所在版块:家有儿女 发贴时间:2013-08-15 21:22  更多评分:

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It may be reassuring to know that in a normal pregnancy there is no evidence that continuing to breastfeed will deprive your unborn child of necessary nutrients. In addition, according to the La Leche League International BREASTFEEDING ANSWER BOOK, 3rd Edition 2003, page 407. "Although uterine contractions are experienced during breastfeeding, they are a normal part of pregnancy. .. Uterine contractions also occur during sexual activity, which most couples continue during pregnancy." Also, according to the BAB, page 408, "Currently, no specific medical guidelines exist that define in which situations it may be risky to continue breastfeeding during pregnancy, and prenatal caregivers vary widely in their recommendations." The materials listed in the "Additional Resources" section of this FAQ will help you address the fears others may express.

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