紫线boon keng - harbourfront地铁站,或者,黄线nicoll highway拿
所在版块:家有儿女 发贴时间:2017-06-24 12:43  更多评分:

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

电话 818o6928 最好短信 电话不方便

1. 坐月必备,这边坐月不可以碰自来水,只能碰烧熟过放凉的水,特意买的5L的烧水保温壶,除了洗澡,一般洗手洗脸刷牙,喝的水基本都够了,24小时烧1-2次足够用了

2. 撕裂、侧切,亲喂必备,坐着亲喂很疼,只能坐在圈里面喂,在莺歌那边mothercare买的,但是没用几次,小孩不吃奶只喜欢瓶喂,好像20几买的,10块出

3. 20寸永久自行车,买过来加运费好像近150,没骑两回,60出吧,这个需要boon keng附近自取

4. 费雪床头铃,可以投影的那种,小孩很爱看,原价129, 现在40出算了

5. 电饭煲,可以定时的那种,没压力,容量比较小,适合1-2个人吃饭用,35出

6. 吸尘器,马力很足,这个也不能送,boon keng地铁站附近拿吧。50出。


 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
宝版转闲置主帖17年六月帖。 转闲置请在此跟帖。 发主版上一律删帖,不另行通知 love962397   (882 bytes , 10152reads )
出Blackmores 黄金素 小慧慧   (157 bytes , 26reads )
3包 花王L54尿不湿,购于NTUC , 3包未拆封,兀兰自提。 松下电器   (74 bytes , 82reads )
婴儿指甲刀 $2 甜瓜   (367 bytes , 41reads )
全新NUK, Fingerbrush Set, 1 Cleanser, 1 Fingerbrush 甜瓜   (222 bytes , 45reads )
全新Baby Banana, Teething Toothbrush for Infants, 1 Teether 甜瓜   (87 bytes , 47reads )
贴个图 甜瓜   (77 bytes , 38reads )
费雪踢踏钢琴,30新 麝微   (199 bytes , 36reads )
全新Avent transition cup - $6 (见图) 甜瓜   (80 bytes , 40reads )
全新carter's 小外套 - $15 (见图) 甜瓜   (77 bytes , 45reads )
全新carter's 小衬衫 (12M) - $15 甜瓜   (77 bytes , 50reads )
全新 carters 3-piece set for boys (12months) - 见图 甜瓜   (123 bytes , 44reads )
新 Mustela Vitamin Barrier Cream 100ml - 7SGD 甜瓜   (0 bytes , 52reads )
宜家宝宝浴盆 $6 甜瓜   (0 bytes , 42reads )
七月14、15日取 甜瓜   (0 bytes , 37reads )
出Medela Swing Maxi 小马麻麻   (307 bytes , 46reads )
正面图 小马麻麻   (77 bytes , 42reads )
联系电话 小马麻麻   (71 bytes , 39reads )
Nuna pipa car seat + pepp stroller 汽车座椅加推车 Elginslily   (393 bytes , 72reads )
实木婴儿床+床垫 130。原价700多的。没用多久。拆了懒得装回去了。联系813930五0 Elginslily   (70 bytes , 65reads )
排这个 blablats   (44 bytes , 49reads )
全新的六甲村产后收腹带 sunnysunnyrain   (352 bytes , 54reads )
宝宝围栏-坐标兀兰 松下电器   (887 bytes , 74reads )
床铃$5 roche   (58 bytes , 50reads )
请问床铃是全新的么? 哇离伤   (16 bytes , 51reads )
这个订了 roche   (4 bytes , 41reads )
fisher price踢踏钢琴 roche   (64 bytes , 57reads )
腰凳 roche   (95 bytes , 59reads )
离坡出9成新宜家婴儿床+床垫 - SGD60 甜瓜   (190 bytes , 49reads )
全新未开封Palmer's Cocoa Butter Cream for Stretch Marks, 125g - 6SGD 甜瓜   (10 bytes , 64reads )
妊娠霜已出 甜瓜   (0 bytes , 42reads )
全新未开封lansinoh breastmilk storage bags 50count - 12SGD 甜瓜   (26 bytes , 56reads )
排这个 kimihuang   (0 bytes , 49reads )
mm要这个嘛? 甜瓜   (0 bytes , 38reads )
嗯lansino储奶袋 kimihuang   (18 bytes , 45reads )
哪里取? viyu   (0 bytes , 52reads )
bouna vista, one north 甜瓜   (0 bytes , 44reads )
全新未开封 Weleda Calendula Diaper Rash Cream 2.8Oz - 7SGD 甜瓜   (9 bytes , 54reads )
Weleda pp 霜已出 甜瓜   (0 bytes , 37reads )
全新未开封 Mustela Vitamin Barrier Cream 100ml - 7SGD 甜瓜   (0 bytes , 49reads )
全新未开封 California Baby Bug Repellent Spray - 2 oz - 5SGD 甜瓜   (53 bytes , 42reads )
未开封Rid-Wind Baby Drops 30ml - 3SGD 甜瓜   (0 bytes , 53reads )
已出 甜瓜   (0 bytes , 35reads )
爱音餐椅 $50 蒲公英   (361 bytes , 55reads )
这个降价,$40 蒲公英   (0 bytes , 45reads )
已出 蒲公英   (0 bytes , 27reads )
宝宝木书,布书,绘本,打包出50 蒲公英   (610 bytes , 63reads )
紫线boon keng - harbourfront地铁站,或者,黄线nicoll highway拿 Katie   (633 bytes , 54reads )
6. 吸尘器,马力很足,这个也不能送,boon keng地铁站附近拿吧。50出。 Katie   (155 bytes , 50reads )
. 电饭煲,可以定时的那种,没压力,容量比较小,适合1-2个人吃饭用,35出 Katie   (233 bytes , 50reads )
费雪床头铃 Katie   (431 bytes , 50reads )
自行车 Katie   (292 bytes , 60reads )
喂奶圈 Katie   (527 bytes , 51reads )
5L保温烧水壶 Katie   (958 bytes , 54reads )
闲置用品出售,紫线boon keng - harbourfront mrt拿,黄线nicoll highway拿 Katie   (308 bytes , 54reads )
德国来的德国喜宝HIPP有机杏仁婴儿免敏润肤乳面霜 qqmeng719   (105 bytes , 49reads )
全新未拆封61键儿童电子琴 vivianvivi   (216 bytes , 68reads )
出闲置储奶袋Lansinoh breast Milk Storage Bag (100 Counts) Brand New 小马麻麻   (176 bytes , 59reads )
这个还有吗 kimihuang   (24 bytes , 47reads )
不好意思,已出 小马麻麻   (0 bytes , 46reads )
继续出闲置储奶袋Tippee - Milk Storage Bags, (36 Count) 小马麻麻   (163 bytes , 52reads )
已出 小马麻麻   (18 bytes , 48reads )
出飞利浦辅食机 wintergal   (167 bytes , 49reads )
转闲置婴儿床 曼陀山茶   (244 bytes , 65reads )
棒棒猪围栏 曼陀山茶   (58 bytes , 63reads )
大象妈妈围栏4面 曼陀山茶   (113 bytes , 55reads )
烘干机 曼陀山茶   (100 bytes , 50reads )
西海岸自取 曼陀山茶   (27 bytes , 52reads )
转几条适合哺乳的裙子 我是猫猫   (101 bytes , 47reads )
4. 浅灰色连衣裙,10出 我是猫猫   (100 bytes , 55reads )
3. 浅橘色连衣裙,10出 我是猫猫   (100 bytes , 59reads )
2. 全新黑色连衣裙,8出 我是猫猫   (98 bytes , 62reads )
1. 全新连衣裙,15出 我是猫猫   (94 bytes , 64reads )
转闲置玩具架,电动摩托车,玩具车和宝宝便盆 兔兔乖   (401 bytes , 77reads )
联系方式 兔兔乖   (10 bytes , 73reads )
充电还是电池呢? 双槐树下   (0 bytes , 43reads )
充电的 兔兔乖   (0 bytes , 55reads )
有需要婴儿车的可以联系我 bantangfan   (133 bytes , 63reads )
出全新guardian产禄垫两包。 snow311   (128 bytes , 58reads )
出2个全新的全棉时代婴儿肚围 snow311   (145 bytes , 66reads )
出充气婴儿游泳池 emmanus   (151 bytes , 69reads )
全新L号四层的纱布睡袋 emmanus   (144 bytes , 78reads )
全新的防止Diaper rash一盒,18年11月到期,全新的防止妊娠纹 溪溪   (233 bytes , 75reads )
打包件送的,回错楼了 溪溪   (4 bytes , 73reads )
0-12个月宝宝防晒太阳帽 emmanus   (135 bytes , 85reads )
储奶袋 emmanus   (195 bytes , 75reads )
请问储奶袋出了吗,有意 北雁南飞   (6 bytes , 34reads )
已出了 emmanus   (5 bytes , 33reads )
北雁南飞   (8 bytes , 42reads )
出全新去疤膏KELO-COTE bubble0720   (237 bytes , 77reads )
出一些备孕的东西给需要的人 celinda85   (490 bytes , 81reads )
德国nuk温奶器 qqmeng719   (133 bytes , 78reads )
德国爱他美白金版pre段 qqmeng719   (128 bytes , 79reads )
个人做功课认为是目前最好的奶粉 qqmeng719   (0 bytes , 72reads )
全新nuk奶瓶 kimihuang   (91 bytes , 76reads )
买上面的任何一个就送 kimihuang   (137 bytes , 68reads )
全新stokke婴儿bath support kimihuang   (82 bytes , 69reads )
全新婴儿礼包 kimihuang   (53 bytes , 77reads )
PALI 意大利制造BABY COT,FISHERPRICE 床铃 swing,KINACO baby mattress,MOTHERCARE 溪溪   (11469 bytes , 92reads )
纯上来膜拜4个小孩! 绿豆芽   (4 bytes , 72reads )
谢谢美妈了,我大女儿原来在一个教会幼儿园,她的同学 溪溪   (106 bytes , 85reads )
一起膜拜 学霸小刺猬的梦   (60 bytes , 64reads )
加二十块 溪溪   (18 bytes , 68reads )
买上面的全部免费送,都是全新或用过几次的。 溪溪   (1234 bytes , 80reads )
我是来膜拜 小猪123   (9 bytes , 60reads )
😂😂 溪溪   (18 bytes , 79reads )
+1 没有昵称的人   (10 bytes , 65reads )
忘记放地点了 溪溪   (41 bytes , 71reads )
出全新宝宝蝴蝶服和连体衣 bubble0720   (642 bytes , 78reads )
工作日可以让我老公送,chinatown附近。 无处安放的青春   (0 bytes , 90reads )
全新 winfun Grow with me musical walker 冬雪   (50 bytes , 95reads )
全新 fisher price Soothe & Glow Giraffe 冬雪   (8 bytes , 82reads )
图片 冬雪   (50 bytes , 73reads )
转卖95成新的好孩子婴儿车 TPY   (352 bytes , 78reads )
电话 TPY   (12 bytes , 69reads )
转让全新beta奶瓶,平衡车等闲置。 deavor   (784 bytes , 103reads )
产后收腹带 一只猫   (216 bytes , 90reads )
孕妇短裤 一只猫   (236 bytes , 128reads )
淘宝美图 一只猫   (62 bytes , 70reads )
顺便送一个收腹带 一只猫   (85 bytes , 120reads )
闲置1 夏天的猫尾   (10971 bytes , 150reads )
Leachco Snoogle 孕妇枕 daizizhy   (99 bytes , 96reads )
孕妇枕 daizizhy   (31 bytes , 89reads )
崔玉涛全套八本 fidelity   (163 bytes , 81reads )
想收这个 luoyesuifeng   (38 bytes , 76reads )
medela 单边手动吸奶器 fidelity   (216 bytes , 78reads )
出些玩具-各种车车 无处安放的青春   (2308 bytes , 92reads )
想收图一的车 hattie   (49 bytes , 74reads )
儿童游泳圈-加厚飞机款 无处安放的青春   (271 bytes , 87reads )
费雪热带雨林健身毯 fidelity   (185 bytes , 75reads )
出几包尿布 猫山王   (113 bytes , 75reads )
哪里取呀? 一只猫   (22 bytes , 71reads )
出全新男女宝宝衣服(6mth to 2岁) bubble0720   (6527 bytes , 86reads )
全新女宝mud pie一周岁纪念蓬蓬裙 大壮壮   (223 bytes , 92reads )
全新打六折 Medela Pump In Style Advanced Breast Pump Backpack xiaobeng   (279 bytes , 94reads )
楼主这个是双边的吗? viyu   (0 bytes , 69reads )
是的,双边的 xiaobeng   (0 bytes , 93reads )
转让全新OXO辅食盒等闲置 deavor   (651 bytes , 96reads )
儿童座椅 king   (109 bytes , 80reads )
enfamil 1段奶粉 900g aoli   (74 bytes , 74reads )
同出一罐enfamil 1段奶粉 Juice   (97 bytes , 69reads )
enfamil 1段奶粉900g aoli   (161 bytes , 122reads )
enfamil 1段奶粉900g aoli   (7 bytes , 89reads )
enfamil 1段奶粉 900g aoli   (14 bytes , 99reads )
enfamil 1段奶粉900g aoli   (33 bytes , 92reads )
婴儿车伞车自提10块 gnisauh   (0 bytes , 93reads )
儿童游戏围栏8片套-$49 gnisauh   (50 bytes , 79reads )
晕,伞车照片在此 gnisauh   (50 bytes , 95reads )
伞车照片,这是新的 gnisauh   (18 bytes , 78reads )
坐标东部,电话 gnisauh   (19 bytes , 66reads )
送发声挂图几张 gnisauh   (58 bytes , 79reads )
已出。。。 gnisauh   (0 bytes , 79reads )
幼儿平衡车8块自提 gnisauh   (98 bytes , 69reads )
已出 gnisauh   (0 bytes , 85reads )
MusicVelley钢琴自提20 gnisauh   (50 bytes , 98reads )
钢琴已出,谢谢大家关注,亲们可以看看推车和围栏 gnisauh   (0 bytes , 53reads )
还在吗 钢琴 yunap   (10 bytes , 61reads )
已出。。。 gnisauh   (0 bytes , 48reads )
排队,楼上不要的话给我吧 bbqindd   (0 bytes , 82reads )
已出..... gnisauh   (0 bytes , 69reads )
小猪123   (21 bytes , 66reads )
好的,东部自提 gnisauh   (0 bytes , 76reads )
转滑梯,飞利谱消毒锅4in1 , LG playmat asd123456   (147 bytes , 91reads )
九成新Beaba 辅食机 fidelity   (187 bytes , 76reads )
全新笑巴喜宝宝蚊帐-浅蓝 fidelity   (144 bytes , 80reads )
自行车 波丽路仙桃   (71 bytes , 85reads )
要这个~站短你了。 littlefox188   (0 bytes , 64reads )
白菜价婴儿床 jojoyy   (119 bytes , 95reads )
侧栏高度可调节婴儿床降价10块自取 jojoyy   (54 bytes , 86reads )
胎心仪,5块出,联系方式见主贴 jojoyy   (0 bytes , 79reads )
洗澡盆 jojoyy   (66 bytes , 105reads )
毛绒大熊玩具 greenfox   (111 bytes , 80reads )
fisherprice 摇篮铃 greenfox   (125 bytes , 74reads )
想收 mpewh   (10 bytes , 86reads )
荷兰村附近转玩具 binbinlu85   (18 bytes , 70reads )
洗澡网兜,1块 binbinlu85   (66 bytes , 75reads )
小车,5块 binbinlu85   (50 bytes , 75reads )
费雪三轮车,大号,5块出 binbinlu85   (69 bytes , 85reads )
可以拖着跑的蜗牛 binbinlu85   (50 bytes , 77reads )
2块 binbinlu85   (0 bytes , 71reads )
shape sorter,1块 binbinlu85   (50 bytes , 69reads )
打地鼠游戏,3块出 binbinlu85   (82 bytes , 65reads )
出了 binbinlu85   (0 bytes , 73reads )
playskoot两用学步车小车,8块 binbinlu85   (70 bytes , 69reads )
已出 binbinlu85   (0 bytes , 76reads )
新旧程度如何?想收这个呢~ celinda85   (0 bytes , 67reads )
8成新吧,轮子上有点磨的痕迹 binbinlu85   (40 bytes , 68reads )
压下来可以当小车 binbinlu85   (50 bytes , 70reads )
vtech动物转转转,有音乐,5块出 binbinlu85   (76 bytes , 74reads )
补个图图 binbinlu85   (50 bytes , 75reads )
摇铃系列,打包5块出 binbinlu85   (50 bytes , 70reads )
摇铃有加,一起15个 binbinlu85   (50 bytes , 74reads )
费雪玩具积木玩具架,5块 binbinlu85   (76 bytes , 84reads )
补个图 binbinlu85   (50 bytes , 69reads )
费雪蹦跳乐园 woolane   (330 bytes , 119reads )
官网图片 woolane   (62 bytes , 101reads )
Avent电动pump lhy8121   (158 bytes , 71reads )
降价处理,减30 lhy8121   (0 bytes , 74reads )
小白熊温奶器 lhy8121   (8 bytes , 72reads )
9成新Graco Click Connect Travel System婴儿推车 RMML   (516 bytes , 78reads )
Lucky baby 学饮杯+吸管杯+辅食碗勺一共10元 RMML   (246 bytes , 73reads )
已出 RMML   (5 bytes , 62reads )
宝宝安全游戏围栏 foxn   (301 bytes , 290reads )
想收这个 学霸小刺猬的梦   (20 bytes , 84reads )
这个长宽是多少? kimihuang   (16 bytes , 71reads )
长宽可以自己拼的~ foxn   (60 bytes , 271reads )
Blackmore孕期哺乳期黄金素120粒一瓶,可吃2个月两瓶60出 RMML   (234 bytes , 72reads )
温奶器,双人推车,其他,交易方式见内 sunnysunnyrain   (105 bytes , 83reads )
一个高仿bravado 的哺乳文胸 --20 sunnysunnyrain   (278 bytes , 73reads )
三岁男宝,Carter's Faux Suede Loafers-12 sunnysunnyrain   (340 bytes , 102reads )
Simple Wishes Hand Free Breastpump Bra sunnysunnyrain   (220 bytes , 68reads )
三岁男宝凉鞋Keen Newport Sandals-30 sunnysunnyrain   (182 bytes , 71reads )
BN Medela Quick Clean Bag - 15 sunnysunnyrain   (32 bytes , 81reads )
补链接 sunnysunnyrain   (122 bytes , 76reads )
双人推车,Contours LT Tandem Stroller - 250 sunnysunnyrain   (180 bytes , 76reads )
Philips Avent Warmer - 20 sunnysunnyrain   (134 bytes , 71reads )
转红色儿童滑板车 双槐树下   (199 bytes , 78reads )
美赞臣enfamil0~12个月(一段奶粉) mo抹茶cha   (34 bytes , 99reads )
哺乳枕my breast friend,用过几次,就闲置了25出 mo抹茶cha   (0 bytes , 108reads )
迷你半自动洗衣机,新生儿礼盒,价格在图片上 mo抹茶cha   (50 bytes , 100reads )
出闲置Avent蒸汽消毒锅 emmanus   (152 bytes , 79reads )
出Bebe baby Wrap 包巾 emmanus   (179 bytes , 74reads )
补图 emmanus   (55 bytes , 63reads )
出几乎全新喂奶巾 emmanus   (247 bytes , 73reads )
转闲置抱抱熊宝宝背带 emmanus   (339 bytes , 79reads )
已出 emmanus   (5 bytes , 66reads )
全新Japan Home数字地垫 emmanus   (189 bytes , 70reads )
低价转两部婴儿推车! Panda520   (870 bytes , 103reads )
出3罐gerber婴儿米粉 vivianvivi   (286 bytes , 75reads )
5L的慢炖锅 slow cooker炖药材用 一只猫   (157 bytes , 96reads )
已出 一只猫   (0 bytes , 76reads )
全新bath support kimihuang   (139 bytes , 73reads )
Lamaze Taf Sozzy toys lot 溪溪   (566 bytes , 76reads )
4个月吃的米糊 溪溪   (125 bytes , 63reads )
Naraya Diaper Kit 一只猫   (198 bytes , 86reads )
一只猫   (50 bytes , 68reads )
图片 一只猫   (80 bytes , 67reads )
便宜转全新 Medela Calma奶嘴 乔巴巴小姐   (216 bytes , 80reads )
游泳池 hattie   (114 bytes , 78reads )
philips 新安怡电动单边吸奶器,DAKOTA自取50出 jojoyy   (177 bytes , 88reads )
继续降,40出啦。 jojoyy   (0 bytes , 85reads )
继续降,40出啦。 jojoyy   (0 bytes , 84reads )
下奶茶 youyuo   (91 bytes , 80reads )
欧姆龙额温计 youyuo   (105 bytes , 78reads )
juicy couture 包屁衣 youyuo   (79 bytes , 68reads )
有兴趣 波丽路仙桃   (14 bytes , 71reads )
不好意思才看到消息 youyuo   (16 bytes , 77reads )
增强免疫力的 波丽路仙桃   (53 bytes , 82reads )
亲,给个联系方式 GreenDragon   (14 bytes , 68reads )
bath support 波丽路仙桃   (52 bytes , 74reads )
step2 救火车 波丽路仙桃   (80 bytes , 86reads )
波丽路仙桃   (50 bytes , 78reads )
y bike 平衡车 波丽路仙桃   (66 bytes , 87reads )
宝妈,我要这个,可以周末去vivocity拿 旺旺牛奶   (17 bytes , 71reads )
好的 你短我电话 波丽路仙桃   (0 bytes , 69reads )
自行车 波丽路仙桃   (70 bytes , 73reads )