网上看到的Guideline&Schedule样板见内。New or Ex看个人需求,各有利弊。
所在版块:家有儿女 发贴时间:2010-10-11 10:33  评分:

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
New: 一张白纸好作画,工钱较低,1day or no day off, 工作态度可能也比较好,因为来之不易。
Ex: 有记录可查,知道自身价值,demand可能会多点,比如工钱4xx,每月x天off. 也有可能碰上humble的ex。
New or Ex都只能电话面试。

Strict Rules
• Do Be Honest and Truthful. Do not lie to us.
• Must be patient with baby. Do not hit our baby, but you can help to discipline him.
• Drink lots of water. Stay Healthy.

• Do Not Argue with Us!
• Try to understand the reason why we do things this way, rather than blindly follow. If you think there is a better way to do some things, you are always welcome to suggest, but it is up to Mum if she want to change.

• Do Show Initiative. Do Not Be Lazy!
• If performance is good and you are obedient, we will reward you.
• Do Remember what you learn.
• Learn to remember our preferences.
• Ask if you are not sure, please do not assume!
• Before doing anything, check with Mum. E.g. changing sponge, rearranging cabinets.

• Do Not Steal.
• If anyone gives you anything, you must let Mum know first.
• If you find money in our pockets or anywhere in the house, you must place it on the dining table and inform Mum.
• If Mum gives you money to buy food, leftover money must be returned to Mum.
• If you buy anything, let Mum know what you buy and how much you spent.
• Only clean drawers that you are allowed to open.

• Do Not Bring People to Our House!
• Do Not Go into Other Maids’ Employers House!
• Do Not Leave the House without Our Permission!
• Do not let anyone into the house unannounced.

• Do Not Talk to Men Outside! Do Not Have Boyfriends!
• Do Not Compare with Other Maids! Do be prepared to follow our ways because different family does things different ways.
• If you have any concerns or needs, talk to Mum, not to other maids.
• Do not giving out our home phone number to your friends.

• If you got no handphone. You may give our home phone number to your family for emergencies.
• If you got handphone, please follow below rules.
• Strictly no handphone during your working hour.
• Strictly no handphone when you look after the baby.
• Must answer the call from Mum and Sir.
• Do not use the handphone after 11:30 pm, which may affect your energy next day.

• Do Not Turn On the TV or Radio without our Permission!
• Do not shift the boxes in your room without our permission.
• Ask our permission if you want to use the house phone to call home.

• Dress properly, dress nicely when we go out.
• Change out of pyjamas before starting work.
• Sleeveless, low cut tops and shorts are not allowed.

• Always turn off the lights or other electrical appliances if you are leaving the room.
• Please conserve water
• Do remember if there’s something boiling on the stove.

• Always greet us when we wake up.
• Always greet us at the door when we come home and see if we need help to carry anything.
• Always greet guests and offer drinks immediately.
• Before sleep, check with us “Anything else you need me to do?” if there is nothing, let us know that you are going to bed.
• Always answer us when we talk to you. When we ask you to answer us, please do.

Rules are rules.

Working hours:
06:30 am to 10:30 pm. Sleep 2 hours when baby sleep in the afternoon.
Take care of baby from 06:30 am to 10:00 pm.
Must stimulate and take care of baby whilst simultaneously cleaning.

• 06:30, Carry the baby from Mum’s bed and take care the baby from then. Including
• Feed the baby. Warm the milk and wash the milk bottle. Burp the baby.
• When baby grow up, always check with Mum before giving him any food or letting others give him food.
• Change the diapers. Using drapolene cream and baby powder to take care baby’s nappy. Wash hands after change the diapers.
• Prepare the cloths and water for bathing.Hand wash baby’s cloth, towel, and cloth diapers.
• Baby will use cloth diapers from 12:00 to 20:00. Collect and hand wash the cloth diapers twice. Suggested on 16:00 and 20:00.
• Play with the baby, Let them explore, just keep a watchful eye for him. Do not overly protect him.
• Carry the baby once required. Clean the hands before carrying the baby.

Must be patient with baby. Do not hit our baby, but you can help to discipline him.

• Hand wash baby’s clothes.
• Hand wash Sir’s socks.
• Hand wash floormats.
• Do not wash your clothes and towels together with ours.

• Do remember if there’s something boiling on the stove.
• Never leave knives, scissors and other dangerous things lying around or easy to reach by children.
• Prepare some mop water before cooking. Immediately after cooking, mop the floor to remove oiliness.
• Always separate raw meat with vegetables or cooked food.
• Wash your hands if you have touched raw food.
• Clean up as you cook.
• Food cleanliness is VERY important. Dirty food or utensils not washed clean can make people sick!
• Water conservation is also very important. Find the balance please.

Keep the bathroom neatly and dry.

Daily duties
06:30 – get up
06:30 – 08:00
Drink warm water. Take breakfast.
Feed up the baby, change the diapers when baby wake up. And let the baby continue sleeping.
Clean the living room while baby sleeps in.
08:00 - Prepare the breakfast. Check with us what we would like for breakfast on previous night.
08:30 – 11:00 - look after baby and mop floor. Cleaning the living room and bedroom.
Cleaning the bath room. Keep the table and floor neat and dry. Do the weekly duties
11:00 – 11:30 – prepare the lunch
11:30 – 12:00 – hand wash baby’s clothes while mum cooking lunch.
12:30 – 1:30 – clean the dining table and kitchen. Always keep it oilless. Wash the dishes.
1:30 – 5:30 – sleep 2 hours while baby sleeping.
Hand wash baby’s diapers. Keep each room looks neatly and clean. Continuing do the weekly duties if you can not finish it in the morning.
5:30 – 6:30 – prepare the dinner.
6:30 – 8:30 – clean the kitchen, keep it oilless. Wash the dishes and the sink. Hand wash baby’s diapers.
8:30 – 10:30 – take shower, clean the bathroom after bathing.

Weekly duties:
Monday: Bathroom and toilet.
Tuesday: Laundry.
Wednesday: Bed & Bed sheets.
Thursday: Sofa, shoe cabinet, floor mat.
Friday: kitchen & fan.
Saturday: Laundry.
Sunday: Windows. Under table, sofa & bed.

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精华阿。。。等姐姐写完,置顶。。 watercooler   (0 bytes , 566reads )
请教下,maid要自己住一间房么? macrob   (20 bytes , 991reads )
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补充关于选中介 妈妈宝宝   (571 bytes , 1792reads )
从哪里能下载maid的shedule? 还有是fresh还是experienced的女佣较好啊?谢谢 allyluan   (0 bytes , 843reads )
网上看到的Guideline&Schedule样板见内。New or Ex看个人需求,各有利弊。 妈妈宝宝   (7480 bytes , 2515reads )
谢谢妈妈宝宝了,很有帮助。还有个问题请教。 allyluan   (177 bytes , 658reads )
关于女佣中介,可以查mom,网址如下: allyluan   (125 bytes , 1735reads )
很好的信息呢。 妈妈宝宝   (0 bytes , 466reads )
Don't know the link. 妈妈宝宝   (0 bytes , 490reads )
受益于mango的精华帖,我也来补充点吧。 妈妈宝宝   (1271 bytes , 2456reads )
我准备的面试问题 妈妈宝宝   (1005 bytes , 2380reads )
顶,不能沉了,最好置顶给俺们以后当参考:) 凡人   (0 bytes , 559reads )
谢谢分享经验! robustren   (0 bytes , 561reads )
ding. 上次看到了, 你的女佣真的不错。 king   (29 bytes , 900reads )
上周末去面试一菲律宾女佣,因为没有独立卫生间,被女佣拒了。郁闷。。 stvmou   (0 bytes , 1288reads )
不用郁闷,这样的不请比较好。 妈妈宝宝   (0 bytes , 600reads )
菲佣够牛的。 呵呵 king   (35 bytes , 986reads )