所在版块:家有儿女 发贴时间:2016-12-08 14:18  更多评分:

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
宝版转闲置主帖16年12月帖。 转闲置请在此跟帖。 发主版上一律删帖,不另行通知。 love962397   (750 bytes , 12663reads )
转儿童滑板车5元 chengyue   (74 bytes , 73reads )
免费送宝宝米粉 小棠菜   (136 bytes , 56reads )
西海岸出一个纱笼/摇篮 kinokuniya   (83 bytes , 375reads )
全新Born free 玻璃奶瓶 小马麻麻   (483 bytes , 42reads )
这个多少ml? yunap   (10 bytes , 29reads )
9oz (270毫升) 小马麻麻   (5 bytes , 25reads )
转全新婴儿床 wanjin   (198 bytes , 67reads )
转日本rosemadame的哺乳内衣一个 fengdexiazi   (271 bytes , 35reads )
boonlay转剖腹产防水贴 Yume   (32 bytes , 25reads )
puku baby浴盆 Wukongmama   (96 bytes , 49reads )
坐标哪里 xxni   (0 bytes , 29reads )
坐标Queenstown Wukongmama   (15 bytes , 28reads )
Avent温奶器一个 猫山王   (54 bytes , 43reads )
忘了说 猫山王   (53 bytes , 44reads )
送一个孕妇奶粉 猫山王   (10 bytes , 32reads )
merries 猫山王   (50 bytes , 35reads )
Huggies 猫山王   (50 bytes , 30reads )
出几包尿布 猫山王   (212 bytes , 39reads )
GAP 秋装裤 适合2岁女童 哇离伤   (288 bytes , 28reads )
NUK储奶袋 nianyu   (50 bytes , 26reads )
S26 2段奶粉,900g,40一罐。婴儿车给钱就卖。 天涯在何方   (355 bytes , 28reads )
出两个Tiny Love床铃 kinokuniya   (83 bytes , 51reads )
床铃2 kinokuniya   (83 bytes , 53reads )
床铃还在吗? 陈小英   (12 bytes , 30reads )
还在的 kinokuniya   (8 bytes , 38reads )
出酸奶机cuisine yogurt maker 恬静yi   (218 bytes , 25reads )
6块钱出一双仿melissa的女宝宝鞋 鬼精灵   (192 bytes , 32reads )
转一双女宝鞋 wanjin   (94 bytes , 35reads )
pediped女娃鞋 wanjin   (0 bytes , 41reads )
联系方式 wanjin   (28 bytes , 32reads )
出abotte pedisure奶粉850g装的奶粉 鬼精灵   (262 bytes , 25reads )
出了不少 又翻出新东西要出 继续贴! kkbb9999   (1359 bytes , 57reads )
我想要lansinoh乳头霜,请问可以邮寄吗? Juice   (0 bytes , 27reads )
我从来没寄过,是像国内一样叫快递上门吗 kkbb9999   (0 bytes , 32reads )
呃,我只用过singpost,就是拿信封直接寄的。。 Juice   (0 bytes , 34reads )
是要去邮局?那算了 附近没有太麻烦 kkbb9999   (76 bytes , 28reads )
没事哈,谢谢。 Juice   (0 bytes , 26reads )
我有全新的 Josie0428   (30 bytes , 21reads )
想收月子帽 学霸小刺猬的梦   (14 bytes , 21reads )
全新棒棒猪大床护栏 一个人的麦麦   (32 bytes , 32reads )
playmat 一个人的麦麦   (50 bytes , 44reads )
怎么联系?床栏在哪里交易 realjia   (20 bytes , 19reads )
在bishan附近 一个人的麦麦   (65 bytes , 33reads )
还是不需要了哦~因为是男孩纸~ realjia   (0 bytes , 21reads )
转个pediped女娃鞋,29号,全新,40块 树袋猪   (155 bytes , 28reads )
出一个自用存奶冰箱,年头购于courts menglong_c   (172 bytes , 36reads )
日版pampers尿不湿M kinokuniya   (78 bytes , 36reads )
已出 kinokuniya   (6 bytes , 41reads )
Weleda产前按摩油 大壮壮   (423 bytes , 28reads )
忘了放图 大壮壮   (50 bytes , 22reads )
转全新宝宝推车 Hope4Best   (229 bytes , 46reads )
转宝宝蹬地/学步两用车 Hope4Best   (203 bytes , 34reads )
Weleda顺产按摩油 大壮壮   (493 bytes , 50reads )
奔驰儿童汽车转让 钦钦—BABY   (160 bytes , 38reads )
转几包merries的pants L号 男女通用 zZZ_maoer   (126 bytes , 39reads )
==买琴附送: 布书若干 + 玩具狗(全新)+防门夹保护垫 == Hope4Best   (376 bytes , 37reads )
lz布书什么的还有么 tinta   (0 bytes , 34reads )
防门夹保护垫单出吗 二荆条   (0 bytes , 21reads )
出,随便给个1块钱就行。若要,sms91766930。谢谢。 Hope4Best   (0 bytes , 31reads )
转 YAMAHA 电子琴 Hope4Best   (175 bytes , 42reads )
收电子琴 哇离伤   (22 bytes , 31reads )
啊啊啊 二荆条   (10 bytes , 25reads )
好的,一会儿给你短信 Hope4Best   (0 bytes , 31reads )
照片在这里======>>>> Hope4Best   (103 bytes , 32reads )
照片 Hope4Best   (43 bytes , 38reads )
similac stage 2奶粉850g 2罐 Desaye   (16 bytes , 25reads )
转全新学步车和二手吸奶器 Kyria   (453 bytes , 30reads )
二手吸奶器如图 Kyria   (96 bytes , 34reads )
请问S2吸奶器多少钱出? Juice   (0 bytes , 26reads )
忘记放价格 Kyria   (30 bytes , 30reads )
请问是什么时候买的,用了多久了呢?是用5号电池是吗? Juice   (0 bytes , 33reads )
是去年10月份买的哈 Kyria   (82 bytes , 24reads )
照片上是家里的一架 Kyria   (166 bytes , 31reads )
medela 双边泵奶器 全新,配件全 $240 徐小福   (106 bytes , 53reads )
宜家基本款婴儿床 kozuki   (175 bytes , 61reads )
ergobaby 背带 kozuki   (285 bytes , 71reads )
crayola 儿童画架 kozuki   (349 bytes , 43reads )
转闲置 kozuki   (202 bytes , 44reads )
飞利浦蒸汽消毒锅,用的也不多,老人用不惯,35sgd出 SigmaC   (0 bytes , 45reads )
唉呀,没排好队,大巴窑取; 站内联系吧 SigmaC   (0 bytes , 45reads )
免费送一个尿布台,大巴窑自取 SigmaC   (293 bytes , 42reads )
这个也送出了 SigmaC   (0 bytes , 31reads )
还有个贝亲的温奶器,9成新, 8sgd出,把娃的家当都卖了,哈哈哈哈 SigmaC   (0 bytes , 34reads )
飞利浦的辅食机,9成新,50sgd出,看图请站内联系 SigmaC   (0 bytes , 34reads )
出了,谢谢美妈 SigmaC   (0 bytes , 31reads )
Medela PureLan 100 pure lanolin nipp[…] SigmaC   (65 bytes , 37reads )
GNC FENUGREEK 催奶胶囊,本地买的,全新 15新出,有效期到[…] SigmaC   (9 bytes , 33reads )
全新收腹带和盆骨带 冬雪   (48 bytes , 33reads )
又看了一下,是收胃带和盆骨带 冬雪   (54 bytes , 20reads )
九成新 see baby 高景观推车 冬雪   (64 bytes , 40reads )
忘记放图片了 冬雪   (50 bytes , 28reads )
图片,音乐床铃三合一,刚换新的电子部分,30sgd出。三合一空气消毒锅全新底座 SGirl   (77 bytes , 31reads )
费雪的小玩具 哇离伤   (138 bytes , 40reads )
费雪钢琴 哇离伤   (102 bytes , 34reads )
Philips Avent 电动吸奶器 单边,消毒锅,咬咬胶,音乐床铃 SGirl   (262 bytes , 37reads )
飞利浦新安怡蒸汽消毒锅,送婴儿泳池 kolian   (491 bytes , 57reads )
转费雪摇椅 wcb   (103 bytes , 35reads )
全新粉色小海马一个,21新元一个出。 redspider2   (244 bytes , 28reads )
出新生儿礼盒,半自动洗衣机。 小鹿小鹿   (50 bytes , 33reads )
洗衣机图片 小鹿小鹿   (50 bytes , 25reads )
全新Braun耳温枪两个,52新元一个。 redspider2   (45 bytes , 41reads )
转 海尔 iwash 小洗衣机, seebaby 推车, 飞利浦辅食机,medela swing asd123456   (265 bytes , 44reads )
美德乐单边 伪科淆家   (12 bytes , 34reads )
出earth mama bottom spray fengdexiazi   (158 bytes , 31reads )
转闲置,clementi取 mier   (699 bytes , 56reads )
想要滑滑梯 xiangfan   (32 bytes , 26reads )
学步车,游泳池,钢琴谈,床铃,爬行垫 时间不多了   (763 bytes , 44reads )
爬行垫图片 时间不多了   (50 bytes , 39reads )
降价降价 时间不多了   (232 bytes , 38reads )
游戏毯 时间不多了   (182 bytes , 34reads )
实木婴儿床 时间不多了   (157 bytes , 40reads )
送书 yianle   (92 bytes , 35reads )
yianle   (14 bytes , 26reads )
感谢宝妈 Cshine789   (38 bytes , 25reads )
客气了 yianle   (48 bytes , 24reads )
好心的美妈 fengdexiazi   (42 bytes , 32reads )
出售宝宝围栏,爬行垫,电动玩具汽车 单飞天涯   (693 bytes , 47reads )
dale束腹带 beast   (107 bytes , 49reads )
求avent消毒锅热奶器 yangz   (63 bytes , 30reads )
哈哈,我都有啊,不过好像热奶器是贝亲的 SigmaC   (0 bytes , 50reads )
地球妈妈有机断奶茶 蓝铃叶   (42 bytes , 35reads )
健身毯 蓝铃叶   (75 bytes , 33reads )
费雪踢踏钢琴 蓝铃叶   (76 bytes , 49reads )
费雪床铃 蓝铃叶   (76 bytes , 56reads )
gone 蓝铃叶   (0 bytes , 25reads )
想要这个 fengdexiazi   (17 bytes , 21reads )
紫线万国站或牛车水 蓝铃叶   (5 bytes , 37reads )
窗围 bonbons   (105 bytes , 39reads )
请问这个床用护栏还在吗? 七月   (48 bytes , 31reads )
还在的 bonbons   (27 bytes , 30reads )
打错字了,是防摔床围 bonbons   (58 bytes , 35reads )
baby banz婴儿防噪耳机 bonbons   (164 bytes , 25reads )
实物图 bonbons   (54 bytes , 29reads )
全新carters男宝套装24个月和两岁 bonbons   (271 bytes , 36reads )
两套衣服出了,还剩防噪耳机和防摔床围 bonbons   (2 bytes , 25reads )
第二套照片 bonbons   (54 bytes , 25reads )
出三盒止吐糖 没有昵称的人   (216 bytes , 60reads )
送月子艾草包 xxni   (106 bytes , 32reads )
想要这个,可惜没有储奶袋 学霸小刺猬的梦   (34 bytes , 30reads )
没有就算了 西部JE取吧 xxni   (0 bytes , 23reads )
婴儿提篮 小奥   (50 bytes , 30reads )
女宝礼盒20出,送similac30块折扣券和friso两张10块折扣券~ 小馋牛   (14 bytes , 31reads )
买礼盒才送卷对不? youyou85   (23 bytes , 27reads )
能今天下午六点半 小馋牛   (32 bytes , 21reads )
今天啊! youyou85   (33 bytes , 23reads )
啊。。我明天不行, 小馋牛   (13 bytes , 22reads )
没过期的话! youyou85   (13 bytes , 31reads )
年底到期>_< 小馋牛   (0 bytes , 21reads )
亲爱滴等你旅游回来啊! youyou85   (4 bytes , 33reads )
嗯嗯么么哒~ 小馋牛   (0 bytes , 19reads )
出Similac二阶段奶粉 60出送15块礼卷 wintergal   (178 bytes , 24reads )
很新的婴儿礼盒,立省20多元 bigcrab   (132 bytes , 37reads )
包装得很好的play mat礼盒 bigcrab   (147 bytes , 41reads )
这个play mat出了 bigcrab   (11 bytes , 26reads )
西尔斯怀孕百科 写给男人的第一本怀孕书 大壮壮   (129 bytes , 29reads )
全新Aquaphor优色林宝宝万用膏护臀霜396g (bishan/ raffles) 大壮壮   (199 bytes , 34reads )
转让费雪摇椅,小床,学步车,儿童座椅 graduating   (427 bytes , 46reads )
graco 儿童座椅 graduating   (76 bytes , 23reads )
学步车 graduating   (50 bytes , 60reads )
学步车已转 graduating   (6 bytes , 30reads )
Playpen graduating   (50 bytes , 32reads )
全新Aquaphor优色林宝宝万用膏护臀霜396g totoroo   (181 bytes , 35reads )
出全新3M空调静电滤网 滚雪球   (83 bytes , 60reads )
求带走 hong@com   (85 bytes , 39reads )
Baby Banz 婴儿太阳眼镜 恬静yi   (109 bytes , 29reads )
降价出小冰箱,婴儿床中床 hengh07   (84 bytes , 59reads )
各种杯子 一个人的麦麦   (102 bytes , 46reads )
重新定价 一个人的麦麦   (27 bytes , 27reads )
thermos还在吗 我要 小鹿小鹿2016   (43 bytes , 20reads )
还在 一个人的麦麦   (71 bytes , 24reads )
杯子是新的吗 xxni   (0 bytes , 24reads )
avent是新的 一个人的麦麦   (33 bytes , 23reads )
madela储奶瓶 一个人的麦麦   (96 bytes , 32reads )
请问储奶瓶是新的吗? Juice   (0 bytes , 20reads )
楼主坐标bishan。还有150ml的储奶瓶 一个人的麦麦   (58 bytes , 30reads )
请问是全新吗? 小猪123   (12 bytes , 20reads )
出储奶袋 蒂芙   (358 bytes , 40reads )
蒂芙   (60 bytes , 27reads )
ikea餐椅 一个人的麦麦   (68 bytes , 35reads )
单买餐椅可以吗? 百合Lily   (16 bytes , 39reads )
背带和腰凳 一个人的麦麦   (111 bytes , 42reads )
男娃1岁左右的新年装 一个人的麦麦   (98 bytes , 24reads )
两岁左右男宝新年唐装,$8 sunnysunnyrain   (0 bytes , 35reads )
manduca背带 一个人的麦麦   (70 bytes , 37reads )
三轮车 一个人的麦麦   (159 bytes , 21reads )
求带走哇 一个人的麦麦   (8 bytes , 27reads )
babybjorn围兜 一个人的麦麦   (69 bytes , 22reads )
铃铛在这里 一个人的麦麦   (50 bytes , 22reads )
研磨碗 一个人的麦麦   (76 bytes , 25reads )
小蜜蜂碗 一个人的麦麦   (54 bytes , 24reads )
餐盘 一个人的麦麦   (76 bytes , 22reads )
这个8块吧 一个人的麦麦   (22 bytes , 30reads )
出闲置 小奥   (148 bytes , 57reads )
求邮寄出奶袋 小猪123   (21 bytes , 22reads )
已出 谢谢 小奥   (0 bytes , 22reads )
全新宝宝小鞋子 一只猫   (151 bytes , 38reads )
联系电话 八五一848七七 一只猫   (0 bytes , 27reads )
一只猫   (50 bytes , 36reads )
出一辆全新学步车 Kyria   (299 bytes , 34reads )
继续大甩卖,出了不少又挖出来不少要出的! kkbb9999   (1641 bytes , 78reads )
mm 21号和23号还有吗? delia00sg   (0 bytes , 31reads )
21还在 23出了 kkbb9999   (0 bytes , 28reads )
背巾还在吗? 心海2011   (0 bytes , 26reads )
还在 kkbb9999   (0 bytes , 49reads )
想要所有的储奶袋! 暗霓   (45 bytes , 39reads )
已经出了 kkbb9999   (0 bytes , 17reads )
有兴趣 彭太太   (24 bytes , 24reads )
背带已经出了 kkbb9999   (22 bytes , 36reads )
讲价? baby_donuts   (2 bytes , 31reads )
噢 谢谢 这个意思啊 哈哈 kkbb9999   (65 bytes , 28reads )
费雪玩具 一个暖暖   (234 bytes , 35reads )
收这个 liuliu1111   (14 bytes , 24reads )
Fisher-Price 费雪钢琴毯 一个暖暖   (155 bytes , 41reads )
电话多少 百合Lily   (12 bytes , 37reads )
收这个 彭太太   (5 bytes , 24reads )
排卵试纸闲置 misspanda   (42 bytes , 26reads )
出一个甲醛测试仪 fengdexiazi   (168 bytes , 36reads )
转让多普勒胎心仪 $10 moderndog   (297 bytes , 51reads )
babyganics youyuo   (78 bytes , 55reads )
全新 i play女娃防晒帽 youyuo   (170 bytes , 28reads )
忘记写价钱了 youyuo   (9 bytes , 31reads )
还在? Penny1100   (0 bytes , 39reads )
还在 youyuo   (6 bytes , 28reads )
4.学步车 蒂芙   (71 bytes , 30reads )
mm学步车哪里拿 delia00sg   (0 bytes , 33reads )
已经出了 蒂芙   (5 bytes , 30reads )
3.出两个澳洲带回来的木瓜膏 蒂芙   (131 bytes , 34reads )
坐标哪里啊?有兴趣 woshiyizhiyang   (8 bytes , 28reads )
我也在西部 蒂芙   (55 bytes , 32reads )
我在NUS medicine,PM你 woshiyizhiyang   (1 bytes , 31reads )
2出两袋Huggies Pants尿布 蒂芙   (180 bytes , 42reads )
1. My Brest Friend 哺乳枕 蒂芙   (119 bytes , 33reads )
如图 小慧慧   (110 bytes , 31reads )
五块出个leachco孕妇枕 weareone   (123 bytes , 38reads )
游泳尿裤 wanjin   (258 bytes , 40reads )
蓝色的适合多大孩子穿?坐标哪里? 深水小鱼   (5 bytes , 26reads )
你好 wanjin   (25 bytes , 25reads )
我家弟弟已经10公斤了。 深水小鱼   (8 bytes , 33reads )
只有红色大号 wanjin   (5 bytes , 22reads )
请问这条粉色的游泳裤是给多大的宝宝穿的 一个暖暖   (0 bytes , 25reads )
9-12千克 wanjin   (5 bytes , 22reads )
中号和大号的分别多大的娃穿?是穿在泳衣里面?我家女宝 沁馨抹茶   (0 bytes , 27reads )
你好 wanjin   (41 bytes , 30reads )
如图 小慧慧   (110 bytes , 27reads )
如图 小慧慧   (110 bytes , 34reads )
各种书 小慧慧   (110 bytes , 38reads )
全新一岁多女宝大红旗袍10新币出 走走   (281 bytes , 50reads )
觉得这个旗袍不错 曼陀山茶   (63 bytes , 29reads )
觉得不能 走走   (20 bytes , 22reads )
可是我觉得我家妞儿也不胖啊 曼陀山茶   (55 bytes , 30reads )
是啊 走走   (56 bytes , 23reads )
哈哈 曼陀山茶   (45 bytes , 27reads )
Mustela/ Elancyl防妊娠纹乳液 大壮壮   (230 bytes , 24reads )
clearblue排卵试纸和验孕棒降价出 大壮壮   (406 bytes , 23reads )
全新妈咪包,15出 大壮壮   (174 bytes , 26reads )
已出 大壮壮   (6 bytes , 25reads )
全新女宝新生儿礼盒, 降价12出 大壮壮   (174 bytes , 30reads )
全新mothercare3-6M女宝连体衣,15出 大壮壮   (173 bytes , 28reads )
gone 大壮壮   (5 bytes , 21reads )
全新nautica女宝短袖短裤套装,15出 大壮壮   (174 bytes , 19reads )
新生儿定型枕,降价18出 大壮壮   (172 bytes , 43reads )
Fisher Price 学步车 一只猫   (175 bytes , 28reads )
学步车还在吗? 蓝天碧水   (45 bytes , 34reads )
你好 fengdexiazi   (38 bytes , 26reads )
多图2 一只猫   (50 bytes , 24reads )
多图 一只猫   (50 bytes , 28reads )
Similac一段新生儿奶粉 大壮壮   (184 bytes , 21reads )
小罐已出 大壮壮   (17 bytes , 30reads )
全新或过水婴儿连体服,四件15出 大壮壮   (189 bytes , 26reads )
全新国内母婴店的婴儿连体衣两件8块出 大壮壮   (188 bytes , 27reads )
全新国内母婴店的女宝小裙子,5块 大壮壮   (191 bytes , 21reads )
全新Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Bust Cream With Vitamin E 大壮壮   (207 bytes , 28reads )
全新Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula, Firming Butter 大壮壮   (159 bytes , 30reads )
Earth Mama Angel Baby New Mama Bottom Spray 大壮壮   (197 bytes , 30reads )
这个是多少ml? qingtian   (18 bytes , 15reads )
4oz 120ml 大壮壮   (34 bytes , 22reads )
全新妈咪包2,15出 大壮壮   (175 bytes , 22reads )
已开封但全新的MAM安抚奶嘴 大壮壮   (329 bytes , 40reads )
转一件2岁女宝裙子 wanjin   (110 bytes , 54reads )
baby bjorn miracle宝宝背带,网眼透气型 fidelity   (222 bytes , 43reads )
买背带也可以送全新妈咪背包。 fidelity   (32 bytes , 25reads )
9成新宜家宝宝尿布台 fidelity   (181 bytes , 58reads )
尿布台哪里取货? 陈小英   (10 bytes , 17reads )
冻奶袋 lhy8121   (44 bytes , 38reads )
已出。 lhy8121   (0 bytes , 26reads )
出冻奶小冰柜 lhy8121   (11 bytes , 36reads )
已出 lhy8121   (0 bytes , 24reads )
请问有冰箱容量 价钱吗 baby_donuts   (35 bytes , 30reads )
90L lhy8121   (36 bytes , 31reads )
白菜价出几样非常实用的东西 hengh07   (194 bytes , 44reads )
转让全新滑板车! 希望的光芒   (531 bytes , 33reads )
出宝宝游泳用的尿不湿 aaazzz   (51 bytes , 40reads )
出一个产后收腹带 aaazzz   (63 bytes , 27reads )
Tommy Hilfiger的男宝宝裤子 Melodyleft   (132 bytes , 59reads )
Gap 男装 Melodyleft   (133 bytes , 37reads )
多长? Smile007   (80 bytes , 31reads )
73cm Melodyleft   (13 bytes , 33reads )
谢谢mm 。 那肯定穿不下了。 Smile007   (0 bytes , 25reads )
水温计 Anny1202   (61 bytes , 53reads )
求邮寄 小猪123   (21 bytes , 32reads )
月子头带 Anny1202   (71 bytes , 45reads )
鞣酸软膏 Anny1202   (61 bytes , 47reads )
润本紫草油 Anny1202   (61 bytes , 50reads )
婴儿肚脐贴 Anny1202   (58 bytes , 47reads )
日康婴儿镊子 Anny1202   (55 bytes , 34reads )
产后束腹带2 Anny1202   (65 bytes , 30reads )
产后束腹带 Anny1202   (65 bytes , 49reads )
奶粉盒 Anny1202   (76 bytes , 40reads )
奶瓶干燥架 Anny1202   (71 bytes , 46reads )
韩国glasslock玻璃钢保鲜盒1L Anny1202   (77 bytes , 51reads )
纱布束腹带 Anny1202   (67 bytes , 54reads )
屁屁乐 Anny1202   (61 bytes , 35reads )
防溢乳垫 Anny1202   (100 bytes , 43reads )
白菜价amazon来的孕期u型枕 小马麻麻   (263 bytes , 53reads )
转pigeon的fridge to go包包 飞侠   (161 bytes , 38reads )
出哺乳枕,小洗衣机,宝宝衣服,充电理发器... 小鹿小鹿   (272 bytes , 53reads )
连体衣 生机盎然   (14 bytes , 38reads )
你好,是新生儿连体衣,请看图片 小鹿小鹿   (50 bytes , 20reads )
婴儿提篮 小奥   (91 bytes , 58reads )
西部转让闲置 (婴儿背带,学步带,婴儿床) alisa   (334 bytes , 66reads )
请问学步带是长什么样的? hattie   (36 bytes , 27reads )