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作者:sAviOr (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:5) 发表:2007-11-20 06:19:34  25楼  评分: 
第二轮对到白沙东(A)队,请几度帮忙解棋。此盘我执红,输得得好快,令我感到惊讶,不到5分钟。对方好像叫张勇,我也记不得了, 反正有个勇字。 请几度帮忙解拆,不知道我下错在那里。 估计是我贪吃兵的缘故。 1. 炮二平五 马8进7 2. 马二进三 车9平8 3. 兵七进一 卒7进1 4. 马八进七 炮8平9 5. 炮八进二 炮2平3 6. 马七进六 象3进5 7. 炮八平九 炮3平1 8. 炮九进三 马2进1 9. 马六进五 马7进5 10. 炮五进四 士4进5 11. 车一进一 车1平4 12. 车一平四 车8进3 13. 炮五退二 车4进7 14. 车九进二 车4平1 15. 相七进九 车8进4 16. 车四进一 卒7进1 17. 士四进五 卒7进1 18. 帅五平四 将5平4 19. 车四平六 将4平5 20. 车六平四 将5平4 21. 车四平六 将4平5 22. 车六平四 炮9退2 23. 车四平八 车8平7(红负)
Look at the development
Red up to move 12 has only effective got one cannon across the river, one H2+3 and one R1+1.
Compare that with black's development, I'd say, Red lost because of the lack of development of pieces in early stage.
Though I'm not a good player, I think this is basically how red lost, simply because he did not develop well.

Looking at 几度 game comments, I'd say read up to his move 9 and that's all. From move 12 onwards, it's really a downhill spiral already.

Move 7: I'd consider R1+1. It maintains a good overall position and development. Black would try H2+4, then red R1.4 or C5.6, C8+2(?). There's better balance this way. Hope that helps.
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