It's true that nowadays in Singapore, some of the Chinese immigrants are behaving discourteously and showing off their wealth with arrogance especially for those second-rich generation. However, they cannot represent the whole Chinese immigrants group. In fact, they also have been widely condemned in China and cannot represent mainland Chinese either. Many Singaporeans now keep focusing on the minorities’ bad behaviors, and consequently generated a sense of anti-Chinese instead of condemning the minority Chinese. Moreover, you have no idea how those rich Chinese contribute to your economy. Have you ever checked about the consumption taxes of the luxury stores in Singapore where immense rich Chinese are frittering away their wealth? Do you know how much money they have been given to the government, to the communities, to Singaporeans and to you through taxes? Everything has tow edges. I didn’t intend to condescend to locals but I hope Singaporeans can be more rational and thoughtful and stop criticizing the innocent majority Chinese because we are actually at a same position of being disgusted of the rich-and-proud minority Chinese.
Someone stated that Singaporeans have been enjoying peace with all the different nationalities for years until recently when the number of Chinese in Singapore started to increase rapidly. Everything would've been fine until Singaporeans realize that many Chinese bring not only their bad habits, they bring also along the savagery that has been ravaging China for years into Singapore. In Singapore’s short history, in order to maintain the muti-racial and muti-religious society, Singaporeans had been fought very hard to achieve that goal. There were many riots and strifes during that period of time which are much more serious than the immigrant troubles you are facing now. But now many locals are just superficially blaming Chinese immigrants for contaminating the virtue of the Singaporean instead of being rational and find the root of the problem and try to solve.
I don’t know whether the economical crisis happend in 2008 lead to the recession of the economy made some Singaporeans unhappy and try to find a target to blame on or those more competitive foreign talents took away their jobs and made them feel resentful towards Chinese, yet many Singaporeans started to find dozen of reasons to blame on Chinese. I think we all agree that lifeless faultless---everyone has their demerits or some habits which are unacceptable by some other racial. In Singapore, people have been living together for the decades before many mainland Chinese came, and hence they have cultivated the consensus of local living style, so, many locals don’t accept Chinese’s. Not only Chines, Singaporeans also have many bad habits, they only thing different is that Singaporeans have got used to theirs with each other.
Someone said that If I want to be respected, then do something that will make myself be respected. Respect is earned and not commanded. But have I done any thing which offended the mid-age lady that day I met on the bus? I stepped on the bus and she started cursing. I even bored with arguing with such superficial person but it is very obvious that who is disrespectful. I did not know if her jobs had taken by foreign talents or she is just so narrow-minded towards foreigners. That day she spoke to me with her sallow opinion was really funny and I made a gallant attempt not to laughing. The rude remarks from that NUS undergraduate and the Ferrari accident indeed caused many resentments towards those arrogant Chinese but there is no significance to consider these as the disrespectfulness from the whole Chinese immigrants towards your country. In the time of anxiety, it’s easy to point your figure to blames on others, and that is what many Singaporeans are doing right now.
By the way, many Singaporeans are understandably proud of their English especially when they are facing Chinese because I guess that may be the only few things they can be proud of.
It's true that nowadays in Singapore, some of the Chinese immigrants are behaving discourteously and showing off their wealth with arrogance especially for those second-rich generation. However, they cannot represent the whole Chinese immigrants group. In fact, they also have been widely condemned in China and cannot represent mainland Chinese either. Many Singaporeans now keep focusing on the minorities’ bad behaviors, and consequently generated a sense of anti-Chinese instead of condemning the minority Chinese. Moreover, you have no idea how those rich Chinese contribute to your economy. Have you ever checked about the consumption taxes of the luxury stores in Singapore where immense rich Chinese are frittering away their wealth? Do you know how much money they have been given to the government, to the communities, to Singaporeans and to you through taxes? Everything has tow edges. I didn’t intend to condescend to locals but I hope Singaporeans can be more rational and thoughtful and stop criticizing the innocent majority Chinese because we are actually at a same position of being disgusted of the rich-and-proud minority Chinese.
Someone stated that Singaporeans have been enjoying peace with all the different nationalities for years until recently when the number of Chinese in Singapore started to increase rapidly. Everything would've been fine until Singaporeans realize that many Chinese bring not only their bad habits, they bring also along the savagery that has been ravaging China for years into Singapore. In Singapore’s short history, in order to maintain the muti-racial and muti-religious society, Singaporeans had been fought very hard to achieve that goal. There were many riots and strifes during that period of time which are much more serious than the immigrant troubles you are facing now. But now many locals are just superficially blaming Chinese immigrants for contaminating the virtue of the Singaporean instead of being rational and find the root of the problem and try to solve.
I don’t know whether the economical crisis happend in 2008 lead to the recession of the economy made some Singaporeans unhappy and try to find a target to blame on or those more competitive foreign talents took away their jobs and made them feel resentful towards Chinese, yet many Singaporeans started to find dozen of reasons to blame on Chinese. I think we all agree that lifeless faultless---everyone has their demerits or some habits which are unacceptable by some other racial. In Singapore, people have been living together for the decades before many mainland Chinese came, and hence they have cultivated the consensus of local living style, so, many locals don’t accept Chinese’s. Not only Chines, Singaporeans also have many bad habits, they only thing different is that Singaporeans have got used to theirs with each other.
Someone said that If I want to be respected, then do something that will make myself be respected. Respect is earned and not commanded. But have I done any thing which offended the mid-age lady that day I met on the bus? I stepped on the bus and she started cursing. I even bored with arguing with such superficial person but it is very obvious that who is disrespectful. I did not know if her jobs had taken by foreign talents or she is just so narrow-minded towards foreigners. That day she spoke to me with her sallow opinion was really funny and I made a gallant attempt not to laughing. The rude remarks from that NUS undergraduate and the Ferrari accident indeed caused many resentments towards those arrogant Chinese but there is no significance to consider these as the disrespectfulness from the whole Chinese immigrants towards your country. In the time of anxiety, it’s easy to point your figure to blames on others, and that is what many Singaporeans are doing right now.
By the way, many Singaporeans are understandably proud of their English especially when they are facing Chinese because I guess that may be the only few things they can be proud of.