Thank you very much for your kind reply and we've feedbacked your issue to our IT department, they'll repair it as soon as possible.
For the wrong price, Yes, it should be responsible by ezbuy. We'll contact to the relevnat department handle it.
For our relevant hotline customer service colleague, we'll feedback to the relevangt department to look into the issue carefully and try to service you more professional, helpful and kind in the future.
To overcome the bug/problem, we'll accept your suggestions sincerely, while removing the item from prime list, our relevant department will consider it carefully because other customers might like it and need it, also, if the seller's repution is good, as our cooprated sellers, we might not remove it in haste, seeking your kind understanding.
We've added 500 credits to you specially, please check it in your account and please trust us that we'll try our best to provide you a better service.
Buyer Today:
Thank you for your reply. And thanks for the credit.
I don't think I will use ezbuy service anymore in future after current deal complete.
I have done my part.hope it will benefit those people who will continue use the service.