所在版块:家有儿女 发贴时间:2010-12-14 20:41  评分:

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Never think that you will have no milk. Engorgement and blocked ducts on breast are very common in today’s society. There is a difference between engorgement and clogged duct. You will feel almost your whole breast swollen if it's engorgement which is caused by expanding veins and the pressure of new milk. A clogged duct is a localized blockage of milk and you can literally feel each lump when you massage your breasts, and sometimes the skin above the lumps will look pink and feel warmer too.

Our TCM Post-Natal TuiNa focuses on helping to prevent or handle engorgement and clogged duct in breasts and make it better breastfeeding for the loved baby. Others include:
Assist in weight loss.
Restoration of the uterus to its normal state.
Relieve soreness and stiffness after childbirth.
Price enquiry, please call--6618 2605



更多详情请致电咨询:6618 2605


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【求助】宝宝快5个月,妈妈第5次乳房肿胀/乳腺 炎 bfly   (1182 bytes , 1881reads )
行动起来,救救孩子 breastfeeding   (5022 bytes , 341reads )
顺利开奶的秘诀是宝宝频繁吮吸 breastfeeding   (499 bytes , 388reads )
幸福妈妈高质量纯母乳喂养十大黄金法则,帮助每个妈妈 breastfeeding   (648 bytes , 451reads )
对所有堵奶的妈妈都有很大的帮助 breastfeeding   (1335 bytes , 660reads )
无意中看到的信息,应该有用吧 taiyangyue   (1505 bytes , 460reads )
帮你通乳 青山   (384 bytes , 783reads )
下个月生,你推荐的那个通乳师,真的有效吗? taiyangyue   (196 bytes , 371reads )
我是宝宝8个半月了还堵奶的妈妈。。。不记得几次了。。。 Hope4Best   (242 bytes , 404reads )
握手!我是九个半月的妈妈,也在堵 mimy   (114 bytes , 388reads )
握手握手!两眼泪汪汪啊!我的还处于半通状态。。。 Hope4Best   (0 bytes , 290reads )
太感谢了!可以先问你一下吗? bfly   (65 bytes , 398reads )
对很多妈妈都应该有很大的帮助,有需要的尽早去调吧。。。。 青山   (253 bytes , 347reads )
感谢提醒,祝愿所有的妈妈都不要堵奶到发高烧 bfly   (122 bytes , 447reads )
堵奶的妈妈,别穿铁丝胸罩。 niumum   (0 bytes , 358reads )
我偶尔外出爱美穿淘宝上买的“软钢托”的。。。 bfly   (81 bytes , 373reads )
应该是一怀孕就不穿钢丝胸罩,因为会挤压正在形成的输乳管系统 niumum   (21 bytes , 460reads )
为什么要平躺? Karkar   (57 bytes , 270reads )
顺便问一下,喂母乳可以趴着睡吗?偶特爱趴着,只是之前大着肚子,趴不下去. yydy   (0 bytes , 347reads )
最好不要呢 mimy   (56 bytes , 304reads )
看了医生,医生说正常!要么断奶,要么继续忍! bfly   (166 bytes , 442reads )
再坚持坚持 mimy   (246 bytes , 348reads )
同问,我老婆也常常堵奶 clouds   (279 bytes , 413reads )
你家宝宝多大呀? fkcc   (328 bytes , 354reads )
孩子刚出满月 clouds   (236 bytes , 355reads )
是不是pump的问题? 黯然销魂饭   (227 bytes , 325reads )
我家用的也是medela的 clouds   (147 bytes , 487reads )
新妈妈不能太大压力,压力大了最容易堵。 whywhy   (236 bytes , 347reads )
嗯,有道理 clouds   (121 bytes , 295reads )
刚满月干嘛不亲喂啊?难怪堵 凡人   (248 bytes , 402reads )
也想亲喂啊... clouds   (157 bytes , 408reads )
谢谢各位 clouds   (278 bytes , 324reads )
我一开始也是内陷的 ursualr   (183 bytes , 402reads )
我记得在TMC第一天,LC来看我 niumum   (430 bytes , 458reads )
这个是暂时的。LC讲如果要生第二个还担心乳头平的话,有办法的 bugsbunny   (174 bytes , 361reads )
是啊,其实我挺重视能不能恢复的 niumum   (62 bytes , 365reads )
哇,这才是真正的血泪史啊 fkcc   (18 bytes , 313reads )
呃血红血红可能夸张了点,嘿嘿,粉红粉红大概是有滴! ursualr   (72 bytes , 321reads )
也经历了破->结痂->吸->又破的历程 fkcc   (226 bytes , 309reads )
有专门治疗内陷的吸盘卖啊 凡人   (198 bytes , 325reads )
对啊,你这个问题应该早点带着宝宝和妈妈一起去咨询一下 fkcc   (79 bytes , 302reads )
喂奶之前,把乳晕的那块挤完,这样宝宝吸的时候,就可以含住这个乳晕。 whywhy   (126 bytes , 460reads )
看了一下真是血泪史啊。。。 凡人   (256 bytes , 361reads )
你好像常常堵奶呢 (底下的贴回错地方了) fkcc   (814 bytes , 607reads )
刚刚就试验了一下小孟流挤奶法 bfly   (290 bytes , 1147reads )
顶,这个是我妇科医生教的 Karkar   (59 bytes , 330reads )
我一般就找个大的器皿接奶 fkcc   (80 bytes , 321reads )
不客气,不客气 fkcc   (166 bytes , 317reads )
呵呵,并不是第一次你推荐的东东有用哦! bfly   (0 bytes , 220reads )
我好想看Babies,现在还有哪儿在放映呢? niumum   (0 bytes , 343reads )
好难找,原本就没几间上映 fkcc   (44 bytes , 344reads )
要是华新有个共享空间就好了 Karkar   (26 bytes , 302reads )
呵呵,羡慕 niumum   (19 bytes , 302reads )
我在verycd上载,niumum可以去那里看看。 fkcc   (0 bytes , 272reads )
倒~还以为在说我。。。掩面 凡人   (0 bytes , 308reads )
没关系,都适用。 fkcc   (28 bytes , 274reads )
蒲公英加金银花煮水喝 mimy   (76 bytes , 462reads )
之前发炎的时候喝过蒲公英 bfly   (39 bytes , 346reads )
听起来很恐怖啊,先问一下你有亲喂吗? 凡人   (1360 bytes , 414reads )
我家宝宝有点特殊,我反而觉得就是亲喂让我堵呢 bfly   (242 bytes , 389reads )
哈哈,宝宝大了都这样,花样繁多 fkcc   (136 bytes , 339reads )
大了开始皮了。。以前我还夸宝宝牌吸奶器最好呢 bfly   (0 bytes , 268reads )
你好像常常堵奶呢 fkcc   (816 bytes , 354reads )
是的,不过现在不上班了基本上都亲喂,偶尔宝宝没喝完就会堵 凡人   (260 bytes , 356reads )