舞台上的‘范’ wafer   (528 bytes , 109reads )
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跟在我的帖子下面,责无旁贷 Sam_Fisher   (62 bytes , 133reads )
顺便问一句, MJ身边弹吉它的是Slash大叔么? Sam_Fisher   (0 bytes , 144reads )
谢谢。。 wafer   (122 bytes , 116reads )
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舞也不错。 毒鼠强   (44 bytes , 115reads )
我觉得可能很多人是对自几个逝去青葱的祭奠 LiBra   (0 bytes , 108reads )
现在国内所有的电台都在天天放他的歌 linmeng   (0 bytes , 122reads )
是吗?没想到新加坡居然没什么反应。还有,28号在芳林公园有悼念活动。 qinhaina   (0 bytes , 136reads )
新加坡有没有MJ歌迷的悼念活动阿? qinhaina   (0 bytes , 144reads )
没想到, 看到这贴子.....居然听到他的死讯.....:T_T watercooler   (0 bytes , 99reads )