2011年 “精彩一百” 新加坡全国赛(A组第7到9轮,B组第8到10轮)
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作者:Einstein (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:56) 发表:2011-07-07 17:50:41  161楼
Some wisdom... ...
Have not login for many days but came to realised there is some minor 'commotion' here.

Firstly, let me congratulate all the top 8 players for playing well and achieving good results in the Nationals. Notably, XBD has once again demonstrated his strength as a GM (having lost one game to bounce back to win the rest and drew one). GM Ng also did well, though he fell back by half a point, one can also tell he is also a very strong player (S'pore's Tai Shan Bei Dou) from the games we saw. Short of saying, some of younger players like Liao also performed remarkably well.

On the posts, I saw some caustic remarks involving BLS, XBD, JiDu squabbling over performances, challenges and other comments. Let me say something. I think we should not let the spirit of the sport be dampened by comments made by individuals. Chess, like any other sports, is just a game to test and compete the strength of individual against others and oneself. Luck, skills, form, fate, strength play a part in the outcome of the end result, and so it doesn't matter how one fared against another. It is a learning and growing process, like one's xiu1 yang3, either it gets better as one progresses or it becomes rotten over time.

Moving on, S'pore is extremely a small community compared to giants like China or Vietnam. We are always facing resource constraints henceforth players here have to stay united and improve among ourselves in order to achieve better results. Please stop all the animousity and let's move on, enjoy the game and to get together more often for good games. Steady?

Last but not least, I will also like to congratulate those players who had participated in A & B group for the first time and doing relatively well. For those who never meet their desired target, dont give up, there are more good years to come.
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作者:Einstein (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:56) 发表:2011-07-07 17:55:16  162楼
谢谢大家的支持!谢谢朋友们的鼓励和支持! 谢谢一刀n断的现场支持! 谢谢火影兄的鼓励! 谢谢爱因斯坦的激将法! 谢谢每轮的对手们赛后复盘给我的指导! 太多的感谢!
Haha....Cabbage.....u good!
But you got me wrong, i did to spike you or anything. There is really nothing personal but sometimes i just dont like people to pretend to be humble or try to boast. I m just being straight.

In anyway, congratulation on your promotion and hope you will do well in future competitions. Actions are always louder than words! (As for me, i am just a minority who play normal chess for hobby so wont get to play you ^_^)
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作者:Einstein (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:56) 发表:2011-07-07 17:57:12  163楼
Yeah, they did well & hopefully they will spp xiangzone & play grp A next year!
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作者:火影 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:292) 发表:2011-07-07 19:22:56  164楼
用很久以前I-chess 的计算法。


Step3:按棋手得分率,给与 A+offset (B)。比方说 A 为2200,棋手得分率为75%,那offset=200分。B=2200+200=2400。

Step4:用Step3算到的B 变成A',然后feedback回Step2 后iterate 再算出Step3 的 B'。B'就是Performance Rating。

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作者:火影 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:292) 发表:2011-07-07 19:33:47  165楼
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作者:bls (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:222) 发表:2011-07-07 22:05:02  166楼
I can't play with you.
Thanks for inviting to play with me but I have retired from playing. I just like to talk nonsense here and there.

Even if I were to play with you, I am currently low form and rusty. If you beat me, it is because I am low form. If you lose to me, it is because you are either at lower form or you are simple too weak. It is not fair for me to play with you when I am low form.
Hehe sorry friend, just a lousy joke.
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作者:bls (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:222) 发表:2011-07-07 22:14:11  167楼
我第一次自评 =) ---------------------------------------------------- 标题: 赛事: 2011全国赛 日期: 23/6/2011 地点: 象棋总会 红方: 黄俊铭 黑方: 黄荣岳 结果: 和棋 评论: 黄荣岳 作者: ---------------------------------------------------- 1. 相三进五 ………… 2008年全国赛甲组第七轮,俊铭先手对我。在只许胜的情况下,他选择了攻击力较少的进马局,准备与我斗中残,结果和棋遗憾地与半决赛无缘。这回,在吴特大上一轮意外失手的情况下,我估计俊铭应该会全力以赴,拿下这轮,为夺冠埋下坚实的基础。因此比赛前一晚,我特地准备了一些对抗他较喜爱的中跑七路马的布局。当他走了一步相三进五时,我又是惊讶,又是惊喜。虽然前晚的功课完全用不上,但对付飞相这种较为柔性的布局我也比较有信心。因此,我走了较为熟悉的挺7卒。 1. ………… 卒7进1 2. 兵七进一 马8进7 3. 马八进七 马2进1 4. 车九进一 象7进5 5. 车九平四 车1进1 6. 车四进五 车9进1 7. 炮二平四 炮2平4 8. 马二进四 炮8平9 针对性的一步棋,为以后相持的局面有个炮打边兵的选择。 9. 马七进六 ………… 俊铭走了这步之后,我猜想他一定 (more...)
Nice Game! Just one question.
Move 26 can change to 卒9进1?
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作者:九阳真经 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:19) 发表:2011-07-07 22:33:01  168楼
I can't play with you.Thanks for inviting to play with me but I have retired from playing. I just like to talk nonsense here and there. Even if I were to play with you, I am currently low form and rusty. If you beat me, it is because I am low form. If you lose to me, it is because you are either at lower form or you are simple too weak. It is not fair for me to play with you when I am low form. Hehe sorry friend, just a lousy joke.
haha no problem,you're humble
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作者:bls (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:222) 发表:2011-07-07 22:49:40  169楼
I be honest.
You guys seriously think I going to say something negative? No lah, this batch is slightly better than the last 2 batches, but still lose to the 2 batch in 2009 (Leow and Hou champ batch).
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作者:洛三儿 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:184) 发表:2011-07-07 23:06:11  170楼
I can't play with you.Thanks for inviting to play with me but I have retired from playing. I just like to talk nonsense here and there. Even if I were to play with you, I am currently low form and rusty. If you beat me, it is because I am low form. If you lose to me, it is because you are either at lower form or you are simple too weak. It is not fair for me to play with you when I am low form. Hehe sorry friend, just a lousy joke.

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作者:黄黄 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:4) 发表:2011-07-07 23:14:15  171楼
Nice Game! Just one question.Move 26 can change to 卒9进1?
Also can
At that point of time, I just wanted to trap his car and not it out so didnt think of eating the pawn. But if eat the pawn, 炮9+4 would be better as it threatens the centre pawn immediately and also offers the option to 沉底.
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作者:SG-Reporter (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:1988) 发表:2011-07-08 02:17:33  172楼
你是说,单马对单士 对你是挑战么?
相对,单车对马双士 对中级棋手是挑战(用时10分钟)。

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作者:xiaobeidou (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:321) 发表:2011-07-08 11:29:28  173楼
我第一次自评 =) ---------------------------------------------------- 标题: 赛事: 2011全国赛 日期: 23/6/2011 地点: 象棋总会 红方: 黄俊铭 黑方: 黄荣岳 结果: 和棋 评论: 黄荣岳 作者: ---------------------------------------------------- 1. 相三进五 ………… 2008年全国赛甲组第七轮,俊铭先手对我。在只许胜的情况下,他选择了攻击力较少的进马局,准备与我斗中残,结果和棋遗憾地与半决赛无缘。这回,在吴特大上一轮意外失手的情况下,我估计俊铭应该会全力以赴,拿下这轮,为夺冠埋下坚实的基础。因此比赛前一晚,我特地准备了一些对抗他较喜爱的中跑七路马的布局。当他走了一步相三进五时,我又是惊讶,又是惊喜。虽然前晚的功课完全用不上,但对付飞相这种较为柔性的布局我也比较有信心。因此,我走了较为熟悉的挺7卒。 1. ………… 卒7进1 2. 兵七进一 马8进7 3. 马八进七 马2进1 4. 车九进一 象7进5 5. 车九平四 车1进1 6. 车四进五 车9进1 7. 炮二平四 炮2平4 8. 马二进四 炮8平9 针对性的一步棋,为以后相持的局面有个炮打边兵的选择。 9. 马七进六 ………… 俊铭走了这步之后,我猜想他一定 (more...)

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作者:bin:) (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:37) 发表:2011-07-08 12:17:27  174楼
八强赛第2局:卷心菜 先胜 任我行v2八强赛第2局:卷心菜 先胜 任我行v2 (more...)


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作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2011-07-08 13:23:37  175楼
卷心菜很强大。后来拆棋的时候说,最后黑上士。 如果红进车抓士,黑车将军换车。 换了车也是红胜吧。
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作者:一刀n断 (等级:20 - 华新元老,发帖:9771) 发表:2011-07-08 19:35:07  176楼
这两位帅哥。。一胖一瘦。。。差不多每轮看到他们。。。为什么没参加呢? (more...)
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作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2011-07-09 01:24:33  177楼
Haha....Cabbage.....u good!But you got me wrong, i did to spike you or anything. There is really nothing personal but sometimes i just dont like people to pretend to be humble or try to boast. I m just being straight. In anyway, congratulation on your promotion and hope you will do well in future competitions. Actions are always louder than words! (As for me, i am just a minority who play normal chess for hobby so wont get to play you ^_^)
Actions are always louder than words!
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作者:荣猫 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:1) 发表:2011-07-09 23:58:38  178楼 评分:
我第一次自评 =) ---------------------------------------------------- 标题: 赛事: 2011全国赛 日期: 23/6/2011 地点: 象棋总会 红方: 黄俊铭 黑方: 黄荣岳 结果: 和棋 评论: 黄荣岳 作者: ---------------------------------------------------- 1. 相三进五 ………… 2008年全国赛甲组第七轮,俊铭先手对我。在只许胜的情况下,他选择了攻击力较少的进马局,准备与我斗中残,结果和棋遗憾地与半决赛无缘。这回,在吴特大上一轮意外失手的情况下,我估计俊铭应该会全力以赴,拿下这轮,为夺冠埋下坚实的基础。因此比赛前一晚,我特地准备了一些对抗他较喜爱的中跑七路马的布局。当他走了一步相三进五时,我又是惊讶,又是惊喜。虽然前晚的功课完全用不上,但对付飞相这种较为柔性的布局我也比较有信心。因此,我走了较为熟悉的挺7卒。 1. ………… 卒7进1 2. 兵七进一 马8进7 3. 马八进七 马2进1 4. 车九进一 象7进5 5. 车九平四 车1进1 6. 车四进五 车9进1 7. 炮二平四 炮2平4 8. 马二进四 炮8平9 针对性的一步棋,为以后相持的局面有个炮打边兵的选择。 9. 马七进六 ………… 俊铭走了这步之后,我猜想他一定 (more...)
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作者:丹戎巴葛居民 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:500) 发表:2011-07-10 05:05:49  179楼 评分:
象总网站已公布全部四组排名, 下个月甘榜格南个人赛 。。。。 象总网站已公布全部四组排名 http://www.xiangqi.sg/ ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2011甘榜格南个人赛(乙级或以下) -- 14、21 Aug 2011 我可代交表格 (24 July 2011 或之前) 共八轮、一天四轮。 45 分钟定时制 2 pm to 9 pm 甘榜格南C.C. 报名截止日期为 31/7/2011。
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作者:一刀n断 (等级:20 - 华新元老,发帖:9771) 发表:2011-07-10 13:29:16  180楼
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