所在版块:家有儿女 发贴时间:2012-06-11 15:51

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我买的是Freestyle,搜之前的帖子有mm说breast shield不能用蒸汽消毒锅消毒,可是我仔细看了说明书,写的是跟奶接触的那些零件在沸水中煮10分钟消毒,没说别的。
又写信问了medela可不可以用steam sterilizer,回答如下。基本没用。而且说的意思只要第一次用之前消毒就可以了,以后都不用了?
“Thank you for contacting Medela. We recommend that any of the items that come into contact with the breastmilk or the baby are boiled for 10 minutes prior to first use. After the first initial sanitization, Medela recommends separating and washing the pieces in warm, soapy water after every pumping session.

You may also use the Medela Quick Clean Micro-Steam bags may be used for microwave sanitization. We do not test our product with other microwave steam sterilizer's, so we cannot guarantee what would happen to your pieces if you should use one.

If you should need additional assistance, please contact Customer Service at the number listed below.”


 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
询问:大家用完medela的泵后怎么消毒的? bilutar   (1034 bytes , 926reads )
看到大家都有消毒问一下,那个橡胶的部分没有变形吗? 武汉伢   (247 bytes , 54reads )
我放消毒锅也没问到塑料味啊 难道是我的鼻子超级迟钝?我的breastshield也没有变形 bilutar   (49 bytes , 47reads )
我的没有变形 Chelseann   (314 bytes , 67reads )
我觉得我挺后妈的,只要不是化学成分其它的我都睁一只眼闭一只眼了, 武汉伢   (110 bytes , 64reads )
每次都用avent的蒸汽锅消毒 贝利亚   (234 bytes , 72reads )
消毒锅消毒后会有塑料味吗? daodao   (88 bytes , 74reads )
没有发现啊。。。不过我的medela pump刚用不久。今天观察下 贝利亚   (0 bytes , 58reads )
泵奶到宝宝11个月,都是用开水烫一下就好 珊璞   (156 bytes , 111reads )
你们好认真啊。我也是freestyle 在办公室用,每次 FruitTree   (86 bytes , 110reads )
我是直接放在消毒锅里面消毒的. jjoan1   (56 bytes , 70reads )
这个。。。 Chelseann   (551 bytes , 91reads )