邀请大家来听音乐会 - Fiesta Rondalla 2010 (西班牙和菲律宾的民族乐器演奏和舞蹈)
所在版块:弦外之音 发贴时间:2010-03-09 23:03  评分:

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NUS Rondalla是NUS的西班牙/菲律宾乐器社团,也是新加坡第一个这样的社团,主要使用匹克弹奏不同的拨弦乐器,有时也会有较罕见的传统乐器。今年我们的Fiesta Rondalla (Annual Concert)将为大家带来一些传统的菲律宾歌曲和西班牙舞曲,也会有一些清新欢快的曲子,以及组内成员自己的编曲(也就是我的,嘿嘿)。

时间:27th March(Sat),8pm
地点:NUS Unviersity Cultural Centre (UCC) Theatre


以下附Rose Borromeo dance Group的简介及一些演出照片:

The Rose Borromeo Spanish Dance Company is the only dance company in Singapore that specializes in Spanish Classical Dance, Bolera, Folk and Flamenco.

Its repertoire is wide-ranging, from the elegance of Spanish classical dance set to the music of great master composers, to the captivating fiesta folk dances as well as the passionate Flamenco of Andalucia.

Founded by Artistic Director, Rose Borromeo - a leading dance exponent, and led by Choreographer Angel Gomez, the Company’s vision is to bring the unique art of Spanish dance close to its Asian public, from its Singapore base, at Dance Circle Studios.

The Company aims for a level of artistry that embraces dancers of strong caliber, classy presentation and staging, choreographic versatility and dynamism, and above all, the Soul of Dance.


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邀请大家来听音乐会 - Fiesta Rondalla 2010 (西班牙和菲律宾的民族乐器演奏和舞蹈) linda1113   (1565 bytes , 1445reads )
好可惜才看到这个帖子!以后有机会一定要告诉我们啊!:) 熊熊小钱罐   (0 bytes , 335reads )
明年三月初有演出,既然说到就提前预告一下,敬请期待 :) linda1113   (0 bytes , 343reads )
演出很好看 加州铝罐   (91 bytes , 403reads )
谢谢前辈鼓励呀~ :) 尘微   (0 bytes , 425reads )
我们那时候和现在的这个团体是没法比的。加油吧。 加州铝罐   (0 bytes , 410reads )
哈哈多谢捧场:) linda1113   (89 bytes , 412reads )
其实不用ppt,用顶灯打写花啊什么的也很好看,这次显得有点古板了。 加州铝罐   (0 bytes , 453reads )
才想起,其实去年在dance studio是用了彩灯的,今年不知为啥没用… linda1113   (0 bytes , 470reads )
赞,很不错... 乐言   (538 bytes , 440reads )
哈哈~ SiSi告诉我你是谁了~~ 大感谢前辈~ :) 尘微   (30 bytes , 449reads )
多谢支持~ linda1113   (118 bytes , 465reads )
看了哈籍贯,晕,还是老乡,握手 乐言   (0 bytes , 389reads )
哈哈握手握手~~ linda1113   (98 bytes , 452reads )
穿越南部山麓的活动,第二组,你是组长嘞,偶是你滴组员 乐言   (0 bytes , 353reads )
回来第一时间顶帖,非常精彩,非常成功... 乐言   (0 bytes , 359reads )
多谢支持哈~~ :D 尘微   (0 bytes , 422reads )
祝演出成功哈! 江山如花   (0 bytes , 445reads )
谢谢如花兄,可惜没机会跟你打招呼…… :P 尘微   (0 bytes , 402reads )
多谢如花兄~:) linda1113   (0 bytes , 399reads )
支持~~~ 乐言   (0 bytes , 360reads )
超好看超好看,大家要来呀~~ linmeng   (0 bytes , 370reads )
支持!!!预祝演出成功!!! 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 472reads )
菜兄要来呀~~ ^^ 尘微   (0 bytes , 449reads )
你又弹琴又跳舞么?? 水鸭子   (95 bytes , 379reads )
鸭子来看吧~ 跳舞的人很精彩的~ 尘微   (0 bytes , 394reads )
我要弹琴和指挥,来吧来吧~~ linda1113   (0 bytes , 415reads )
才女阿! 九妹   (0 bytes , 367reads )
想来的朋友可以直接在这里报名 ==> linda1113   (195 bytes , 431reads )