所在版块:家有儿女 发贴时间:2012-02-10 10:41  评分:

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Dear Karen,

I am a mother from Singapore. I am interested in your online mentessori course for mothers and teachers. However, after reading the information on your webside, I still have some questions which I want to clarify with you.

1. I know that the standard duration is 2 years, then how many lessons there will be, and how long for each lesson, how often the lesson will be conducted?
2. What materials you will provide after enrollment, I have seen the table of contents for each subject, so the materials with real contents will be distributed, won't they?
3. How does a lecture look like? it is an online video which can be downloaded, or just a textbook and we only read ourselves
4. if I need to teach my child in the future, i need to buy those teaching tools, right? How and where I can buy those tools and what about the price?
5. How do I pay for the course? After I pay, what shall I get?

Look forward to your reply
Thanks a lot


话说她回复的还真是快,昨天晚上我发的,今天早上起来就有回复了, 还有几个附件,有兴趣的妈妈站短信我你们的邮箱,我转发给你们。


I have 4 students enrolled for the March 1st course from Singapore.
I will try and answer your questions below:

1. Yes, the standard track takes 2 years and the FAST TRACK takes 12 months. Both classes are the same except you will have two sets of album presentations sent to you every week. You will be able to understand what you are sent every week by looking at the syllabus for both standard and FAST TRACK that I have attached to this email.

2. During the course you will receive the set of Montessori Albums (12 of them) which are sent to you by PDF through email or posted on our classroom site. Each presentation/lesson that is in the album starts with a list of materials needed for that lesson.
There are a lot of support forms and a lot of ideas on how to substitute materials for something less expensive...also how to make your own inexpensively. I give you hundreds of cards and support forms for you to print out and use instead of having to go and purchase them online or in stores.

3.. The lectures/papers/etc. are written. After you read them, we all comment, questions and discuss them either by posting on the message board on our classroom site or by sending me email.

4. On the classroom site I list many places where you can purchase Montessori materials if you choose to do so. Also, Alison's Montessori gives my students a discount when they enter a code word given to you at the beginning of class. As with all toys and learning materials, the prices will vary and the shipping costs will vary. The good news is that most of my students all over the world have been able to put together what they need. I have students that use what they have around the house and town....they don't have a lot of money to spend it on materials. I have students that buy everything. 60% of my students are moms that wish to work with their children at home.

5. Most students pay with either PayPal or Amazon...here are the instructions to make it easy for you:

www.paypal.com and send funds in US Dollars to karen@amontessorimarketplace.com
www.amazon.com and send an email gift card in US Dollars to quiltedthreadhead@yahoo.com

If you pay the $150 up front (student discount) between now and March 1st, you have the option of requesting to have your albums sent to you in pdf format (email box to email box). Just let me know if you would like your albums sent upon receipt of payment. I have been sending out dozens of albums for the past two weeks. The albums alone are sold on Alison's Montessori for $350...so you are getting a HUGE bargain for this type of course for the price.

The class is filling up so I hope to hear from you soon.

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate in contacting me.


关注公众微信号:Montathome 讲述我的原创经历——蒙特梭利的家庭教育
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Karen Tyler Montessori Album niumum   (172 bytes , 2261reads )
给Karen写了个邮件问了些问题,分享给大家 bluebell   (3881 bytes , 636reads )
昨天我又写了邮件去问 bluebell   (265 bytes , 188reads )
我看了一下他的fast track,我觉得压力挺大的。。 watercooler   (272 bytes , 190reads )
太好了啊。你居然去问她了。。。 watercooler   (994 bytes , 227reads )
音乐方面的我有一个皮毛的介绍。。在下面的帖子。 watercooler   (999 bytes , 278reads )
MM能不能介绍下宝宝音乐教育的入门? snow365   (140 bytes , 200reads )
Watercooler姐真是太厉害了 bluebell   (516 bytes , 255reads )
菜鸟来问一下:我家宝宝好像很喜欢听音乐。。。 山涧风笛   (235 bytes , 203reads )
我家宝宝也喜欢听音乐 Conniesisu   (246 bytes , 207reads )
深吸口气。。。=D 山涧风笛   (71 bytes , 188reads )
其实奥尔夫的教学法貌似是很小就可以开始了 watercooler   (57 bytes , 219reads )
哦,知道了,多谢酷乐姐=) 山涧风笛   (0 bytes , 193reads )
参团买orff乐器吧 bluebell   (0 bytes , 180reads )
里面的好几样我都已经买了 山涧风笛   (24 bytes , 155reads )
研究了一下之后的一点想法 bluebell   (830 bytes , 290reads )
以前看过一本书 snow365   (378 bytes , 243reads )
自己学两年是一个好大的工程啊。。 山涧风笛   (166 bytes , 192reads )
不错,想教孩子,自己要先学 yyoo   (0 bytes , 163reads )
我只能说,你们真的是强大啊。要像你们学习。 peanut29   (0 bytes , 153reads )
+1,看来自己也要努力赶上去了 taiyangyue   (0 bytes , 115reads )
汗颜。。。说实话,我是到娃都三岁了才开始认真一点。。 watercooler   (123 bytes , 213reads )
这个课值得自己去学来教孩子吗? bluebell   (498 bytes , 215reads )
我倒是想要学。。。 watercooler   (256 bytes , 203reads )
我想如果watercooler姐姐带头的话,肯定一起学的mm就多了 bluebell   (83 bytes , 372reads )
对对对,啥时候看始报名呀? 兔妞妞   (0 bytes , 145reads )
+1,一起海运教具,然后分几个小组? 盛港花儿   (0 bytes , 147reads )
+1,能带我一个不? 红线   (0 bytes , 170reads )
快联系酷乐jj。。。 盛港花儿   (0 bytes , 101reads )
+1 也想学,不过我的可以慢慢学,宝宝才8个月大 曾经1984   (90 bytes , 184reads )
报名+1 niumum   (0 bytes , 169reads )
first half mindmap of geography. watercooler   (45 bytes , 239reads )
test again watercooler   (53 bytes , 296reads )
强大的饮水机. 哈哈 king   (38 bytes , 180reads )
你要是想来,这个星期天上午。可以把你老大带过来我们家做手工。 watercooler   (262 bytes , 233reads )
我特酷乐姐,你不会是自己做的吧!好强大~~膜拜!!! 山涧风笛   (17 bytes , 172reads )
。。。。风笛妹妹每次说话都这么好听。。。 watercooler   (151 bytes , 141reads )
save了之后再打开还是很清楚的,总结得很好,多谢! 曾经1984   (0 bytes , 178reads )
niumum   (0 bytes , 179reads )
学姐真用心,要学习起来,>_< sandfish   (0 bytes , 114reads )
貌似这个save了就还可以 watercooler   (0 bytes , 162reads )
ft..居然被缩小了。。这么不清楚。 watercooler   (0 bytes , 180reads )
强,mark一下 Karkar   (0 bytes , 198reads )
真的很感兴趣,但是不知道上了有没有时间教孩子! bluebell   (0 bytes , 172reads )
谢谢分享 budda   (26 bytes , 142reads )
太长了。。。 watercooler   (18 bytes , 236reads )
gosh.... watercooler   (86 bytes , 190reads )
其实这个教法非常系统性,非常简单。。。 watercooler   (100 bytes , 234reads )
站等 king   (0 bytes , 173reads )
+1 坐等 曾经1984   (0 bytes , 184reads )
坐等summary :) niumum   (0 bytes , 186reads )
en...好像就是她要去学那个montessori.. watercooler   (519 bytes , 270reads )
看了这个帖之后立马淘了一套杜曼闪卡 bbmm   (26 bytes , 211reads )
能推荐一下,淘的是哪套?海运么? whywhy   (256 bytes , 197reads )
就是淘的这套 bbmm   (72 bytes , 235reads )
太好,运费这么便宜,直接走海运算了。 whywhy   (51 bytes , 134reads )
ai... watercooler   (74 bytes , 149reads )
好的 whywhy   (47 bytes , 159reads )
请问mm是在淘宝买的杜曼闪卡吗?够全吗? budda   (21 bytes , 196reads )
。。。。没有。。。都是俺自己做的。。。不专业。 watercooler   (40 bytes , 178reads )
谢谢!那我先搜一下杜曼的书 : ) budda   (0 bytes , 134reads )
我out了,马上开始研究杜曼 曾经1984   (0 bytes , 216reads )
版上有妈妈给宝宝试过杜曼闪卡或者其他右脑开发方法吗?效果如何? 曾经1984   (104 bytes , 218reads )
你还有时间学montessori吗? watercooler   (18 bytes , 150reads )
貌似这边比较流行七田真。 watercooler   (17 bytes , 214reads )
七田真不错,我家几个邻居的孩子都在学 天边的云朵   (0 bytes , 218reads )
最开始看七田真和杜曼早教方法的时候很激动,后来想想又觉得不那么需要了 曾经1984   (258 bytes , 215reads )
写一点我知道的皮毛。 watercooler   (840 bytes , 267reads )
也不希望成为什么天才,只要求能在求知欲最旺盛的时候,系统化的满足他的学习需要。 niumum   (78 bytes , 256reads )
贴个review niumum   (295 bytes , 285reads )
这个要顶!可以学学自己教了 曾经1984   (0 bytes , 158reads )