努力搜索记忆。。。如果你在国大的话,只考英语,数学,物理,南大好像还要考化学,我在国大上的bridging course,so 没有考化学。
物理的题不会很难,高中的知识只要你没有忘就应该可以,不过建议你复习物理的时候看英文的教材,了解一些单词,比如:force, veloctiy, speed, current, voltage.....,否则考试的时候可能会读不懂题目的意思。国大的物理还会有一些要你解释现象的题目,我记得很清楚我们当时的一道题,很有意思啦,大概是这样说的:There is a cup of hot coffee with the temperature 80'c and a cup of cold milk with the temperature 5'c. Before you drink, you can let the coffee cool down first and then add the cold milk in; or you can add the cold milk in first, and then let them cool down. So if you want to drink the coffee as soon as possible, which way are you going to choose?呵呵,数据是我自己编的。
英语嘛,没有什么特别要说的,现在多 (more...)
thank you~