上来更新part two.
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Part two:
The training methods
A) Sensitive period:
Music education should start as early as possible. Dr Suzuki believed that children should start learning or enjoying music at birth, or even when they were inside the womb. This concept could be quite similar to some others. The best to start playing an instrument can be as early as 3 years old (This is what I thought, As we have to follow the developmental stages of a child, only after his/her physical strength and fine motor control have developed to a stage, we can start the instruments.)
B) Quality of the music and musical sensitivity.
A few music educators agreed that the quality of music is very important for children. As they compared language and music learning, it is natural that to teach the children their own folk songs in their culture. Furthermore, listening to high quality music recordings is another key point in children’s music education. Suzuki selected those recordings and pieces mostly from Baroque and Classical genres.
1) Development of music sensitivity. Suzuki always emphasis on listening to good recordings. Listening to music is like listening to people speaking. Children will acquire the sound. You can imagine, children can learn standard English or Mandarin, they can also learn the dialects. Children imitate. So we should set good model and recordings for them to imitate. So play the good recordings at home, and children will unconsciously become musically sensitive.
2) Importance of tonalization. Tonalization is coined by Suzuki, which means the quality of the voice. The purpose of tonalization is to develop a beautiful singing tone.
C) Family method: the triangle of student, teacher and parents:
Parents play very important role in Suzuki’s method. He mentioned: lessons are taken once or twice a week and are very short. The other six days, children practice at home. “ABILITY is developed by home practice.”
1) To motivate the children to practice even more, both the parents and teacher must praise the child “how hard and well you are practicing these days.” This is the point in psychology not only applied to music or instrument study, but every type of education.
2) Always believe that every child can be educated. Never have prejudices like. Parents also must believe that children can learn. People become and maintained confidence that children can be educated. I would say, inherent talent only play a very small role. Furthermore, Only with training, the children’s potential will reveal and only with training, children can do whatever better than they have inherited.
3) Parent is the home teacher. The parent attends all lessons, takes notes, and receives instruction. It is never too late to learn. It would be the best if Parents learn before or together with the children. It is the best way to motivate children. It is also a good way in communicating with children. Parents will understand the difficulties children are facing. Parents might learn slightly faster than their children, and therefore easier to do home tutoring every day.

Remember, Suzuki method focuses on the total well-being and self-esteem of children, not the musical product. Learning is blocked by result or criticism or pressure. Teachers and parents should provide safe and joyful learning environment.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
这里太冷清了。。。刚写了第一部分的铃木音乐教育的一点总结。贴上来。 watercooler   (5692 bytes , 3357reads )
看看这个妈妈的rainbow钢琴教法 niumum   (547 bytes , 322reads )
i also sticked the color codes on keys.... watercooler   (32 bytes , 150reads )
在Burghley Lifestyle Hub 那边看到一家音乐学校有教铃木 Jane珍   (135 bytes , 185reads )
今天去了芭蕾舞的trial class, 顺便去隔壁的medley看了一下 Jane珍   (787 bytes , 225reads )
谢谢mm的info.. watercooler   (58 bytes , 144reads )
真是挺贵的啊! Jane珍   (177 bytes , 135reads )
wa....这么贵啊。。。 watercooler   (28 bytes , 136reads )
嗯。。。去看了一下他们的网站。 watercooler   (493 bytes , 157reads )
好多我再去了解了解澳洲这边的情况! bfly   (0 bytes , 163reads )
对呀,芭蕾课在它的隔壁,不过还没开始。 Jane珍   (55 bytes , 129reads )
你不是给孩子去过芭蕾课了么? watercooler   (91 bytes , 127reads )
Free trial是芭蕾。那个音乐学校就是碰巧路过瞟了一眼 Jane珍   (0 bytes , 134reads )
学了很久的是音乐课,不在那边 Jane珍   (46 bytes , 132reads )
哦。。。好吧。。 watercooler   (113 bytes , 139reads )
哦,medley好像也可以trial, 不知道是不是free的。 Jane珍   (54 bytes , 155reads )
音乐门外汉问一下 niumum   (146 bytes , 185reads )
记得以前水版主的帖子里有说,用来启蒙的话,钢琴是最好的。 Jane珍   (0 bytes , 117reads )
嗯。。我以前是说过。。就在这个帖子里。。。哈哈。。 watercooler   (527 bytes , 166reads )
找到这个,你能帮我看看可以买吗? bfly   (370 bytes , 206reads )
我在国大图书馆借过他的谱子。 watercooler   (498 bytes , 137reads )
太好的帖子的,好有才华的妈妈 bfly   (178 bytes , 201reads )
。。。 watercooler   (655 bytes , 191reads )
实在是太门外汉了 bfly   (178 bytes , 190reads )
我也是这一点觉得不知道该怎么办。。。 watercooler   (221 bytes , 131reads )
我从来不想用音乐让孩子变聪明 bfly   (140 bytes , 220reads )
借帖问问这里的妈妈,买什么样的琴给宝宝好? 总统   (118 bytes , 208reads )
电钢琴600多的就不错了。。。 watercooler   (21 bytes , 170reads )
我家有个54键的电子琴转让 Q+Q   (68 bytes , 173reads )
现在才看到MM要的是否电子钢琴。 Q+Q   (188 bytes , 202reads )
别买。。 watercooler   (23 bytes , 192reads )
愿闻其详 Q+Q   (104 bytes , 193reads )
天。。。这个topic 太大了。。。 watercooler   (131 bytes , 153reads )
还有part 3吗? 那朵花儿   (378 bytes , 168reads )
有啊!就在置顶的帖子里呀 bluebell   (38 bytes , 157reads )
我没看过虎妈。。可是从网上的评论来说,跟suzuki南辕北辙。 watercooler   (24 bytes , 195reads )
虎妈是把孩子送到铃木那儿学习,同时陪读。 那朵花儿   (223 bytes , 172reads )
在那里看她的书啊?买的么? watercooler   (0 bytes , 124reads )
我在kinokuniya看到过,可能大众也有 niumum   (125 bytes , 146reads )
嗯。。我看到图书馆有了。。。不过基本上都on loan.. watercooler   (0 bytes , 150reads )
找到了 niumum   (95 bytes , 158reads )
哦。。。看来要去注册个账户然后发贴赚钱了 watercooler   (0 bytes , 138reads )
我注册了一个。。。给了我20分。。 watercooler   (159 bytes , 174reads )
下面有0分下载的 niumum   (163 bytes , 134reads )
google 下 battle hymn of the tiger mother pdf niumum   (0 bytes , 140reads )
贴下虎妈提到的Humoresque niumum   (523 bytes , 157reads )
当年我妈他们学校中午就是整天广播这个曲子。。。 watercooler   (270 bytes , 126reads )
.... watercooler   (379 bytes , 157reads )
开班吧,我送我女儿来学。 留名   (80 bytes , 165reads )
瓦。。。厉害哈:) watercooler   (0 bytes , 139reads )
哇,这么空闲,顶 king   (30 bytes , 254reads )
鬼信阿。。 watercooler   (146 bytes , 214reads )
当然是新加坡了 king   (42 bytes , 245reads )
上来更新part two. watercooler   (3323 bytes , 460reads )
登录拜读。 Can’t agree more with "Character first, ability second" 妈妈宝宝   (284 bytes , 170reads )
我家4岁开始学钢琴,有半年了,都是我在旁听,但是我懒得练 明日天使   (107 bytes , 255reads )
希望以后我能跟着孩子一起练,共同提高。 妈妈宝宝   (0 bytes , 205reads )
哇塞, 这里的妈妈们都这么多才多艺呢。 king   (71 bytes , 180reads )
er... watercooler   (1756 bytes , 313reads )
谢谢,受教了。mm真适合做老师。 妈妈宝宝   (0 bytes , 210reads )
+1 兔妞妞   (0 bytes , 167reads )
我想问一个题外话:在孩子没有产生对钢琴的兴趣以前,有必要买钢琴么? 凡人   (709 bytes , 280reads )
凡妹可以来我家弹。 妈妈宝宝   (0 bytes , 213reads )
我家的经验供你参考 明日天使   (543 bytes , 309reads )
我说点反面的想法 bluebell   (428 bytes , 266reads )
在给你一个例子。 watercooler   (340 bytes , 251reads )
是的。 watercooler   (1181 bytes , 277reads )
学琴不是不好,而是每个孩子都有他喜欢和适合的,要天赋,并非一定要成天才 bluebell   (1380 bytes , 247reads )
哈哈。。。 watercooler   (731 bytes , 205reads )
+1,而且我觉得钢琴可以锻炼耐力和韧性,从小培养好,一生受益 盛港花儿   (0 bytes , 172reads )
:)居然发现我也可以长篇大论的回帖子哈。。。 watercooler   (0 bytes , 175reads )
en...本来想回凡人mm的帖子,看了你这个回这个吧。 watercooler   (1538 bytes , 310reads )
我姐他们也是先租了半年的钢琴给孩子学,之后才买的 凡人   (161 bytes , 395reads )
同问,哪里有租钢琴的呀? toppore   (0 bytes , 304reads )
华新广告版偶尔也有钢琴卖,也可以试试ebay sg lemon_tea   (161 bytes , 219reads )
同意,我也买了个二手的,没娃的时候自己玩 daodao   (94 bytes , 343reads )
en。。。我的也是二手的。 watercooler   (90 bytes , 217reads )
有的,至少我看我们上的那个音乐学校有租的,但我没问过价格 明日天使   (0 bytes , 208reads )
我也想让儿子们学钢琴 king   (24 bytes , 241reads )
第一条就是听。 watercooler   (17 bytes , 218reads )
Ah?我只会单手弹 king   (13 bytes , 155reads )
买cd啊。 watercooler   (8 bytes , 208reads )
呵呵,不过他们好像喜欢wonder girl, king   (56 bytes , 200reads )
听radio更省钱。 watercooler   (0 bytes , 185reads )
这个事情就不好说了。。 watercooler   (286 bytes , 235reads )
98,喜欢激烈的 king   (0 bytes , 203reads )
Sigh 我只听power 95 king   (0 bytes , 186reads )
92。4 watercooler   (0 bytes , 167reads )
Mark,早上坐车时来细看 niumum   (0 bytes , 169reads )
今天终于拜读了 bluebell   (145 bytes , 195reads )
基本上应该说两者都是。 watercooler   (486 bytes , 200reads )
看来下次还是要写中文的啊。。。 watercooler   (44 bytes , 208reads )
不是你写的烂,是写的太好,但是不是母语的 king   (22 bytes , 164reads )
如能改为鲁剧唱腔更好。哈哈 king   (14 bytes , 185reads )
同学,有鲁剧吗? watercooler   (28 bytes , 196reads )
咳,我错了,没文化真可怕 king   (12 bytes , 181reads )
好像有些typo... watercooler   (38 bytes , 230reads )
第一部分就这么长了,q强烈建议mm unijjxfy   (33 bytes , 203reads )
好吧。。我继续努力。。。 watercooler   (137 bytes , 212reads )
半起顶! Q+Q   (46 bytes , 218reads )
学习ing... ssummer   (0 bytes , 201reads )
坐板凳学习ing。。。 Chelseann   (0 bytes , 152reads )