don't worry!古人云:精满则自溢.
就是因为你长时间没有让你的虫虫跑出来而里面的空间有限,虫虫多了自然就自己跑出来了!that's nomal!
hey, thanks man!
nice explanation. 但是我问题的关键是, 它是在我没有做梦,毫不知情的情况下发生的, 如果不是起床后感觉到的话...你有类似经验???
我不知道我脑子里为什么有"滑精"这个词, but it is really scary to think that i have any health problems of or even related to that kind.
我不知道我脑子里为什么有"滑精"这个词, but it is really scary to think that i have any health problems of or even related to that kind.