华新用户资料 --- iAcademy
真名iAcademy 生日2011-11-10 
籍贯/出生地 所在学校NTU 
发帖次数12 在线时间8.5小时
用户等级2 - 初出茅庐积分(经验值)200 
财富指数182 华新币 
头像签名档http://iAcademySg.com - Professional Career/Job Skills Academy in Singapore!
iAcademy is a Singapore company providing professional job/career skills academy and consultation. iAcademy trainers are passionate in sharing knowledge and has a love for teaching. Our team's experience in training began as early as 2010. We are committed to equip you with skills and ability you have not learn in your Education Life, we are here all the way to enable you to succeed in your Career. Programs Provided: English Conversation/Resume/Cover Letter/Successful Interviews/Microsoft Office Skills/Programming Languages/Network Through LinkedIn


我的最猛十贴 (非0byte)
帖子标题 花花 发表于
Effective English Conversation at Workplace - Free Preview  2011-11-14 22:31
Recruitment - Part Time Trainer Wanted  2011-11-13 15:53
Recruitment - Part Time Trainer Wanted!  2011-11-12 14:27
Recruitment - Part Time Trainers Needed  2011-11-10 22:07
当然是去面试啊,这个没有什么好烦恼的。  2011-11-10 11:36
面试就是面试,还是要珍惜每一次机会  2011-11-10 11:29