贴一下我老公的reference letter
所在版块:家有儿女 发贴时间:2023-04-10 21:10  更多评分:

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Suba is trustworthy, hardworking and reliable helper. She speaks good English, has a cheerful personality and will ask questions if she isn’t sure of our instructions. She has done a great job looking after our house chores and our two children; we are very happy with her performance.
My new job has recently offered me a more flexible working hours option which given me a choice of enrolling our children to after-school learning program which we believe it will be a good learning experience for them. This decision unfortunately means Suba will be looking for another employer as our children will not need to be taken care of after school.
Suba can cook the recipes we provide and is good at preparing several cuisines including Chinese ones which are her expertise. She can be trusted with grocery shopping and running errands and keeps our house clean. She keeps our house plants healthy and takes good care of our pet fish too. I know I can count on Suba and I would not hesitate to recommend her to any new employer. I am happy to be contacted by email or phone for further references.

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