所在版块:家有儿女 发贴时间:2013-11-15 22:04

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世界上大多数社会都是unilinear,而父系比母系要common 得多。dual descent非常少见因为很混乱,难道中国要退化成那样的原始社会。

Patrilineality (or agnatic kinship) is a system in which one belongs to one's father's lineage. It generally involves the inheritance of property, names or titles through the male line as well.

A patriline is literally a father line; one's patriline is one's father and his father and his father... ad infinitum, one's nearly infinite line of fathers. The two corresponding adjective forms are patrilineal and father-line. One's patriline is thus a line of descent from a male ancestor to a descendant (of either sex) in which the individuals in all intervening generations are fathers. A man's genetic Y-DNA and his family name (in most cultures) have descended down this same line from father to son. In a patrilineal descent system (= agnatic descent), an individual is considered to belong to the same descent group as his or her father. This patrilineal descent pattern is much more common than matrilineal descent, see the article on family names which are almost all patrilineal surnames. Also for an indepth treatment of current patrilineal surnames, globally, see the same article.

The agnatic ancestry of an individual is that person's pure male ancestry. An agnate is one's genetic relative exclusively through males: a kinsman with whom one has a common ancestor by descent in unbroken male line.

In cultural anthropology, a patrilineage (or patriclan) is a consanguineal male and female kin group each of whom is related to the common ancestor through male forebears.

Many societies construct kinship groupings, roles, and relationships by tracing descent exclusively through the male - patrilineal - or female - matrilineal - line. The resulting units are called unilineal descent groups, either patrilineages or matrilineages according to the prevailing descent rule. Unilineal kinship institutions occur at over twice the incidence of cognatic ones among the world's cultures. In many societies, unilineal descent groups assume important corporate functions such as land ownership, political representation and mutual aid and support.

Patrilineal societies are much more common than matrilineal ones, occurring at roughly twice the incidence and accounting for 60% of all unilineal systems and 40% descent systems (unilineal and cognatic) thoughout the world. They may be familiar to you from the Bible, (the "tribes" of Israel were patrilineages) and ancient Greek and Roman family organization. Matrilineal systems are less frequent but are still ethnographically important. The powerful West African Ashanti kingdom developed within a matrilineal society. Accordingly, the heir to the throne is not the king's (Asantehene's) own child but his sister's son. Early British emissaries to Ashanti learned about this family system the hard way. They supported several of the Asantehene's sons to be educated in England only to realize that the allies they had so carefully cultivated were not in line to assume the throne.

A third unilineal form, dual descent, involves the presence of significant patrilineal and matrilineal groupings in single society. Their occurance is relatively rare.

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当初我也纠结过。 怪哉   (542 bytes , 119reads )
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说个不厚道的。如果男方是李嘉诚儿子还有这事吗? Mango   (20 bytes , 136reads )
回错了 king   (0 bytes , 58reads )
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+1~ lavaing127   (31 bytes , 90reads )
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其实我觉得跟谁姓真的不是关键 vivi_不乖   (124 bytes , 155reads )
关于小孩在校不同姓受歧视我只想说:在新加坡没人知道你姓什么 空中楼阁   (268 bytes , 129reads )
其实男孩随夫姓,是为了保证种族Y染色体的传承 heathcliff   (141 bytes , 126reads )
而女孩的两个XX是父母双方各取其一,传下去不确定性和自由组合性太高了 heathcliff   (42 bytes , 90reads )
我也碰到同样的问题 凡人   (1450 bytes , 180reads )
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楼主,是不是大宝,二宝的性别不一样啊? 一个性别可能没什么。 liangmandun   (150 bytes , 105reads )
同问 happywish2011   (0 bytes , 112reads )
我小学同学是老二,他就是跟妈妈姓的,说给我们挺也没觉得有啥大不了的 rosemarry   (444 bytes , 117reads )
我姐跟我妈姓的,当时爸妈都没打算生我 凡人   (190 bytes , 134reads )
笔误,更正为:他妈以为老二是女儿,特地超生生下来,结果还是儿子,气到了 rosemarry   (0 bytes , 110reads )
不能把妈妈姓氏取到宝宝名字里面吗? niumum   (26 bytes , 83reads )
最近天涯上有个三胞胎姐妹取名字的帖子 happywish2011   (69 bytes , 79reads )
例如爸爸姓李,妈妈姓杨,就叫李杨,到了美国就叫杨李了 niumum   (4 bytes , 101reads )
记得大部分国家是老婆都得改跟夫家姓吧 heathcliff   (0 bytes , 80reads )
跟母亲姓,有谁会笑话呀?!借口而已。 幸福就是毛毛雨   (120 bytes , 106reads )
歪一下 mimibaby   (52 bytes , 116reads )
当然不行吧。拿报生纸需要有名字 trim   (16 bytes , 102reads )
承诺了就要遵守,做不到就不要承诺 cuier   (436 bytes , 93reads )
我看贴时我婆婆也看见这个帖了, 她居然说, cuier   (85 bytes , 125reads )
婆婆好棒! 鬼精灵   (0 bytes , 73reads )
没啥好说的 我爱国大   (160 bytes , 115reads )
我觉得为什么LZ老公这么坚持? flameshnus   (42 bytes , 75reads )
既然承诺就该做到,况且你爸妈当初满怀希望的, 789456   (64 bytes , 94reads )
我觉得你老公不对 shutong   (30 bytes , 97reads )
还是我家好,从不纠结这问题。老公我,姐姐姐夫都同姓 weareone   (0 bytes , 91reads )
我觉得一家人应该一个姓。 Mango   (991 bytes , 164reads )
不是每个女人都像你这么明理的,否则也不会有这些问题出来了。。。 冰是睡着的水   (0 bytes , 88reads )
Ls Coudyday   (0 bytes , 109reads )
LS的说得有点不妥吧。这事一定都是女人的错吗?=) Coudyday   (0 bytes , 90reads )
我没说错,请注意!不排除有人认为 不明理=错! 冰是睡着的水   (0 bytes , 86reads )
一样的纠结啊 fannyliuliu   (206 bytes , 147reads )
这事对不介意的人来说根本没什么,对介意的人来说就是大事 Coudyday   (66 bytes , 112reads )
Registration of Births and Deaths Act (CHAPTER 267) 灵山   (310 bytes , 158reads )
这规定是真的嘛。。 mimibaby   (22 bytes , 85reads )
千真万确,报纸都登了好多次了 niumum   (60 bytes , 101reads )
如果相持不下。 妈妈可以拍卖冠姓权,价高者得。 trim   (0 bytes , 97reads )
同意回国生老二,根自己姓 走走   (378 bytes , 137reads )
难道只有我觉得这是几个非常自私的人没事找事么? 冰是睡着的水   (813 bytes , 166reads )
楼主无事生非 酷狗老公哲   (258 bytes , 123reads )
Strongly agree QQMM   (0 bytes , 114reads )
悄悄的同意 sunnysunnyrain   (0 bytes , 90reads )
吃饱了找不到事干 马龙白兰度   (0 bytes , 81reads )
这观点,默默的点赞。。 奔三的小妇人   (90 bytes , 104reads )
虽然我也同意是没事找事。。 皇小丫   (679 bytes , 111reads )
刚刚看了一非常深奥的帖子,虽然不太相关 冰是睡着的水   (96 bytes , 95reads )
说到底,都是某党的错误哦 niumum   (130 bytes , 91reads )
我怎么觉得孩子只能随父姓是封建残余呢? love962397   (306 bytes , 104reads )
相信港台地区没有这么多姓氏奇葩事件 niumum   (98 bytes , 106reads )
如果随个母姓都是奇葩事件。 love962397   (24 bytes , 74reads )
随母姓本身不算奇葩,但为了随母姓折腾出这些事情来 niumum   (18 bytes , 105reads )
这件事情显然男方处理方法是有瑕疵的。 love962397   (502 bytes , 127reads )
+1, 楼主老公要为现在的局面负责。早干嘛去了?不愿意就婚前讲出来 rosemarry   (239 bytes , 107reads )
可惜已经过去的历史证明,无论中西绝大多数逝去的传统从不会复兴。 love962397   (242 bytes , 106reads )
同意, 时代在进步阿 cuier   (295 bytes , 127reads )
可以原始社会没有文字记录 dec_zhang   (0 bytes , 97reads )
中西大多数文化都是严格按父姓的,并且随父母姓不只是个人选择 niumum   (3268 bytes , 324reads )
你觉得随个母姓社会就要大乱了? love962397   (37 bytes , 155reads )
错了,是社会同时存在父姓和母姓(cognatic ancestry) niumum   (79 bytes , 92reads )
我是指传统价值观,不是一切具体做法。 niumum   (36 bytes , 115reads )
完全没有要说服你的意思。每个人看法不一,不能强求。 love962397   (206 bytes , 118reads )
+1 落羽绝恋   (156 bytes , 119reads )
+1 让老公深刻反省检讨道歉吧 simomo   (56 bytes , 109reads )
哎,说起这个,只能是一声叹息。。。 冰是睡着的水   (46 bytes , 91reads )
为了维持政权合法性,扰乱社会次序,打击知识阶层,必须的 niumum   (0 bytes , 94reads )
选择1 沙sha^^   (0 bytes , 87reads )
哈哈我三个娃都跟老公姓。 dengyizhen   (18 bytes , 136reads )
弱弱的问 fionna2012   (116 bytes , 117reads )
我妈是在我生了孩子后提出再生一个跟我姓 mutter   (148 bytes , 123reads )
应该跟你姓 love962397   (36 bytes , 103reads )
这事情怎么弄都有人不满意,既然这样,我选1,毕竟当初老公是答应过的 落羽绝恋   (32 bytes , 115reads )
要我的话 trim   (35 bytes , 90reads )