Personal experience
所在版块:家有儿女 发贴时间:2015-02-07 12:55

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My mom has been in depression since 2011.
She lost sleep night after night though with sleep pills. Doctor told us that her body was falling apart due to the lack of rest.
Part of her bains is lack of blood, and kidney is deteriorating.
She had to be treated in hospital since 2012, and situation didn't get better.
Medication got her slower in mind and sleepy the whole day.

I got to know Lu Tai Zhang and his way of praying from one of the Huasing post in 2013, and recommended it to Mom.
She started to try since Dec 2013, as she was so desprate to try out anything she could.

And she felt the change two to three weeks into the pray. She got a dream of Guangyin Buddha about 4 months into the praying.

Now, this is more than 1 years now, she is doing the praying every day with more and more confidence.
She stopped taking sleep pills about 1 weeks ago (though still in her medication of depression).

Her situation is the best comparing to other 3 ladies in the same same hospital ward, one of whom seemed to have lost memory during the last hospital re-visit in Sep 2014.

I tell the story here, to those who might believe, or who might generat a bit of interest to look through the Youtube video themselves.

When life have pushed you or your family to somewhere you can't bear anymore, please always remember, there could be a way to save ourself and bring the life back to normal.

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