Singapore Xiangqi Activities till Dec 2007
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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2007-07-25 11:42:55  楼主  关注此帖
Singapore Xiangqi Activities till Dec 2007

2007 8 月 义顺南象棋团体赛 (?) (4 to 6 team ?)

2007 9 月 象棋总会筹款个人赛 (9月1 & 2日)

2007 9 月 哥南亚逸乐龄中心象棋会3周年会庆象棋团体友谊赛 (9月8日) (6 teams)

2007 9 月 2007年雅柏广场团体赛 (9月23日) (10 teams)

2007 10 / 11 月 象总 :世界杯与第二屆亞洲室內運動會象棋项目:

2007 11 月 白沙东象棋团体赛 (11月18日) (10 teams)

2007 12 月 象总 :第13届亞洲杯个人赛〔印尼〕
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作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2007-07-25 12:20:07  2楼
怎样报名?象棋总会筹款个人赛 (9月1 & 2日)
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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2007-07-25 14:09:26  3楼
怎样报名?象棋总会筹款个人赛 (9月1 & 2日)
Need to get a donation card at SIXGA and get donation from ....
friends and relatives, at least $50, ......

Btw, do not know the method of the 象棋总会筹款个人赛 (9月1 & 2日), could be 20 minutes knock-out system, should have more details after their EXCO meeting tomorrow night.

SIXGA opening hours :

Friday -- 7 pm to 10 pm.

Saturday & Sunday -- 2 pm to 10 pm.

Tel -- 6259-0984
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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2007-08-20 06:28:15  4楼 评分:
怎样报名?象棋总会筹款个人赛 (9月1 & 2日)
象棋总会筹款个人赛 (9月1 & 2日) Schedule

15 minutes + 5 seconds per move.

9月1日 Saturday 3 pm to 10 pm

5-round swiss pairing system to select Top 8.

9月2日 Sunday 12:30 pm to 6:30 pm

3-round knock-out system for the Top 8.

SIXGA opening hours :

Friday -- 7 pm to 10 pm.

Saturday & Sunday -- 2 pm to 10 pm.

Tel -- 6259-0984
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作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2007-08-20 18:40:49  5楼
象棋总会筹款个人赛 (9月1 & 2日) Schedule 15 minutes + 5 seconds per move. 9月1日 Saturday 3 pm to 10 pm 5-round swiss pairing system to select Top 8. 9月2日 Sunday 12:30 pm to 6:30 pm 3-round knock-out system for the Top 8. SIXGA opening hours : Friday -- 7 pm to 10 pm. Saturday & Sunday -- 2 pm to 10 pm. Tel -- 6259-0984
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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2007-08-20 18:53:50  6楼
I heard that all participants of 2007 Groups A & B will be invited ......
in addition, others need to get donation of at least $50, please call SIXGA at 62590984 to find out the details.
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作者:陶菲克 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:10) 发表:2007-08-22 11:37:28  7楼
象棋总会筹款个人赛 (9月1 & 2日) Schedule 15 minutes + 5 seconds per move. 9月1日 Saturday 3 pm to 10 pm 5-round swiss pairing system to select Top 8. 9月2日 Sunday 12:30 pm to 6:30 pm 3-round knock-out system for the Top 8. SIXGA opening hours : Friday -- 7 pm to 10 pm. Saturday & Sunday -- 2 pm to 10 pm. Tel -- 6259-0984
Only for invited participants ??
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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2007-08-22 15:54:37  8楼
Only for invited participants ??
need donation of at least $50, call SIXGA at 62590984 for details..
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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2007-09-01 17:54:51  9楼
象棋总会筹款个人赛 (9月1 & 2日) Schedule 15 minutes + 5 seconds per move. 9月1日 Saturday 3 pm to 10 pm 5-round swiss pairing system to select Top 8. 9月2日 Sunday 12:30 pm to 6:30 pm 3-round knock-out system for the Top 8. SIXGA opening hours : Friday -- 7 pm to 10 pm. Saturday & Sunday -- 2 pm to 10 pm. Tel -- 6259-0984
Too late for 几度 to join.......
52 players for this event, 3 rounds played in the afternoon, 2 more rounds from 7 pm.

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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2007-09-01 21:45:19  10楼 评分:
Ranking after First 5 Rounds on 1 Sep -- 象棋总会筹款个人赛
Top 8 will move into Phase 2 Knock out system on 2 Sep 2007, Sunday starting 12:30 pm :

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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2007-09-02 07:19:13  11楼
Ranking after First 5 Rounds on 1 Sep -- 象棋总会筹款个人赛Top 8 will move into Phase 2 Knock out system on 2 Sep 2007, Sunday starting 12:30 pm : (more...)
what the top 8 will get, .......
Since this is 筹款赛, we should not pay attention to the cash prize, at least the top 8 will get a trophy each lah .... Anyway, for those who still want to know, ...

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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2007-09-02 16:26:22  12楼
Ranking after First 5 Rounds on 1 Sep -- 象棋总会筹款个人赛Top 8 will move into Phase 2 Knock out system on 2 Sep 2007, Sunday starting 12:30 pm : (more...)
Final Results -- 象棋总会筹款个人赛

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作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2007-09-03 10:53:05  13楼
Ranking after First 5 Rounds on 1 Sep -- 象棋总会筹款个人赛Top 8 will move into Phase 2 Knock out system on 2 Sep 2007, Sunday starting 12:30 pm : (more...)
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作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2007-09-03 11:04:00  14楼
Final Results -- 象棋总会筹款个人赛 (more...)
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作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2007-09-03 11:05:31  15楼
Too late for 几度 to join....... 52 players for this event, 3 rounds played in the afternoon, 2 more rounds from 7 pm. (more...)
几度only join when there are odd number of players???
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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2007-09-03 11:27:50  16楼
Yes, 前4强 stayed after Round 6, i.e. the 1st Round of Knock out system ...
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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2007-09-03 11:29:19  17楼
几度only join when there are odd number of players???
could be communication breakdown for this time !?
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作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2007-09-03 12:29:49  18楼
Yes, 前4强 stayed after Round 6, i.e. the 1st Round of Knock out system ...
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作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2007-09-03 12:32:35  19楼
could be communication breakdown for this time !?
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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2007-09-03 14:04:30  20楼
No lah, this time I registered quite early .....
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