所在版块:家有儿女 发贴时间:2011-04-11 14:49

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If your baby is passing such hard, dry stools that she tears the delicate skin near the opening of her anus (you may be able to see these tears, known as anal fissures, or a little blood), you can apply some aloe vera lotion to the area to help it heal. Be sure to mention the tears to your baby's doctor.

# Get her some exercise. If your baby's a crawler, encourage her to do a few laps. If she's not crawling yet, try pumping her legs: While she's lying on her back, gently move her legs in a forward, circular motion as if she were pedaling a bicycle.

# Massage your baby's belly. Measure three finger-widths below her navel and apply gentle but firm pressure with your fingertips. Press until you feel a firmness or mass. Maintain gentle but constant pressure for about three minutes.

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[求助]宝宝肛裂 (放在置顶贴,没人看见阿) Karkar   (620 bytes , 2380reads )
顶上来,继续求助。。现在变成功能性便秘。 Karkar   (1569 bytes , 394reads )
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我建议停辅食物,只喝奶和水,等大便恢复后再给辅食 mimy   (0 bytes , 254reads )
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每天两次5ml,。还是很多的说。 Karkar   (0 bytes , 153reads )
有一个咚咚最好了:木瓜, 又好吃又有效,副作用是宝宝拉出来的也是红的 红茶   (0 bytes , 175reads )
好,试试看。 Karkar   (0 bytes , 173reads )
终于松口气 Karkar   (108 bytes , 374reads )
我的经验:可用红霉素眼膏抹患处(注意不是软膏。软膏的浓度比眼膏要高。眼膏更安全) 阁楼小兔2010   (198 bytes , 287reads )
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可怜的宝宝。祝福一下。 king   (15 bytes , 158reads )
宝宝现在怎么样了? 豆芽妈   (270 bytes , 220reads )
我女儿也在1岁那段时间便秘过,后来调整了宝宝辅食,现在一点都不便秘了。 黄豆龙   (850 bytes , 414reads )
便秘要做好打持久战的准备 Karkar   (44 bytes , 253reads )
过了一岁的宝宝,可以喝点Yakult或Vitagen吧,据说也帮助疏解便秘的。 niumum   (0 bytes , 913reads )
今天刚看见报纸上说维他精其实对幼儿无效。。。 凡人   (0 bytes , 262reads )
不过我孕期便秘,喝yakult无效,靠meiji鲜奶通便,呵呵呵。 niumum   (0 bytes , 420reads )
我是一直保持晨便的好习惯,包括孕后期 凡人   (62 bytes , 253reads )
晨便真是好习惯,以前当学生时间一大把时还可以保持,现在早上跟打仗似的, niumum   (74 bytes , 280reads )
哦?我朋友的儿子轻微便秘时就喝vitagen疏解。 niumum   (34 bytes , 491reads )
试试熟透的香蕉,先喂点香蕉泥,再喂点水喝,很有效,我姐姐家的小孩就是用这个办法, happy抱抱熊   (0 bytes , 231reads )
我也建议换奶粉 那朵花儿   (440 bytes , 277reads )
我身边的朋友都说Friso比较不容易便秘 凡人   (200 bytes , 362reads )
friso好像是最便宜的配方奶了。。。 watercooler   (25 bytes , 342reads )
最近香港新闻报道说其实是市面上的奶粉都差不多 Karkar   (28 bytes , 240reads )
另外一个选择是Nestle NAN,邻居妹妹喝similac便秘,换成Nestle NAN后ok niumum   (0 bytes , 518reads )
我们还没换奶粉阿。用的事enfalac 1,up to 12 mth Karkar   (62 bytes , 454reads )
进--- 那朵花儿   (150 bytes , 316reads )
紅薯? 仰首望飞鸿   (66 bytes , 231reads )
红薯容易产生涨气,不要吃多了 贝贝妹妹   (28 bytes , 224reads )
吃这东东拌泥的时候可要加一半的水啊,让薯泥看上去又软又稀才可以喂哦. 鳕鱼丝   (0 bytes , 177reads )
如果吃这个,一定要多喝水 Karkar   (56 bytes , 247reads )
给她喝有味道的水 凡人   (276 bytes , 302reads )
如果吃这个,一定要多喝水 Karkar   (0 bytes , 209reads )
国内不是有开塞露么?这里没有类似的东西? 凡人   (175 bytes , 305reads )
这玩意儿我家有一堆,谁需要我免费送....... mimy   (0 bytes , 162reads )
开塞露是不是就是那个甘油的东西?好大一粒阿 Karkar   (16 bytes , 237reads )
据说是类似肥皂水之类的,用一个眼药水瓶子一样的玩意挤进去的 凡人   (0 bytes , 270reads )
有的,我们家的在诊所被塞过 ursualr   (131 bytes , 233reads )
全母乳也是要喝水的吧,我不相信书上说的全母乳不需要喝水的话 凡人   (318 bytes , 303reads )
是不是该换换奶粉啊? niumum   (40 bytes , 255reads )
有些奶粉会便秘,换换吧。可怜的孩子。 allyluan   (0 bytes , 230reads )
去看儿科医生吧,kk看之前的讨论感觉很不靠谱啊 niumum   (790 bytes , 401reads )
我回去要试试看芦荟。焦急阿 Karkar   (65 bytes , 217reads )
芦荟别给小娃娃用 仰首望飞鸿   (24 bytes , 247reads )
我还是今晚带他看医生。 Karkar   (0 bytes , 180reads )