PP vs PES bottles
所在版块:家有儿女 发贴时间:2011-03-09 22:48

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Polypropylene (PP) is a softer plastic and has a slightly milky color. PP has the advantage of being easily recycled at most recycling locations.

PES is a higher end plastic. It is clear with a slight honey color. PES can withstand super high heat. It is rigid plastic. PES can be recycled by sending bottles to a recycling plant that works with PES or back to the manufacturer.

Alternatives to Polycarbonate:
There are currently two types of substitutes for polycarbonate plastics, namely Polypropylene or Polypropene (PP) and Polyethersulfone (PES). PP has a melting point of 121 degrees Celcius.

PP milk bottles will loose their transparency over time, lessening their active useful life. When put into boiling water or sterilize cycles, PP bottles have a limited shelf-life.

PES plastic will retain their tensile strength and form with continuous use at temperatures as high as 180 degree Celsius (356 degrees Fahrenheit). PES is ideal for the construction of baby bottles because it can be safely and easily sterilized.

However, it’s worth mentioning that PES is one of those plastics that ended up in the #7 recycling category because it didn’t fit well into the other categories. This recycling category is also where Polycarbonate falls into. Therefore, do be mindful when you see #7 recycling category.

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有, sterilizer and warmer + some milk bottles and lotions $188 niumum   (177 bytes , 307reads )
多谢牛妈啦~~不是IQ Type的话,应该用起来也没问题吧? jojo99   (0 bytes , 208reads )
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mm,有一个section在卖fisher price的玩具,也打了折的。 四季豆   (0 bytes , 210reads )
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有去这个BHG Baby fair的童鞋,如果发现啥好的东东,记得要分享一下啦 :) jojo99   (0 bytes , 360reads )
已经没有20%了,但有两个很不错的Avent Bundle niumum   (279 bytes , 288reads )
20% OFF只到27号为止。niumum, 请问第二个bundle的信息。。。谢谢~~ jojo99   (214 bytes , 235reads )
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多谢niumum分享~~我看还是等Taka baby fair吧,应该也不会太贵,选择可能还多一点。 jojo99   (0 bytes , 266reads )
如果没看错,且根据价格推断,两个都是基础型号,非iQ型号的。 niumum   (126 bytes , 184reads )