所在版块:家有儿女 发贴时间:2021-12-06 08:30

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3. Receive result notification
If your child is selected for the Gifted Education Programme (GEP), you will receive notification via email from the Gifted Education Branch (GEB) on Wednesday, 8 December 2021. That email will also invite you to join the briefing for parents on the morning of Friday, 10 December 2021.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
【读书治学】GEP第二轮结果 泽恩以恒   (45 bytes , 4058reads )
友圈里已经晒得不亦乐乎了~~ 小馋牛   (42 bytes , 15reads )
我自己同事小组就三四个… 凡人   (0 bytes , 25reads )
我朋友圈人不多,娃小三的就那么几个 小馋牛   (50 bytes , 16reads )
以后这些小朋友上学时候在学校是同学 love962397   (24 bytes , 21reads )
哈哈是啊~ 小馋牛   (38 bytes , 18reads )
110个也太疯狂了 Boring1980   (89 bytes , 40reads )
TLL是the learning lab吗 tsingazure   (31 bytes , 21reads )
TLL感觉怎么样哈 小馋牛   (196 bytes , 28reads )
英文课程不错,鼓励阅读 Boring1980   (58 bytes , 45reads )
多谢分享哈,不过可能不适合我家 小馋牛   (131 bytes , 16reads )
那一定是鼎鼎大名的OTE吧 janebuma   (0 bytes , 35reads )
其实也就400个小朋友哈 泽恩以恒   (21 bytes , 25reads )
刚刚收到GEP第二轮结果email 嘎哈嘎哈嘎哈   (144 bytes , 36reads )
恭喜恭喜 泽恩以恒   (12 bytes , 15reads )
谢谢 嘎哈嘎哈嘎哈   (30 bytes , 10reads )
也收到邮件了,没说school posting Boring1980   (33 bytes , 20reads )
恭喜恭喜啊 泽恩以恒   (24 bytes , 15reads )
弥陀 Boring1980   (46 bytes , 26reads )
弥陀有几个过的 泽恩以恒   (28 bytes , 18reads )
收到第二封email Boring1980   (147 bytes , 26reads )
最新消息8号Email出2轮结果,10号家长课程briefing 嘎哈嘎哈嘎哈   (317 bytes , 26reads )
厉害了 泽恩以恒   (7 bytes , 17reads )
过了后可以填5所学校。 jgzn   (90 bytes , 23reads )
涨知识了 泽恩以恒   (28 bytes , 80reads )
不是直接分配 DonnieMum   (18 bytes , 27reads )
还没出来吧 嘎哈嘎哈嘎哈   (45 bytes , 26reads )