所在版块:家有儿女 发贴时间:2023-02-24 15:42  评分:

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PART 1 经典儿童文学, 来源wiki搜索
X aesop's fables 伊索寓言
X arabian nights 一千零一夜(纯洁版)
X robinson crusoe 鲁滨逊漂流记
X gulliver's travels 格列佛游记
swiss family robinson
X the nutcracker and the mouse king 胡桃夹子
X the legend of sleepy hollow 断头谷
X grimm's fairy tales 格林童话(纯洁版)
X hans christian andersen fairy tales 安徒生童话(非变态版)
X alice's adventures in wonderland 爱丽丝梦游仙境
the princess and the goblin
X black beauty 黑骏马
X the adventures of pinocchio 匹诺曹历险记
X the merry adventures of robin hood 罗宾汉
X treasure island 金银岛
X heidi 阿尔卑斯山的少女
X king solomon's mines 所罗门王的宝藏
the happy prince and other tales 王尔德的儿童文学
X the jungle book 丛林之书
X moonfleet
X the wonderful wizard of oz 绿野仙踪
X 中国神话,西游记,封神榜
X 希腊神话(纯洁版)
bud, not buddy 2000
a year down yonder 2001
X last stop on market street 2016
X the girl who drank the moon 2017
X hello, universe 2018
X merci suarez changes gears 2019
X new kid 2020
X when you trap a tiger 2021
the last cuentista 2022




  five children and it  
X the tale of peter rabbit
X kind arthur and his knights
the railway children
X white fang 白牙,jack london代表作
anne of green gables
the wind in the wollows 柳林风声
X peter and wendy 小飞侠
tarzan 人猿泰山
the lost world 柯南道尔的科幻作品
the story of doctor dolittle 怪医杜立德
the voyages of doctor dolittle 怪医杜立德2
the velveteen rabbit
X mary poppins 魔法保姆
X ballet shoes
X the little prince 小王子
X stuart little 精灵鼠小弟
I capture the castle
X charlotte's web 夏洛特的网
X james and the giant peach 罗纳德童话系列
X charlie and the chocolate 查理和巧克力工厂
X the BFG 罗纳德童话系列
X matilda 罗纳德童话系列
a wrinkle in time 时间之纹
the iron man
when hitler stole pink rabbit
bridge to terabithia
X the indian in the cupboard 橱柜奇兵
X war horse 战马,第一次世界大战缩影
X the sheep-pig 小猪贝贝
howl's moving castle 哈尔的移动城堡
X madame doubtfire 窈窕奶爸
X artemis fowl 阿特米斯
X percy jackson 希腊神话现代版
the hunger games 饥饿游戏
his dark materials
the giver
inkheart 墨水心
the invention of hugo cabret



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