补充1)如果大家想用giro, 就是自动付款的话,OCBC(iocbc), DBS(TDwaterhouse),和UOB(uobkayhian),只接受自己银行的户头转帐。所以如果你的资金大多在posb的话,比如说,你最好用DBS. POEMS 好像接受所有的银行的giro.
www.iocbc.com -- ocbc
www.dbstdwaterhouse.com -- DBC
www.uobkayhian.com -- UOB
4)DBS 是纯粹网上的broker,没有remisier(经纪人).
5) 一般不是本地人的话,要付押金,各个broker不一样。每个broker的规定也会变,一般在1000-5000左右吧。不过有时候碰到好的情况会通融通融, 我的一个朋友用uob的就没有付押金,因为他的交易量小,在3000左右。
6)可以通过ATM来打新股,但是要broker 的账户才可以卖掉。
8)对于已经在交易的朋友:在新加坡的交易,sgx, 卖空只能当天;这里用的是T+3, 所以contra要在第三天收盘前卖掉。
POEMS 接受任何银行的账号。
我在OCBC的contra period is T+5, i just open the account, he say OCBC usually give client T+5 days for contra, u can check with ur broker.
for the trading limit, u also can negotiate with ur broker, show that u r active with ur monthly account summary. they usually give u S$30K limit, but can increase gradually.
POEMS 接受任何银行的账号。
我在OCBC的contra period is T+5, i just open the account, he say OCBC usually give client T+5 days for contra, u can check with ur broker.
for the trading limit, u also can negotiate with ur broker, show that u r active with ur monthly account summary. they usually give u S$30K limit, but can increase gradually.