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作者:冰河 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:216) 发表:2009-10-17 00:12:30  楼主  关注此帖
去vivo的canon link跑了一圈,居然没有。哪位知道的指点一二,多多感谢。

还有那个配套的lens adaptor,佳能原配的塑料材料的,质感极差...有没有更好的推荐?

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作者:Kula (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:22073) 发表:2009-10-17 12:08:31  2楼
hmm.. cathy photo/ms color/orient photo?
and my suggestion is "do not buy the DSLR wanna be", it will fail u, sooner or later.

all the so-called wide-angle lens on this kind of camera are not wide at all. you cannot even achieve distortion.

How much is G9? add a few hundred and get a 500D if you really like Cannon,
or go for D5000 from Nikon.
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作者:冰河 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:216) 发表:2009-10-17 13:13:01  3楼
hmm.. cathy photo/ms color/orient photo?and my suggestion is "do not buy the DSLR wanna be", it will fail u, sooner or later. all the so-called wide-angle lens on this kind of camera are not wide at all. you cannot even achieve distortion. How much is G9? add a few hundred and get a 500D if you really like Cannon, or go for D5000 from Nikon.
I am a real beginner...
I cannot use a semi-professional camera like the one I have now (Canon G9) to its full power.

Will play around with G9 for a while before I decide if I am willing to invest ~k bucks on a true DSLR (and those ridiculously expensive lenses).

Thanks for your information and suggestion anyway.
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作者:Kula (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:22073) 发表:2009-10-19 19:43:32  4楼
I am a real beginner...I cannot use a semi-professional camera like the one I have now (Canon G9) to its full power. Will play around with G9 for a while before I decide if I am willing to invest ~k bucks on a true DSLR (and those ridiculously expensive lenses). Thanks for your information and suggestion anyway.
:) sure, pratice more :), go on and shoot is most important
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